Two Countries, together through blood ties, opposed to the same War Machine


“Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen,
here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men. And
free man you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?”
“Two thousand against ten?” – the veteran shouted. “No! We will
run – and live!”
“Yes!” Wallace shouted back. “Fight and you may die. Run and you
will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now,
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for
one chance, just one cahnce, to come back here as young men and tell
our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take
our freedom!”


The two things above go back hundreds of years, this is why I feel it is relevant today 


Above is an Amendment to the constitution of America; below in Red is a speech that till this day echoes through the hills and glens of my country. The one above is an amendment to a constitution that, in front of our very eyes is being ripped up and re-written, while the other one, in red, has an army behind it as Scotland is preparing to vote for REAL, TRUE, 100% independence., freedom, god willing!

The difference between the two could not be further apart. One is causing bad issues, the other may make my country free, and free from War, free from the War Machine that engulfs our world. Many say “When and if Scotland get independence, nothing will change” Well I am sorry, that is wrong. One of the reason we DEMAND freedom, most of us anyway, the true Scottish people, not the lovers of Westminster, is because we want free from War. The Scottish do not want War, we have our own factions of the War Machine up here, I have MANY friends serving in the Army and Navy and know a few that served in the Air Force, many of them want away from War, the hope is, should freedom happen, we will need to War Machine, why should we?

I know someone, somewhere  will come back at me and say “It won’t happen” or “Scotland will still need an army” I ask why do we need an army? We are pacifists in the main, we dislike death and war, and I speak for myself and many of my people I know, not them all, we have our own issues in Scotland, but nothing we can’t solve on our own. No matter what the dictates, we will keep the monarchy, the Queen and her castles, some say this is a happy medium

Then I look over to America and I see a country very similar to the Roman Empire, the hand goes in the same place for the national anthem, need I say more, lol Isee a country on its knees, I see a people in fear, I see confusion all around, I hear all these conspiracy theories abound about what “Really” is happening in the States. Stories from corporate greed to a hostile takeover from within your own government, believe what you will, make your own conclusions. I don’t live there, I know many who do, I speak too many that do, and many are scared

The game has changed folks, your country has become a club, like here in the UK, We (The Scottish) are trying to leave the club, in the states, and the club is different. But you are not in it. They mess with your education system so much, soon all you will need is a pen and a smile to graduate and get in to College, it is sad sitting here  and watching your Government harm you day after day.

I often get upset at watching what used to be the world’s super power on its knee’s, and printing monopoly money to get from one day to the next. I start this thread to REALLY ask the question to my American friends and family, and I just want to ask some questions.

  1. What is your take on what I say
  2. Do you see what others like me are seeing from afar
  3. You are a clever people, but you don’t demonstrate enough, why do nothing? It is going to get worse

Over here, we found out unmanned drones were flying from England to Afghanistan and we took this to them, the people who run the “Game”

And this is typical of the UK, We always go to the streets when unhappy, we say “No” do people listen? I don’t know, but we take to the streets anyway. The riots a few years ago caused a lot of issues here, but we were  unhappy, so said so

Then I seen this:

Americans doing a Demo about the same drones, but listen to what the man says, he had a permit, and still the law went against him. He asks if the “Killing Machine” is to keep happening and say “NO TO THE GOVERNMENT, NOT IN OUR NAME” I said War Machine, he says “Killing Machine” I think over the pond, people are slowly getting it, I am glad they are, because the clock is running down, I see it more every day, every time I read something, every time I see a new law passed, it sickens me, and we can’t cover our eyes and sing “La La La” any longer, we need to act, we all do, again, with peace, peace will see the day through, I hope

So we can all demonstrate, I ask who does? Do you? Should you? I think if we all stood up, we would see a better world, the above video has 75 views, this is sad.

Let’s take our world back, let’s take to the streets and demand they LEAD FOR US not against us, let’s not sit and watch TV and feel happy inside, let’s educate ourselves on what is TRULY going on in our world, only you can do this. I do, and I know many others who do. Sadly the word “Conspiracy” gets said and we are all nut jobs.

