George W Bush – 9/11 was a Consp….. Nearly George, Nearly!

He looked shocked, I wonder who screwed him?

He looked shocked, I wonder who screwed him?

Here is George W Bush “Almost” saying 9/11 was a conspiracy. Even after ALL  this time, he can’t speak without a Teleprompter, nearly George old boy…



0 responses to “George W Bush – 9/11 was a Consp….. Nearly George, Nearly!

      • Not, that’s going to make much of a difference…I guess when you own the world, nothing can touch you, not even when you broadcast your guilt!

      • Exactly mate, all this has done is throw more doubt at it. He was the one that said “Never shall we tolerate outlandish Conspiracy Theories” And he said it himself…
        …How that man STOLE to terms in office is beyond me.

        Well said bud

      • Well that is a given mate. Sadly they will until someone challenges them.
        Will that happen? I think it is, as we speak. I think there is an internal power struggle, we might hear about it, we might not..


      • Yeah, sadly at this stage it is the status we have, middle of the road and lost. A few are walking up the road, some are walking down the road, some are lost on the road. And in this day and age. with information so easy to gather and look up, it is ignorance on the part of the many. I don’t mind ignorance, its when that ignorance is denied by the person. Den Ignorance…

        Sadly you may be right mate. We have a lost world, full of lost people.


    • He is UTTER SCUM.
      He only made about $1 Billion while the President through him and his Dads ties with the Bin Laden Corp…

      Well said!

  1. ALL acts of terrorism (and crime) are the result of “conspiracies”—if they are PLANNED IN SECRET by more than one person. It’s the DEFINITION of “conspire.” Too late he thought better of using THE WORD—to describe the involvement by an international organization—-because of the “connotation” that the word “has” these days. . Just saying…..

    • This came from HIS mouth

      For someone who thinks conspiracies should never be tolerated, he sure changed his mind. Some say slip of the tongue. Check the look his wife gives him.
      And “They” use the word Conspiracy, KNOWING it will turn people’s heads away. Soon as Joe “The Sheeple” Public hears “Conspiracy” they walk away, they don’t want to be classed as one…
      One of the best songs to come out of the States EVER says it better than I do

      And I take on board what you are saying. I don’t know how much you research the lies the US Government tell, but there too many to discuss in one blog. Clinton lied about a blow job ffs 🙂

      Cheers for the comment

      • All I was trying to communicate is that just because Bush was about to say the word “conspiracy”—and then stopped himself—does not IN ITSELF affirm that he was involved in a GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY to: blow-up the Twin Towers in order to blame it on Muslim Jihadis; and justify a war against countries in the Middle East.

        I remember when I was a young lad and the Paul McCartney “death conspiracy” first began. “I”….along with MANY others….began scouring through every lyric, album cover, and photograph that we could lay our hands-on to “discover” more “clues” that Paul had actually died in a car crash that decapitated him—-and that the Beatles had been “covering it up” ever since: until a “disc jockey” started noticing “things” and finally put it all together. I was finding all sorts of “clues” from playing records backwards…and “interpreting” the sounds of words said in reverse. I got caught-up in the “conspiracy hysteria” and was seeing “a devilish Indian behind every tree.” (Young Goodman Brown)

        [Several years ago, the “conspiracy” had a “revival” with the Faul (false Paul) books and websites….and it grew to implicate the British government—and even the Queen—in the “cover-up” of Paul’s death, and his “look-alike” replacement.]

        That having been said, from what I have seen and experienced in my five plus decades, I tell EVERYONE who will listen to me on both sides of the pond—and anywhere in the world: DO NOT IMPLICITLY TRUST YOUR “GOVERNMENT” TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, OR TO ACT IN “YOUR” BEST INTERESTS. THE SAME IS TRUE OF A COMPLICIT MASS MEDIA.

        BUT, that doesn’t mean that EVERY evil thing that happens in America IS due to a government conspiracy-and-cover-up. a black op, or a false flag operation.

        The “progressive fascists” in Washington—along with their Leftist collaborators in Hollywood, our educational system, and the mainstream media—HAVE BEEN purposefully turning the American people into easily-manipulated, shallow-thinking, “soma”-induced, complacent, dependent Sheeple. Those patriots that resist the Sheeplization of America are demonized in the media—and by politicians—as being extremists, bigots, or “nuts.”

        But more and more Americans, I hope and pray, are starting to wake-up and take the RED PILL.

      • BRILLIANT REPLY!!! Really..
        I can’t argue or come back at you with anything.

        The Beatles thing, I was made aware of by “Hawkeyethegnu” A mate who has commented on here. I did a bit of research, and it is what you say “A conspiracy” Diana’s death was and still is the same. I think my biggest bug bear is when people use the “C” word, they do so to make people look away.

