The Greed Machine that keeps us all in pain


Right here goes….

Many who follow my blog will know I care, I give a shit, I am always nice, I try to help and I hope “hope” people can see I am just a lad with a keyboard in pain telling my story.

But time to say something that has been on my mind for years.

Greed! From the people who WE vote into power, when we vote, it is simple, we pick the person we feel that can and will make things better, sadly it is the same old story, history repeats itself over and over, no matter who we pick, we get thieves and lies and we lose more money

The illusion we have a say is JUST an illusion. When ANY politician wants to be the main man in his country, to be there for the people, to work for the people and make decisions to help the people, who funds them? Yeah banks, oil giants, and people with a vested interest in making more money.

So when the person they backed and gave millions to, to become president becomes president, really, ask yourself a SIMPLE question, who does that president or prime minister look after more? You? Me? no he looks after the people who gave him millions of pounds to help them into power.

Corporate greed at its very best, we are all being fooled into thinking the Prime Ministers and Presidents we vote into power give a shit about us, they don’t, and lets all stop pretending right now they do, they bail out the banks, they take the hit, they print money from fresh air and bend rules for their friends who gave them the money to put them into the position of power.

Yeah we vote, but that is as far as our say goes, once they are in power they don’t care. On a lead up to any election, be it American, Australian, Canada, Britain, Germany wherever, they are all over the TV willing to help, at your door and at times like this they do help, I got a my Bathroom fitted with things to help me with my disability on the lead up to the last election because I promised a vote, the local member or parliament sent a letter, and LIKE MAGIC the job got done. After the election that they won, they don’t answer the phone or reply to your letter, this is the stage these bastard liars stop giving a shit about us.


So please, if your eyes are not already open, open them now, if you don’t believe me, go research yourself. You are being used, yes you. Some say “Ahh what difference will my voice make” and this FUCKING ANNOYS me, why? Because welfare, housing, healthcare, education, and more gets put to one side as these people in suits cut more money to sectors that need it more, and the money gets put into this War machine. I have blogged before about this, but not with this passion, we MUST WAKE UP, WE MUST DO SOMETHING, Humanity begs us

Does this affect you directly? No, then don’t care, be ignorance, deny your ignorance also, but when the day comes, and it will you all of a sudden need care or help, you will find what I am writing now is true. So act now or pay later. Our world is filled with war, I ask again, name me countries not in War, at War or in civil War, this is a hard list. Did you  vote for War? Did you say “Yeah let’s go destroy all these countries so Halliburton can make millions more” I didn’t. Who said we could go and do this for oil, did you? I never

We are the 99% they are the 1%, we have the power, we have the voice, we own OUR PLANET sadly we fail to act, only a minority of us try, only a few do, like in the pictures in this blog.


The illusion has been created  that your government gives a shit about you, I have some bad news for you, it doesn’t give a shit if you are living in the street, live in pain, are dying or dead, you are just a number, and not until we, the people who vote and trust these fat bastards in suits who say “No child left behind” While cutting education speak up, they get richer, their power gets stronger and before we know it we have 1984 and Charles Orwell is a visionary

We still have time, but as long as people sit in ignorance, we will only go one way. Healthcare and treatments for health are going to keep getting cut and all your child will need to get into college is a pencil and smile, we also kill of animals left right and centre, many species are almost gone, who’s decision was this? Who said this was cool? I never, did you? Time to stand up, time to do something, time to stop being ignorant to a world that is being KILLED in front of our very eyes, we must act, because if we don’t, we are done, so don’t come and complain when you realise you have been lied to and your world is not what is seems. The illusions these bastards put in-front of us happened today, yesterday and will keep happening.


What do you do?  Forget politics and think humanity would be a real start. This is our world, we own it, we sell it to lairs who promise and never deliver

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I will play this video till everyone on earth has seen it, let the love flow and lets rid ourselves of hate an greed

0 responses to “The Greed Machine that keeps us all in pain

  1. This is so true. A uncorrupt government is an oxymoron. My father often says “Absolute power corrupt absolutely”. Democratic or not, this is what we give our governments. I think the South African Government suffers from cancer. It has spread so far that there is nothing that can stop it. It is in our NGOs, our local government, our Parliament, their cronies, the tender-preneurs, the police. It is endemic. But if we got rid of it, what would rise in its place? Something better or something far far worse?

    • You make a GREAT point. In South Africa and the fall of Apartheid great thing I hear were expected, but speaking to friend or two who moved back to Scotland, all it did was turn things upside down, well that was his thinking.

      Good point!