I say we unite, I say we take to a street, in UTTER PEACE and ask “Why” and say “NO” and Demand that the people we vote in, act in our best interests and not for the best interests in the corporations who paid to get them into power, I don’t know about you, but what the UK and the USA do, stomp about the world as some police force, but deny these god given rights of utter freedom away from  US in who’s name? Yours? Mine? No, they do it for themselves, to make money, war makes money, go Google Halliburton, and tell me I am wrong.

Let’s all stand up!

Question? The BBC News reported the UK side of things, did the US Media pick your demonstration up at all?


0 responses to “Two Countries, together through blood ties, opposed to the same War Machine

  1. I have been a life long advocate for Independence, but I think, since we did vote for it, that we should give devolution a chance. Our politicians haven’t even got a grip of that yet, what kind of chaos will be caused by these dunderheids in an Independent Scotland. We may not need an army or much of one, but we will most certainly need a navy, to protect fishing grounds, for customs duties and one thing we do have a lot of, is sea.
    Instead of debating that I will give you a wee history lesson in the surname Wallace. First of all, it is an Anglo Saxon word and means Welshman, or more strictly ‘speaker of ancient British’, other variations are Wallis, Welsh, Walsh and Britton ( this is the Irish Gaelic version). It became to the Anglo Saxons the word for slave, since the native British had no rights, BTW this was before there was a Scotland most of Southern Caledonia was Welsh or ancient Britons more correctly. In fact ‘Wallace’ was more like the ‘n’ word as used by white racists about black people. Although there is no clan Wallace, there is a motto associated with the name, ‘Pro Liberate’, that is ‘For Liberty’.
    There are odd parallels between William Wallace and the real King Arthur, but that is for another time.
    My tablet is acting odd I’ll have to sign off.

    • Yeah I knew all of that buddy.
      Many say “I will not vote for Salmond” So do we vote for Cameron. We don’t need an Army, we need security. I think speaking to many, as I do, even a few politicians at the odd party I attend, getting the fuck out of the War Machine, or the “Killing Machine” as the American lad said in the 2nd video, is what many want. We won’t all agree on this one buddy. I have raging arguments with a good mate of mine who served in Northern Ireland, he left the forces out of Disgust at what the English were ordering people to do. He still says it to this day. He can’t see an independent Scotland working. We put in say £3 Billion, we get half a Billion back. We can self sustain. As long as there are lingering doubts and shit planted in people’s minds, we won’t get independence. I don’t want it because of what William Wallace said in Braveheart, the movie 🙂

      I want it because it is right, it is just and it will work. Do you want every 15 pence you spend on anything from Tax, to clothes to petrol for your car (Gas in the states) and all the money you pay for utility bills to go to a War Machine? This War Machine is getting stronger. All the UK’s nukes are where? You know…Scotland. Should the vote be Yes…England has no Nukes. I have family live in England and friends also. This is not about the English people, this is about my, and your country getting FUCKED HARD by a regime that wants to fuck us harder still. I am sorry to swear, but listen, we are friends, we share a common goal, in-fact we share a few common goals, Keeping Scotland in the Union will lead to us having blood on our hands for all of time.
      This is a chance to escape, this is a chance to turn away from War.
      I had my doubts, I won’t lie, I thought Scotland would become a new Northern Ireland, Keeping the Royals was a smart move my Salmond. He appeases the Royal Lovers.
      I am Scottish, I don’t own or have a British Passport. I don’t want one. I hope the vote is Yes. And many of my brothers and sisters in Scotland say the same. We can’t ruin a perfect chance to escape what is coming mate. You know what is coming, we have discussed it. This is our chance to step away from it.
      Why not take it? Do we want to be slaves to these fuckwits for ever? No… When Scotland is free, we will free it further. I know Masons who will vote yes, one is a 32 degree. One short of bloodline. I know many more. But I use my own logic, I always do.
      Your opinions, I respect. I don’t agree, but I respect.
      But the polls show its unlikely it will be a Yes anyway, but when we (All of us) are standing there, we have to tick one of two boxes…1. Salmond or 2. Cameron, My conscience will tear me alive if I tick box two… I use history and Braveheart because it I just like it. Fast forward to reality, now, today, we have a chance buddy.

