Meteorite Shower Hits Russia Injuring Over 1,000, as the strange events continue

As I said in my Audio blog..

As I said in my Audio blog..

This is night time. It lit  up the whole area for miles

This is night time. It lit up the whole area for miles



If this had hit a house?

If this had hit a house?

This happened for hours. Thousands injured

This happened for hours. Thousands injured

Could you imagine this all day?

I said in a LOT of Audio blogs and normal blogs that strange and unusual things were happening worldwide, today, Russia felt it

In this blog here Named “Asteroid 2012 DA14 – 15th February, close call!!”

I told everyone to watch out on the 15th, this obviously isn’t one large Asteroid; it is this asteroid field I spoke about. The tail end of E.L.E.N.I.N from last year. And there may be more to come.

If we want to talk about the Bible and the seven seals, what one would this be? I am not saying for a SECOND this is what is happening, but go through my blogs from the last two weeks, I said many times “There is something strange going on with our world” I talked about Volcanoes, Earthquakes, animal migration patterns being wrong, and the blog above, regarding today, on this Asteroid DA-14, seems it was more than a close call, and it is not over yet.

Keep looking up.

And keep reading blogs about these things. They are going to get worse!


Skype username ShaunGibson1888


20 responses to “Meteorite Shower Hits Russia Injuring Over 1,000, as the strange events continue

  1. Again, I have to laugh. “Strange” events such as asteroids, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods — name your event — have been happening since the beginning of time. And, the Earth is still here as is humankind. It is NOT the end of the world! The difference today is that we receive information instantaneously. These events SEEM to cause more damage and injury because there are more people, bigger cities, etc.

    I grew up during the Cold War — as children we were terrified the Russians were coming! “Duck and Cover” was a film shown in elementary schools — I believe it is on You Tube. It is a funny little movie and, yet, it scared us as children. Is the world a scarier place today than it was during the Cold War? I would suggest talking with respected and knowledgeable historians — NOT the doomsayers who perpetuate fear.

    What is important is to put these events into perspective. It is also imperative that we do not read into the stories of the Bible ideas that the authors did not intend. The books of the Bible are ancient, we are not. I do know the Bible. I do have incredible faith in God. I do NOT believe the end of the world is imminent.

    Jesus was an apocalyptist. What that means is that He believed in the end of the world as He knew it — NOT the end of the world. To put that into perspective — rather than believing an asteroid is going to destroy the world and end it, or we are going to have a nuclear holocaust that will destroy Earth, think in terms of how the world is changing.
    1) Globalization — because of the Internet, we have become one family. The speed in which technology has changed our lives is mind-boggling.
    2) Rather than most people knowing ONLY their native tongue, English has become the international language. Visit any country and many, if not most, of its citizens will know some English.
    3) Because of changes in immigration and globalization, more and more people are learning a foreign language — even those whose native language is English. In the USA, elementary schools are beginning to have immersion programs to teach children Chinese, Spanish, French, or some other language.
    4) Unlike when I was growing up, when most moms stayed home with their children, women, today, outnumber men in colleges and universities. Women are breaking through that glass ceiling.
    5) It may seem untrue, but the world is becoming more secular and less religious. It is only the loud, right-wing, ultra-conservative Christians who make it seem otherwise. It is those same people who have an end-of-the-world mentality.
    6) Global warming — while there is scientific evidence that humans have contributed to the weather changes, changes in weather patterns have been happening for eons. Remember the ice age? Then, it melted. Caused floods. The Earth has seen global warming in the past. It has seen several ice ages. It happens. It is not the end of the world — just the end as we know it.

    The world, as I knew it as a child in the 50s and 60s, is vastly different. Moms work outside the home, moms have careers where they may earn more than the dads, families are having fewer children, while some churches are filled on Sundays, others are losing members, people use “bad” language as if it is not “bad,” violence on television/movies/video games/internet — all you have to do is think back to the “Ozzie and Harriet” and “Leave it to Beaver” days to know how THAT world has come to an end. But, not THE world.