  2. Reblogged this on The Blurred Line and commented:
    An uncorrupt government is an oxymoron. My father often says “Absolute power corrupt absolutely”. Democratic or not, this is what we give our governments. I think the South African Government suffers from cancer. It has spread so far that there is nothing that can stop it. It is in our NGOs, our local government, our Parliament, their cronies, the tender-preneurs, the police. It is endemic. But if we got rid of it, what would rise in its place? Something better or something far far worse?

  3. I’m quite happy with my Canadian Government at this time. I happen to think that PM Harper is doing his best to get things done that need to be done …..he’s not perfect by any means…but he’s a hell of a lot better than any of the other idiot politicians that we could have voted for. If the Liberals led by Justin Trudeau or the NDP led by thomas Mulcair get into power, we will be so screwed. They simply don’t have the brains to lead a country. They would give everything to all the special interest groups and minorities in Canada. Islam would get their Sharia courts and sharia law into our judicial system. We will be running amok with criminals from other countries that come to Canada for a safe haven from prosecution. Honor killings and other Islamic barbarianism will be the norm…including rapes of the infidel women and children.

    Just my thoughts here…..

    • Good thoughts

      Sharia courts and sharia law were mooted here in certain parts of the UK where vast areas are Muslim/Arabic. There was talk of allowing a part of Oldham I think, maybe Birmingham here to have Sharia courts and sharia law but there would have been outrage. In Scotland we have very little to no Muslims or Arabic, Middle east, we have hardly any foreign people here in fact. We had an influx from Poland but them seem to have moved elsewhere.

      Scotland is aiming for complete Independence from the UK in a years time, so with luck, we break away from London rule..And it’s War machine

      And people come here from the USA and pretend to me from Canada.. 🙂
      American foreign police I think doesn’t help lol

      Thanks for the comment

      Praying hard here for Independence

      • Do you think when you have won your independence from the UK that things will change in regards to the muslims? Will Scotland then be letting them in? I hope not…things would change for you and not in a good way, …just my opinion.Good luck and prayers on obtaining your Independence!! 🙂

        I have a cousin in England who is right upset about the Islamists and their Sharia Courts and all the no-go zones. At least we don’t have those either in Canada yet.

        We don’t mind folks immigrating her for a chance at a better life…but they will have to assimilate to our culture and values.

        Americans know that they are not well liked…it’s been that way for a very long time! At least 40 years or longer. My American cousins decided they would back pack across Europe one Summer….they asked my family to send them Canadian Flag patches to put on their back packs and jackets! LOL! It doesn’t surprise me in the least that they would say they are from Canada!

      • You are TOTALLY missing the point on why we want independence.
        We don’t want to be in NATO or part of the UN. We want to become like Switzerland.
        We pay (Example) 5 Billion a year into the UK Economy and out Scottish Parliament (Devo-Max Parliament) gets 1 Billion back. We as Scots (If you know the Struggle between England, Scotland and Ireland) Do not want to be part of the London War machine.
        We own the North Sea Oil Fields. We could stand alone just fine.

        I couldn’t give a shit if Muslims, Polish people, or whoever came in. As long as it is a free Country. Where OUR DECISIONS are not made 600 miles away in London by English Etonites. We are sick of it

        Our wanting of Freedom goes back hundreds of years, we have always wanted it. Hardly anyone I know classed themselves as British, We are Scottish forces to have a British Passport.

        I think maybe you research the reasons for a Yes Vote for independence

        Why vote Yes

        In autumn 2014 you will be asked in a referendum whether Scotland should be independent. This is an exciting and historic opportunity for our nation. We can choose a different and better path.

        The reason for being independent is a simple one. It is fundamentally better for all of us if decisions about Scotland’s future are taken by the people who care most about Scotland – that is by the people of Scotland. It is the people who live here who will do the best job of making our nation a fairer, greener and more successful place.

        On these pages we provide information about what Scotland will look like on day one as an independent country, based on the Scottish Government’s proposals for an independent Scotland. You can find out how Scotland will become independent and how we can build from firm financial foundations, and also read about some of the benefits of being an independent country.

        First, follow the links above, and then, why not also visit our ‘get the facts’ section to find out even more.

      • No…I understood completely why you would want your Independence. Canada is trying hard to get out of the UN also…..
        What I was asking is that once you have gained your independence…and all the more power to you for doing that! I wanted to know if you thought the muslims would then come into your country and try to take it over like they have been doing in England? In my opinion to not be worried that the muslims would come flooding in is folly. You wouldn’t be a free country any longer. You would be kowtowing to their wants and needs.
        I know about the conflicts that has been going on for centuries with England, Scotland and Ireland. Canada also wanted her freedom from England….we now Govern ourselves mostly…with the Queen still being a figurehead here ……
        So…I wasn’t in any way condemning you or Scotland for wanting your Independence.