        I think, TRULY your Government is at War with itself. From the inside. I hope, no, I pray the good lads are trying to get rid of the bad lads. Not the opposite. There many conspiracies about this. But, I think wrong Audience here.
        There is a website, full of lecturers, Teachers, Scientists I spend more time on, They (we) debunk things in under an hour sometimes. But that place is rife with idiots also. UFO’s and Ghosts and all that rubbish..I think Dis-info agents are rife, In-fact I know they are, anyone with the smallest brain cell will be able to spot one. They have NO Logic in a debate.

        I just gave you an award, I don’t know if you accept them, but I did so because I love your debating skills.You are a clever lad. I am in my late 30’s and you have a few years on me. I research things till I can’t see it any more, lol.
        But living in pain as I do, I am often stuck at the frikkin PC.. So research I do.

        Example. the Fed and all the Gold just now, the REAL conspiracy behind that, is very hard to believe. Google it, see if you can find it. And let me know.

        Thanks again for your comments.
        Always a pleasure mate


  2. Maybe he was trying to say ‘constipated’, hahaha. Did you know that there is a piece of speculation that George W. Jnr is the grandson of Aleister Crowley, self styled ‘The Great Beast 666’? Barbara Bush is supposedly the offspring of Crowley and Pauline Pierce, who were supposedly involved in a black magic ritual in Paris, while she was taking a ‘holiday’ from her husband, Marvin. Sorry, but it is YouTube time, look up ‘Was Aleister Crowley Barbara Bush’s Father.’ It is only three or four minutes long. Probably gossip but Barbara Bush looks similar to Crowley around the eyes.

    • WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      There is the proof ^^^^
      I will look into this more. You are a clever man…
      This ties in with something else..I will get back to you, on this blog.


  3. I can’t believe more people have not jumped on this. HUGE news on the net all day..He almost admits what he is against, I even posted it 3 videos up…


    • Maybe it is the idealist in me, but I cannot trust a man who took the presidency of the country, supposed leader of the free world, with less votes than his opponent. This man and his gang have no shame. Try to forget all the other travesties he has been involved in, but that act alone showed the complete disregard the Bush family have for every man, woman and child in the US.
      Did you like the Crowley/Bush connection? It is not from an anti-Bush documentary it is from a documentary on Crowley, so cannot really be said to be anti-Bush propaganda, that is the only mention of the Bush family.

      • Yeah gives me something to read.

        I think the BIG picture here, the real story, is how much Bush made while in power through the Bin-Laden Corp. It was BILLION!!
        His LAST ACT AS SERVING President was to Pardon himself and his gang! From what you ask? Good ASK!!..Go look it up.
        This is why people are suspicious. They were suspicious when it happened and got more suspicious over the years. Why would he stop himself saying “Conspiracy” and the look his wife gave him.

        People NEED to do their own research on their own country. This has no bearing on you and me, we live in Scotland, sometimes you see things better looking in, rather than being in the middle of it


  4. As the Rabbit hole gets deeper, here is a Video worth watching.
    We can STILL get to the truth of that awful day….NWO aside

    Sadly many will ignore this due to fear. Can I blame them?


  5. Can’t say I could understand all of that, but the thing about the little goat story, I am going to have wee look into that. BTW if the chap is suggesting that we should all turn to Islam, then I am sorry, but I cannot think of becoming part of a religion, that can be interpreted in such a Sexist, Brutal and Inhuman manner as it is, even in our own country. I would never stop anyone’s right to worship as they wish, but when inalienable Human Rights are trampled upon by any religion, including my own, then I have to speak out.

    • No, No. No…Forget the Muslim/religion section. I couldn’t cut it out of the video, just the bit of interest I was wanting people to see


      • Doesn’t look like the story was banned, but any way got side tracked onto this video called I pet goat ii, it is a weird symbolic animation. It is about Bush/Obama amongst other things. The best version is,’I One, Pet Goat II two 2-COMPLETE Breakdown, Analysis’ it explains all the symbology. The first half is interesting then loses something in the second half, for me anyway. It is about 7mins 30 secs long. I guarantee you will find the first half of interest. Go for the version I put up, it is nigh on meaningless without the explanation.

      • I’ve made a wee mistake this is only one chap’s opinion on the Symbology, there are other interpretations. For instance the puppeteer is Satan, the military-industrial complex, the CIA. But look at Bin Laden’s uniform it has a CIA badge on it. I believe there is an interview with the man behind it somewhere on YouTube, if I find it, I will tell you.

      • There is Satanism HIGH up in USA and UK Politics..Will try and email you the Document. Shocking stuff….All goes back and involves Jimmy Saville (In a roundabout way) This document is everywhere. Should not be hard.