      We can’t blow it..
      This is our chance. This is our time. And you talk of names? I know a Campbell who will vote Yes..So we let history go, and we look to the future. I don’t know how you get chaos mate. from where? Where will this chaos come from? The West poisoned many minds, you know where I am coming from. I will vote as all Scottish people should. And respect those who don’t for whatever reason they say No.
      But many years from now when the “Event” happens, I want to be free from it . We can be. We must be. Use logic. You are a very clever man, people here like you because of this. I wish you would blog because your debating skills are superb. You bring a good argument to the table, but for me, it is not a reason to vote no buddy. A mutual respect I am sure we can come to. If I can with my best mate and my Dad, then I can with anyone..

      I hope your Tablet fixes itself.


  2. I don’t know if it’s me but stuff keeps disappearing, just I nearly complete it, but I am rather tired so it could be me.
    I cannot see an Independent Scotland being allowed to be in a situation where we can throw out nuclear weapons, we will be bought or bullied into toeing the line. Something along the lines of you will be allowed to keep your oil revenues if you allow the nuclear arms to stay , either that or the oil companies will pull out. You may have oil, but it is useless if you can’t get it out or no one buys it, remember despite slight shifts in power, the oil industry is still run by the petrodollar. They could do something to us like a Fukushima, the vast majority of Scots live in the central belt, 40 miles long by ten to twenty miles wide. I am afraid a yes vote at this moment in time will lead us down the path that Ireland is with the IMF telling the government how to spend it’s money. In fact in all my years this is the worst time to go for independence. It is pouring in the global financial world and we are going to shut our umbrella during one of the few times it is of use to us. Apart from the romantic idea of it I see very little benefit to anyone. Don’t get me wrong I want Independence in my heart and soul, but my brain says it is wrong especially when I think this is more about wee Eck’s last chance of becoming the first prime minister of an Independent Scotland, than it being the right time to be Independent.
    This is also going to split Scotland, I have relatives who are well into the independence thing and the Scots Nats, we do not even discuss it now, all I hear is flag waving speeches and all they hear is a big fearty. I honestly wish for Scotland’s own good that Mel Gibson had not ever made Braveheart. I hope I’m wrong, but there are not enough cool heads thinking about Scotland and it’s people. Labour do everything with an eye to Westminster, the same with the Tories and Liberals, the SNP have one reason and one reason only Scottish independence after that their reason for existing starts to become redundant. We are rushing a thing that should take many years in transition if we are to protect the less well off in our society, who will be first hit as our economy, if it survives, has to adapt to Independence.

    • I am an open minded chap, you know that. And to be fair you make good points there. And I am also honest enough to say, if someone, anyone can explain or give reasons for no, I will change my mind. I have changed it already 3 time 🙂
      And yeah, Braveheart was a good movie, but I totally see where you are coming from Buddy. We do need straight thinkers.
      Someone said to me “I won’t vote yes if Salmond is in charge” I replied, “But after a Yes vote we MUST by law have a General Election, so we can choose then what path to go down” And this is what people forget.
      I expect Tommy Sheridan and George Galloway and even our own Gordon Brown or/and others to start a 3rd party, a party to get a Yes. There are rumours, as I say, I go to parties with the hoy paloy, I will explain next time we speak. And I speak to many, Tommy Sheridan I have met, not recently. He was screwed hard by the media, through London.

      I guess you swayed my mind enough to think some more. Yeah. I am not vain enough to just say “Yes” and never debate why I vote yes. I just think we could sustain ourselves. But no matter, for me, it is going to be a gamble either way. I think you know this also.

      Cheers for your input my friend. And please, check my last blog, watch the video (It is about pain) and please, give me your thoughts. We can all compare notes I hope and see if we can help each other.

      Thank again buddy..I won’t say I am not voting Yes any more, but you gave me a few things to research..So cheers..


