0 responses to “Sheeple of America – Song

  1. I’m having a look about to see if anything makes sense. It smacks very much like these oddball shootings (I don’t mean the shooting of oddballs.but shootings by oddballs) that have been going on recently, they catch or kill the supposed perpetrator/s very quickly, but then everything becomes vague, the reasons why they did it, how they managed to set up the operations, if they had outside help or encouragement, all that sort of thing. Sometimes they cannot even remember doing it. And I find it strange although there was supposed to be two bombers, we are back to the lone nut situation since one of them is dead now. Only one individual’s version of events, again, his dead brother could have easily been spinning him a tale and we would not know different. I’m off to listen to all the Alex Jones’ Infowars stuff, only thing is I hate being shouted at and I do not know if I trust Jones any more than the rest of the media. It is an odd business. There is another thing that bothers me, as you know I listened to hours of live news from Boston’s premier radio news station and the amount of information that has been added to this story purporting to stem from initial reports that night or afternoon Boston time, has me very perplexed. The place was in mayhem, they only talked about news on the ground. The talk of them supposedly catching someone was about a person who had already been hospitalised, none the radio stations or reports at the time talk about anyone being handcuffed in a park or anything like that. It reminds me of 9/11, I watched that as it happened and the amount of information that came out on the day after, 9/12 did not gel with what I watched or was told at the time of the incident.
    See you later crocodile.

    • If this a false flag operation, isn’t it ironic that the most famous false flag operation ever occurred in Boston, ‘The Boston Tea Party,’ where white American revolutionaries dressed up as native American Mohawks with tomahawks boarded three British ships and threw tea into the harbour over a supposed tax dispute on tea, but was really instigated by the few richer people that a new stamp duty would affect. The US grew from such roots. Left the poor natives to get the blame. Used the poor citizen to get what they want and become themselves very rich in the process.. And families that used the revolution to get out from underneath the Brits, for which I cannot blame them, though I will not condone their greed, still run the US today. I’ve just read a bit of wikipedia that just typifies the US mentality, it says that they dressed up as Mohawks, apart from it being a disguise, they wanted it to be recognised as an act of American based defiance. Shytebags they wanted the Brits to blame the mohawks so that two of their enemies would be at each others throats. Have you seen any interviews with any of the injured or any close up involved? I can’t remember any.

    • Watch this:
      This lad is 100% the lad you would believe.
      I RBlogged this from http://familysurvivalprotocol.com/2013/04/20/a-coup-may-be-in-progress/
      This woman is “In the know” BIG TIME..
      Tell me what you think…
      I did this blog http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread925442/pg1
      On the 2nd of February, and the blog is taking off again. On a site I live on

      And you are a smart lad, you think for yourself, you don’t conform to “Crowd mentality”
      So I look forward to what you think bud

      Laters bud

    • I think ever a song could sum up what is going on well, it was this one..

      Blind acceptance,, yeah
      And it should give EVERYONE In the states shudders.. Nobody is making this up..
      Did you see my re-blog 2 or 3 down the page.
      I don’t know if you want to listen to the video from it..
      Hard to take in..But I believe it is true.
      America is under attack from within
      Go look, tell me what you think..

      Also… Well said x

      • I just watched it. Now I know what you were trying to say about us believing the story about these 2 boys. This is terrifying. I’m watching infowars now.

      • Hard to take in isn’t it.
        Hard for the mind to say “This is possible”
        Almost impossible. But when you are as sure as I am, through research, it is still hard
        It is coming to a country near you…
        America is split in to and being taken over, and I think the Federal Reserve and the way you guys have the FR set up has lead to Countries like China buying into your country.
        Killed by a thousands cunts here

        Shaun x

      • Wow. I didn’t know that was happening with the FR either. I hope Texas got their gold before this happened. BTW… Texas talks about leaving the Union if any of this comes to a head. As you know, we have families in Texas and they’ve asked us to all move their to help defend our land if the US turns into a police state. Of course, they’re all aware that we’re not going to be able to defend anything when all we have is guns. They’ll have bombs and nuclear weapons and they’ll wipe a big area out if they choose to (the government). Texas has been talking about this for years though. Many thought they’d succeed from the union the last time Obama got into office. I guess it was a rumor but it was a wide spread rumor.

        I don’t know what we’re all supposed to do to defend ourselves against “big brother”… it seems almost futile.

      • WOW..
        Is this REALLY how people are talking?

        So people are REALLY talking about this being some kind of “Upcoming event” for the states?

  2. Yes, people are really talking. Texas is for sure because, as I’m sure you already know, once they joined the union, they only joined with the stipulation that they can succeed any time they don’t feel that America is doing or being the right thing. They’d be their own country, separate from Mexico AND the USA. They’re the biggest state in the country and are already a small country who do things differently than any other state. They’re self sufficient and a wealthy oil state so I know they could do it. Every time the word gets out that the governor of Texas is thinking of succeeding, they come out and say it’s a rumor. The USA definitely won’t let Texas succeed though. They’re WAY too wealthy with oil. But it’s strange about the explosion in the fertalizer plant, huh? Maybe we already talked about it but some people think that plant housed nuclear warheads. People are wondering if the government wanted to disarm Texas and make them weaker. IDK what to believe. There’s a lot of rumors. I HOPE they’re just rumors.

    • I am part of a few website that go over these events, and one in particular I spend my day on, they REALLY SMART people get to the bottom of things. And it scares me sometimes to think this could have happened at the hands of the people we vote in, From 9/11, before and certainly till now.

      I PRAY I am wrong..
      As for Texas, I was aware (Kinda) they could split if they wanted to. I hear Texas is just “NO” To the new Gun Laws..

      Hard interesting times ahead for us all.
      As my badge top right of my page shows, I stand by all your sides..

      Shaun x

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