      • I found the interview could only watch half. It was on Alex Jones info wars on YouTube some where, the director is called Louis Lefebvre, he freely admits he does not know what a lot of the symbolism is or means, but he did say it was his own little project, then he did a break down of the making process, it must have cost a fortune, this is not an episode of ‘Family Guy’. Jones all the while talks about hiding things in plain sight and it was Jones that did the running with the symbolism. It puzzled me this guys lack of understanding of the symbolism, it was after all his own production or was it? Then it dawns on me what a way to show your contempt for the sheeple, by commissioning an animation of your triumphs and future plans in plain sight and getting this chap Lefebvre to make it. There is an odd Christ figure in it, which the director Lefebvre refuses to call Christ, but calls it ‘the Christ-Spirit’. The odd thing is that this Christ-Spirit has an ‘eye above a pyramid’ symbol etched into his forehead (incidentally Crowley was fond of either painting this symbol on his forehead or wearing a hat with the said symbol on the forehead), and this symbol stays all the way to the last scene, where this Christ figure passes as a Christian Cathedral crumbles into dust. It is as you know a freemasonry or illuminati symbol and has nothing whatsoever to do with the worship of God the Father, The Holy Spirit and certainly not Christ. All on the Alex Jones Show Info Wars which is used, in my opinion, by the illuminati to help hide everything in plain sight. I’ve just spent the past few hours studying an advertisement or piece of propaganda if you will for the ‘hide it in plain sight’ policy of the illuminati. I have more thoughts on this, but I will leave it until maybe you’ve watched again or maybe watched the interview, which is very interesting to see the director’s confusion over what he is trying to say, but very annoying, because Jones keeps cackling ‘in plain sight’ like some manic parrot, maybe not as bad as that, but I hate being shouted at by the TV or whatever. I wonder how many people have twigged that Alex Jones programme is part of the hiding things in plain sight, he single handedly helped rearm the citizens of the US to the teeth, so making deadly conflict with the government all that closer, you are not telling me that that is not playing straight into Illuminati hands, again I could go on but won’t. I think this is another attempt to rub our noses in it, like what the US music business is up to at the moment. Have a look when you can be bothered and tell me if my head is up my back side again.

      • I have said MANY times I think Alex Jones is “In with the crowd” He would be dead otherwise.
        I think I have seen what you are talking about.
        Have you seen this?

        Denver Airport:

        You have to be SIGNED INTO YOUTUBE TO WATCH!!! HA HA ..WTF?
        If you don’t want to watch that one, there are many more here
        It ALL ties in somewhere.

        Keep digging.
        And if someone says conspiracy, they are short minded or a Dis-info agent. FACT..


      • I have followed a lot of stuff on Denver Airport, whatever has been going on at that very suspect place is very odd. There is not much activity at this new’ complex from the surface nowadays, that is because according to reports I have heard, that there is now an underground railway supplying the complex and there have been recent whispered reports of a lot of underground work still going, this is from workers who have stumbled over all sorts of odd things, including ET’s, although I am not sure I believe it. It is a very strange place. The murals are absolutely awful and WTF do they have to do with an airport, I could not begin to answer that.
        You have to watch this guy’s video, you will get it under,”I Pet Goat II” By Heliophant, if type that in you should get a version without anyone’s explanations of it. Give it a look, to me someone has gave this chap Lefebvre a story board and lots of money to put this cat amongst the pigeons. At the end, it even has the Egyptian Pyramids being blown to dust, just like the twin towers and a Christian cathedral earlier on in the video and this film was made long before Islamic militants threatened to demolish the Pyramids. It is an odd piece of work and apart from stunning graphics, there us is nothing up lifting about this film. Just try to catch up with it, I believe it is as strange if not stranger than the murals at Denver. This is I feel an important piece of tin foil hattery if ever I saw one. It is only seven and a half minutes long and I think you would see a lot more in it than I do. I caught a lot of the Christian stuff, which is blasphemy, whether you asked a Catholic or Wee Free, but there is just too much other stuff.

      • You know I study Symbology A LOT..
        And Denver Airport is Masonic at least!!
        Remember E.L.E.N.I.N The comet?
        Google it,and find out were Obama was for the two days this comet was near us..

        I don’t have all the answers, but LOGIC Alone can paint a picture. And I will look at up, what you said, I think I may have seen it.

        But Google the Airport, The Comet and Obama..


      • Concerning DIA (Denver International Airport); It’s in my “back yard”…and I have seen some of the bizarre “things” out there with my own eyes. The whole airport was a controversial boondoggle from the very beginning. It was built in the middle of nowhere, miles from Denver City limits; after a vote of the residents of Denver to purchase and annex the land (even though the OLD airport—which was to be closed after completion—had serviced the entire metropolitan area and surrounding areas, who didn’t get to vote).