    As I said in answer to another of your posts, “Don’t worry, be happy!” It is NOT the end of the world.

    God bless . . . .

    • Hi thanks for the comments.
      I think you are perhaps mireading my blogs.
      I am not saying “End of the world”
      My partner and I just had two kids, it better not, lol

      I am posting “Stuff”
      Look no further than that mate.
      Also, many other religious people do think these are signs of the seals opening. I don’t know what to think.

      All I know is I did a blog last week, warning about the 15th and it happened. Listen to an Audio Blog..I am more Science than God. I can do both.

      I love your comments and you got a mention in one of my Audio blogs. As you know what you are talking about. I just think here. You are misreading.

      All I am saying is “Strange Events” I know where going to happen. That it twice now. Australian Earthquake and this Meteor shower based on reading up in science. The signs in Science are there.

      And no religious man or woman will know when the end of days is. Surely you can admit to this?

      Thanks again for the comments. I don’t think the world is ending. But strange things have been happening 3/4 years now. Volcanoes awaking after 10s of thousands of years, Earthquakes in the ring of fire. You can CLEARLY see the ring of fire here. It is the Pacific basin. Where is is flashing red, and up and down the western seaboard of the Americas. I believe in God, but I look to science also. Any religious person would still love me for it right? I hope so, or this is an unjust god. Love at all costs. Way I live.

      Thanks again for the comment and PLEASE, Keep replying, lets see what is happening here. I am “Sure” an “Event” is coming. Science is pointing to it.

      God Bless

  2. Looks like you were right Shaun, old bean. I honestly thought nothing out of the ordinary would happen, but there must be asteroid debris shooting about that I was not aware of. I hope it was just a one off, but to me it obvious that this is another piece of evidence that there is something up, if only with the information that we are being allowed to get. I still think we are being frightened into accepting something that has more to do with man made social manipulation than God’s plan. Again I’ve got to apologise and say you were spot on.
    I would like to carry on, but a family problem has intervened for the moment, you know how it is, but I hope to check in with you later on. It never rains but it pours.
    Catch you on the upside.

    • Sorry just noticed your 1st reply mate. As I said we are in the tail of E.L.E.N.I.N. A comet that was 0.300AU from Earth (AU is space distance) I hope this is all there was. But when this news broke, I was watching live and it was like something out of a film. The blog I did warning about the 15th, I in NO WAY thought anything would enter Earth, but NASA got this one wrong. There was more than just the big asteroid. Keep in mind, we will go through this again, depending on where the asteroid came from, if it came from the suns region we may pass through it again any time, if it came from the out edges of the solar system,, we will go through it again in a year, or 6 months, depending on where it went (I am really pushing the maths here, lol)


  3. I suppose if you are a devout believer of all the seven seals stuff then, “When the sixth of the seven seals is broken, a devastating earthquake occurs, causing massive upheaval and terrible devastation—along with unusual astronomical phenomena (Revelation 6:12-14).” –

    I suppose you could call these astronomical phenomena?

    • All I know is that is two events I called right, because I research. HARD! I also believe in God, I look at scripture from time to time and they sometimes add up with a Science paper I read. I don’t know what a religious church goer would think here.

      Thanks for your comments mate

  4. You know me I’ve had a wee sketch around YouTube, because the trail left in the air reminded me of something. I realise the astronomers say this is an unusual event in the world of the study of asteroids and meteorites and happens once in approximately ten years and that some scientists believe that it may have something to do with a debris field that is hanging about with the approaching ‘near-miss’ asteroid. But when I observed the trail across the sky, it reminded me very much of the Challenger and Columbia shuttle disasters. If you watch both tragedies, which I found difficult to watch, because people were dying in those fireballs, you will notice similarities in the trail left. That combined with the trail after the incident over Norway in December 2009, it looks sort of man me. Whatever it was it must have been going at some rate of knots and those were proper explosions too, not sonic booms I’ve heard jets go supersonic in the Highlands, maybe enough to break an already cracked piece of glass, but not enough to knock down walls or bring roofs down. I have also seen many shooting stars/meteors as they streak across the sky, none of them gave off that kind of light or left anything like a trail in the sky.
    After everything that has happened this week, as an old friend used to say whenever I had a cough or a cold,” I wouldn’t start any long books the now, you might no live to get to the end of it.” So it’s out with the Broons annual. Is it too late to start ordering stuff out the catalogue. Since it is looking likely I may no be here to keep the payments up, hahaha.