        BTW…..just so you know…..I have Scottish blood in my veins also , along with Irish and Ukrainian.

      • Sometimes it can be hard to read a comment and fully get it 🙂
        We are good…

        Yeah I think once we get Independence, and are just “Scotland” I can’t see many wanting to move here.
        Sadly Scotland CAN BE a very racist country. Not us all, my god its a percentage thing. But we can be.
        The whole Ireland/England, Catholic/Protestant thing is RIFE here especially in the west. It can be vile buddy.
        We tolerate other people, but we are FIERCELY PATRIOTIC about our land.

        Simple things make us proud. Even this > lol

        Hairs stand on end when I watch things like this. The Struggle we went through JUST TO BE Scotland is lost on none of us.
        So here is a chance to be SCOTLAND.

        We pay homage to Scotland.
        Anyone moving here MUST become Scottish.
        We don’t chase people out.
        But our fight has been long and it nears an end. If we get it, we will 100% remain Scottish.

        I know what you mean however. And it could happen. But living here, I can;t see it.

        Tell me more about your Scottish Blood if you can..


      • Loved that movie!! LOL!
        My Scottish blood line is sketchy somewhat. The man who I had considered to be my Maternal grandfather wasn’t! I found out this tid-bit of info after 27 years of believing he was. Seems my Ukrainian grandmother had a dalliance when my grandparents split up for a bit… mother thus had a father who was of Scottish descent.
        I also had an Aunty-by marriage on my paternal side of the family who was Scottish. At a young age I wondered why she and my Paternal Grandmother never got along. When I asked my Dad he said something about the fuedal wars between England and Scotland. When I got into my teens I decided to find out what all the fuss was about. I then understood and I understand now why Scotland would want her Independence.
        LOL! I have always wondered from where I got my fiery disposition…..Especially when I feel an injustice has been done to myself or others…..I think it’s genetics!

        Praying with you for Scotland’s Independence! 🙂

      • Pray HARD Please !! 🙂

        genetic yeah, 100%, We both have Viking blood!! lol
        Thanks for sharing.
        Anyone with a tiny bit of Anglo Saxon blood, is part Viking. So this is why us Scot’s like a good fight 🙂
        We are as patriotic as the people of Boston I guess.
        All they were (At the end of the day) showing was Patriotic side of them.
        The Boston community is full of Irish and Scottish blood. When the side I support, Glasgow Celtic tour pre season, we often go to Boston. Infact we played on the baseball part last summer here:

        Lot of Irish and Scottish blood lines in Boston


  4. Clearly you are passionate, I have no intention of marching to my governments steps and shouting my thoughts and feelings (anymore) but I spread my message to my family and friends, which is much the same as yours. I hope your blog encourages more people to take action in their own lives. Btw Orwell’s pen name was George and Chaplin was a visionary too 🙂

    • Chaplin adlibed much of this

      I think if action is not taken soon, more than just telling our Mums, we are fucked. We need to do something.
      Many people in the world? 7 Billion? I think out of that 7 Billion, say, 500 people run the world. The power is with is. Too many people watch Fox News or similar and think the world is a scary place. Here in the UK We watch American News and it scared the SHIT out of us. I don’t know how they can live with that 🙂

      And all the celebrating after capturing one person in Boston was pathetic. People are STILL in Hospital fighting for like.
      The EASE the poor people of American take the word from the Media as the truth amazes me. And disturbes me a LOT. Why do they believe only 2 people were involved when any CAT with 2 brain calls can clearly see this was a “Cell of people”

      Ahh maybe best not to go up that road.
      Where I am looking in, you get a better view.

      Good points you make

      Thanks for dropping in
      Next time I will have Tea and Scones


      • I have seen Chaplins speech many, many times. It’s not just my mum I talk too, I have bonus children, and many friends of all ages, all over the world. I have friends who survived apartheid’s worst years, and who watched their family and friends die during, and for it. I have friends that are refugees from the Middle east, who just hope and pray their families are safe and know that they can never, ever go back home. I know people that medicine has killed or injured, and children abused by their uncles and fathers. I have read stories of women killing their own babies, you are right we live in a messed up world. The best I can do is talk to the people I meet, tell them I love them, show them I care, and most of all be grateful that I too, am on the outside looking in… We all have our own inner demons to battle and I hope each time I find a moment of joy or peace, that energy will send out ripples, that turn into waves, that wash up onto the shores of damaged nations and help them heal too. Every little bit counts, and I do my bit the best way I can, discovering the truth from the inside out. I get lost if I try to solve everyone’s problems, but a good cup of tea with a friend can help solve a few personal ones. I prefer mine with no sugar. I guess I am trying to say that getting angry about it is part of the problem, finding peace within ourselves is part of the solution. Nobody can change an absolutely resistant mind, but I hope your message wakes a few sleeping minds, and that some of the pain you pour out of your keyboard eases with every second that passes.