        The opening of DIA took a couple of years LONGER than had been indicated by the advocates of the purchase and annexation of the land: because of shoddy workmanship by crony subcontractors; mismanaged construction management; and an expensive baggage handling system that was never designed to handle the number of bags and sorting required at an airport handling that much traffic.

        Additionally, there were journalistic rumors that the land “chosen” to build the new airport was “on” and/or near vacant undeveloped land that was owned by an investment organization that the mayor of Denver and the current governor had financial interest in.

        During the construction, a good friend of mine worked with the construction management “team” concerning the routing, cabling and networking of the data handling systems, etc….and he told me about the vast areas of subterranean levels and tunnels that he had seen….and couldn’t figure-out what they were for.

        A couple of years ago, I saw a YT clip about the “secret base” built under DIA, and the Illuminati symbology on the walls and floors….and in the overall construction. After what I had personally heard and seen, it was definitely food for thought.

      • WOW..
        Thanks for sharing that, someone from that area. I always wondered why they built it out of town. You say the Governor “Had Interest” I wonder who made how much money.
        I don;t know if you are a fan, but Jesse Ventura did a programme on it
        < Full episode.
        Being thousands of miles away, Hawkeyethegnu and would be thankful for this reply, thanks a lot!!


      • To Lech Dharma
        That is very interesting to get an account from someone who knows something first hand about it and ‘boondoggle’ is a word I will not forget in a hurry. Thanks a lot.

      • I can only (Again) Echo what is said here lads. To hear from someone there is amazing, and you think something is “Odd” also..Just add’s to the debate and the mystery…

        Thanks..Keep digging peeps…

  6. ‘Conspiracy’ means to con- spire (to breathe together). The official story is about 19 hijackers conspiring to fly planes into buildings. Therefore it is about a conspiracy. To date nobody has been convicted of 9/11 in a court of law and the FBI admitted the reason they never indicted OB for 9/11 was that they didn’t have the evidence to link him to 9/11.

    So using a lawful conviction in a court of law as a measure of guilt, nobody has been proved guilt of 9/11 which makes the official story a theory about a conspiracy or in popular parlance a ‘conspiracy theory’.

    Other government/ media conspiracy theories include the theory that Saddam Hussein was conspiring with his military to manufacture and hide WMD’s and potentially use them against the west. This conspiracy theory was used to justify the 2003 invasion which since slaughtered over a million and a half people (the equivalent of 15,000,000 million Americans).

    As we all know this particular conspiracy theory was later proven to be incorrect.

    To question or challenge a conspiracy theory promoted by a government or its media (such as ’19 bad guys wit boxcutters did 9/11′ or ‘Saddam has secret WMDs’) and to ask for EVIDENCE does not make you a ‘conspiracy theorist’. It just means your skeptical of an existing conspiracy theory being promoted by someone else.

    • WOW..
      Hi 🙂
      Good points made. I am a “Conspiracy Theorist” myself, or that is what I get told I am. I dislike Alex Jones, he, for me is a Dis-Info agent, or he be dead already..

      And with the 9/11 story, I think if ANYONE can prove a plane hit the pentagon, I will change my stance. Put it this way, I am Scottish, I am 6ft 4″, I am a big lad. NOBODY is taking over NO PLANE with a box cutter if am on it. I hope you feel the same. It does not add up.

      So yeah, I am a searcher of the truth. I LOVE the people of the States, check the top right of my blog page. I truly mean that…
      But until this (Below) changes, all you, me, the word, are fucked

      People need to wake up. And fast…

      Thanks for the comments.
      ps: Following

    • I think I have heard every argument and possible issue with 9/11 from Invisible planes to the more extreme point of view. I will give your site a read, I may find something new, after all we learn new things every day.


      • For those that are interested in the “stories” surrounding the construction of DIA (Denver International Airport), the architecture and symbology, and what may have been built underneath it, Here are a couple of good reads written around the time period of it’s construction….concerning all the controversy, political corruption, and mystery surrounding it’s construction.
        The Democrat mayor (Pena) that pushed for the (unnecessary) project became Pres Clinton’s Sect’y of Transportation; and the Democrat governor that PUSHED for the new airport project (Roy Romer), later became the head of the DNC (Democratic National Committee)….after HIS long-time “in-office” extra-marital affair was publicized.

        Republican politicians have never had the monopoly on graft, corruption or philandering.

      • “New Age masons” Right at the start.. lol

        The story you paint there doesn’t surprise me at all.. I watched a few TV Shows on this and there is something very masonic about its make up.

        Thanks for the links

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