    • ha ha My dad used to say “Don’t start any big Jigsaws” when I was going to the Dr as a kid, superb banter.

      This is just a blog really, I am not saying the world is ending. I watched all the videos, and I also watched the one with the NASA shuttles. It was similar. The ones I seen today were like this one here mate.

      As said these are common events, they all are. But all at once, in a short space of time is what is getting me. I may not start that Jigsaw with my Daughter. lol

      Thanks for the comment again

  5. Brilliant, no big jigsaws, that’s the kind of humour that never fails to make me chuckle. I’ll tell you one thing Shaun, there has been a lot of queer things happened this winter, New York flooded, because of a hurricane, in fact the damage that the US has sustained from just the weather alone over the past year is pushing belief. You know I’m very science based, but how many coincidences have to happen before I get my rosaries out, I just don’t know. Although I still think someone, not supernatural, is trying to put the wind up us, so we will accept an agenda just for the sake of peace. Nice wee blog today, what got me was the brightness of the explosion. An enjoyable bit blether, catch you later, if there is a later, hahaha. Exit to the tune from the X Files, doo bee doo bee dooby…….

    • ha ha loving the banter.
      Yeah its just “Strange” I tire of hearing “But these things happen” – NOT ALL AT ONCE THEY DON’T! lol

      I just done an Audio blog, if this one doesn’t get debate going, I will the mexican lad’s hat in it. lol


      • Exactly, that was my point how regularly do these things have to happen, before I throw coincidence out the window? I’ve got agree the world is so much smaller, because of technology and news arrives more quickly and graphically than ever before, but there has been a lot of serious large natural events, the two tsunamis, the US being ripped apart by the weather and all sorts of other things are not just down to people catching it on modern technology. That has nothing to do with the violence and consistency of these events, which seems to have gained in momentum over the past few years.

      • What you just said there, hundreds, even thousands of people are starting to say. I am not saying anything other than “Something is going down” The Earth is changing, Science hasn’t a clue. Religion doesn’t know. and NASA are pointless and lie also.

        This video done by a VERY FAMOUS Rapper is helping

        People are getting pissed off and waking up.
        The “you wear a TinFoilhat” Crowd are in for a big shock soon. Education is EVERYTHING. As I said in Football blog, put me on ANY Football radio show, I out debate them all, with ease. As I research stuff


  6. My denomination (of Protestant Christianity) believes that these occurrences are symptoms of a deteriorating world.. heightened violence and corruption; more frequent, increasingly large-scale disasters, are indeed a sign of the end times.

    “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” Matthew 24:5-7 (NKJV)

    Not so much an apocalyptic destruction of the planet, but the return of Christ:

    “So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Hebrews 9:28 (NIV)

    …of course, not knowing the exact time that will be:

    “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.” 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 (NKJV)
    “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.” Matthew 25:12-14 (NKJV)

    I’m not trying to put forth an argument, or debate. Just sharing… meekly, as I’m not a theologian. =) I respect everyone’s right to believe differently than I do.