      • Thank you, very wise reply and you are a kind person with wisdom.
        I did this blog because I personally am LIVING A NIGHTMARE, And through this I found compassion, love and a caring side to me I never thought I had.
        Your story is “SOMETHING” truly, you have been through and seen a lot.

        I can’t debate further with what you say, as I can only say “YES”
        Your message is powerful as it is kind.
        I did this for the same reasons you help.
        Read any of my “Disability” blogs or Audio blogs you woll hear me say “I need to and want to help people”
        Not till I found myself in a horrible place did I start looking for questions why.
        My blog URL is “Praying for one day” I pray for one day with no pain
        The name of my blog is “Looking for reasoning to a complicated world”
        So you can see my being here, my existence here is this. Like you “I try” and pray that if I can help one person, then I am happy.
        If I can help two, better. If I could save our world, I would shortly wake up.

        I am speaking from the heart, my soul, and although anger may be there, the anger comes from my pain.
        I know MANY, Like all of us who are ill, dying, have health issues, and health care and treatment funding is being cut all over in the name of profit.
        This troubles me. And I truly believe that if we ALL stood up as one and said “NO” or “We want Change” then it may happen.
        Can it happen, I don’t think so. Do I expect it to happen, sadly no

        But like you say
        “energy will send out ripples, that turn into waves, that wash up onto the shores of damaged nations and help them heal too. Every little bit counts,”

        I think sadly this is all we can do. But it is worth the blog.
        I got your attention after all x

        Thank you for dropping in and leaving a comment

      • I hope you never stop writing about what you feel. I reached out to you because I can feel your pain and like you – I want to help. Your last post about Boston that you just published was also very thoughtful, and I hope for everyone’s sake you get all of your questions answered 😉

      • My hope is we all get our questions answered,
        People are dying and are in pain, we need to demand funding for it. I give myself to my Local pain team and they talk, and do tests, so I am doing my bit..

        Well said x

      • Have you seen Canada’s newest News Channel? Better than FOX or the others from the USA. This one at least tells the truth! They also report on what is happening in the USA and other countries too! They Are not politically Correct!

        You can watch all their shows on their website at:
        My favorites are By-line with Brian Lilley, The Source with Ezra Levant, Adler Nation with Charles Adler, The Arena with Michael Coren.

        Yes….lots of Americans will still believe their news Media! But, what other choices are there? I’ve turned my friends onto Sun News……but that is just a few. They have so much happening now with their President who obviously meant it when he said that he would stand with his muslim brothers if they are being attacked. Shows where his loyalties lie …eh?

        America has many areas where these terrorist cells are coming from now in the USA. Nothing will be done about them until their get another President in who will not tolerate such things happening in the country.

        To be fair…Canada also has little Cells…but at least our Intelligence Agency (CSIS) knows about them and are keeping tabs on the individuals within them. PM Harper has many Fatwas upon his head for what he has been doing to keep Islamists in line with Canadian values and Canadian Laws, which is possibly the reason why CSIS is doing this.


        Sited like these are full of VERY clever people. Throw any threat at them, they will debunk or find the truth in it in a day.
        I just stay away from the news 100%, the only TRUE good news source in the UK is Aljazera news England.You get a little more truth. You get it on Sky TV here.
        Thanks for the link, will have a look.


  5. Thought I’d post this for you…you may find some info. within it to help you with your chronic pain….??

    NaturalNews Insider Alert ( )

    Dear NaturalNews readers,

    The John Robbins Food Revolution summit begins this Saturday, where you can listen in to powerful new interviews with many of the top names in food, nutrition and health.

    Organized by John and Ocean Robbins, the Food Revolution Summit is a free worldwide broadcast. Simply register to listen in at:

    Learn the latest breakthroughs on micronutrient therapies and using foods for healing. Plus, learn a wealth of up-to-date information on GMOs, hidden ingredients, good vitamins vs. “bad” vitamins, superfood breakthroughs, pesticides and much more.

    The complete list of speakers includes:

    • Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
    • Vandana Shiva, PhD
    • Neal Barnard, MD
    • Michael Klaper, MD
    • Will Potter
    • Mark Human, MD
    • Robyn O’Brien
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    The summit runs from April 27 – May 5, and each day you’ll be able to listen to THREE interviews.

    Over the full week, that’s over 20 interviews with the top experts on food, health and nutrition.

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    To your health,

    – Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

  6. Pingback: To The People Of The USA – I am sorry for what is coming | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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