    Take care! – Laura

    • Good reply, and Laura, please debate is allowed. The scriputre you read there could be about now, it couod be in 1,000 years. I just read scripture, and see these seals being broken. “These things happen” is an answer many get who do look into this. But all this at the same time? That’s a hard sell. It urks me slightly when people say this isn’t the second coming/Rapture/End of days….as nobody knows. The only debate I put forward is “Things are getting very strange” and its a good debate. The world and heavans are showing signs. Thanks for the comment. Others know about religion/god etc more than I do, but I do research heavily, so I have a better understanding, so I can debate. Thanks, Shaun x

      • Shaun – I have, and do research, though I could do it more often, and more seriously, of course. 🙂 With my cognitive problems, I can’t remember what I’ve read ten years, or ten minutes ago, unfortunately, and I can’t think of ‘that word’ that I really need to use, or I often find the opposite one! haha

        In short.. yes, you’re correct. I see prophecy being fulfilled, and things -are- getting very strange. The world has been pushed to the breaking point, we’ve changed the climate, and polluted ourselves to catastrophe, and that’s just the beginning of it. It’s going to get worse, quickly. I don’t believe it will be 1000 years. I believe it could be more like in the next 10 years.

        My hubby’s interested in this now, though, and he will speak more intellectually about it. 🙂 – L

      • You speak intellectually enough yourself, lol.
        Sorry I didn’t know you had cognitive issues. So me bad.

        Your Partner like mine seems to be the sort that will help us debate and take our minds off issues. This is the reason I blog and do the Audio blogs. To stimulate debate. I don’t think I am right, I just post what I think, and then people come back and give me their opinions.

        Nobody will EVER agree 🙂 but I think its important, especially on here where there are so many great writers and thinkers that we stimulate debate. I would (As I said in my last Audio Blog) be in a hotel this weekend with Miss Shaun, or away for a meal, a drink, whatever, sadly I done my hip in, and now my left knee 3 hours ago. So I am having “One of them FRIKKING days” lol

        The support I get at home is superb, as it is online here with the people I help who help me back.

        Debate is good.


      • re: “The scriputre you read there could be about now, it couod be in 1,000 years.”

        That’s true, and that’s exactly the point of the mention that we won’t know when the end is coming in Matthew 24. We have been told that there will be signs, and yet also told that we won’t know when it is to happen. That’s a dichotomy that has always fascinated me.

        If we were to have absolute certainty about when the end was to occur, what would that change about how we behave? I think a case can be made that we would behave like fools right up until the appointed pre-known time.. and thus we would avoid doing a great amount of good for our fellow human beings in the interim.

        If we were to have no signs whatsoever to know that the time was (at least) approaching, what would that change about our behavior? I’m not so sure exactly. I think though, that the combination of knowledge THAT it will happen, but not knowledge of WHEN is somehow vital.

      • Great points. I think we you say “The Signs” This is where I am. I know “These things happen” But I am just at a stage now, and I am not alone in my thinking that there are many signs, or issues in our world right now. Large Earthquakes over 8.0 are on the up, Volcanoes worldwide that were dormant for many centuries are waking up, the temperature of the Earth’s weather cycles (For example the Gulf Stream) are all showing changes. Animals dying, (Like I say in my last Audio blog) Fish, Dolphins shoring in their thousands, Birds falling from the sky in their hundreds worldwide, migration patters changing with animals. Some fruit not growing at all last year all over the world. I have blogged all this with as much proof as I can, with links. So this is where I am. The meteor shower on its own was sad, and I hope everyone is ok, but add all these things together, we have “An Event” I debate well and hard (In great spirit and fun with many here on Skype, my add is ShaunGibson1888) And it is great fun debating.

        I respect everyone’s opinions and everyone’s replies. I don’t have to agree with all, and nobody has to agree with me. But its the fun in debate I love. I have over 200 Contacts added to Skype just from here!! It is an amazing thing.

        Reason I started this was for my disability, and my blogs just changed. I still blog about my disability from time to time. I am doing one as we speak about my Hip and my Knee I damaged today, and the reason it happened, most will laugh. I am in agony, but life is to short to feel sorry for one’s self, so I laugh and blog and debate and have fun. And my partner is 100% behind whoever I debate or speak to. Supportive to the last.

        Thanks a lot for your comments. And the time it took to write them. And I followed also, so I hope we can have fun and debate in the future.

        Thank you
        God Bless

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