      • My point about giving devolution a chance is that none of our political parties are prepared yet to be talking politics of Scotland everything is either related to Westminster or Europe, there is only one politician who was getting there and that was Sherridan, notice he was well nobbled (whether guilty or innocent) before Salmond became leader of the house and Independence became the order of the day. If Tommy had not fallen this whole Independence debate would have less of the Braveheart rhetoric and more on seriously what can be done with this country, that I admit is being bled dry by Westminster, although this is not a good situation, but things could get worse. I don’t want Scotland turning into England’s Mexico. What we’ve got to remember is this decision not only affects us, but our children their children and their children’s children. I am old enough to remember that when I was young there was not a family who did not have sons and daughters emigrating to Australia, America and Australia, and these were not the doughnuts, these were the cleverest and the brightest. I do not want to go back to this, imagine your boys and girls disappearing off to far flung places and you don’t see your grandchildren until their teenagers, all because a couple of blinkered self centered politicians and a corrupt media want us to think this is our only hope. Remember when we want it and are properly ready Independence is only a couple of votes away, you ‘take’ independence, you are seldom given it without strings attached. I think what am trying to say is that we are taking a massive gamble when we are getting really crap odds. God Almighty I feel such a traitor, I want shot of Westminster, but this is not the time. Did you know William Wallace fucked up at Falkirk, because he was impatient. Edward I was making plans to evacuate his massive army from Edinburgh, splitting it some by sea and some by land, because Wallace’s scorched earth policy left Longshanks’ army with severe supply difficulties and his army had been led a merry dance trying to catch up with Wallace, who was well aware of these problems. But Wallace was determined to kick the overland contingent over the border, so brought the Scots army close enough to pounce when the time was right, but Edward got wind of this and brought one of the most powerful armies of that time period to bear on Wallace at Falkirk. See what I mean about a wee bit patience and level headedness. There was a genuine chance for Wallace to chase Edward away without even coming to blows. The Scottish campaign would have left Edward broke if it had been unsuccessful, he could not afford an army like that again, in fact beating the Scots gave his Treasury the boost that kept him afloat financially.

      • I remember my Gran telling me all these stories when I was a kid. She HATED the Campbell’s till her last breath,:-) This was a woman who KEPT A FRIKKIN GRUDGE..So I guess I got a lot of my thinking from her (RIP Katie) I just see a chance to go alone. I have done the Math, looked at the oil, the War Machine (Killing Machine in the USA) And just feel there is a chance to forget Wallace, really, and do the right thing. What if voting no ruins us? what if voting yes ruins us..I guess it is all a guess at this stage. I don’t vote yes blindly (Like certain you know who’s) I vote with an educated vote. Same as you.. I think when we get nearer to the time, maybe things will be clearer, we may all have a change of heart. Like I said, My biggest worry was I didn’t want us to become a Northern Ireland, you said Mexico, I think our thinking is similar there.

        Again, your a clever lad. Was going to call, but left it to late. Maybe give you a call tomorrow buddy

    • ps: I get this also, write a speech and it just fecks off..So now I put every reply if it is long into .Word then copy it in..


  3. First off, I wasn’t sure if a Bruce is allowed to comment on the Wallace.Scotland is the only country in the world where my credit card was refused on the basis of my surname.

    My son just did some research on the Celts for a school speech. I can’t find the reference, but it basically said the Celts were a warlike bunch who when they didn’t have a common enemy would pick fights between themselves, because it was fun and manly and stuff. Also having watched your doc on the football turf wars, I am disinclined to believe in a peaceable race of whiskey swilling bagpipers.

    I don’t know about the economic and social implications of Scottish Independence, but my heart thinks it would be a great day. It must be the genes,

    • I think blood lines go a long way. My blood lines are a mixture of Irish and Viking 🙂 So I am told anyway..
      I think we all maybe have this in our DNA. I mean, most, if not all people from the USA, their bloodline would take them to Europe somewhere yeah?
      Do you know your bloodline? It AMAZES me how many I speak to that have Irish or Scottish in their blood, from a few generations ago.
      We are in the main a mixture of pacifist and “Who fancies a fight” lol
      I am no expert on the Celts going back the way, I dare say Hawkeye will know, he is a real smart cookie when it comes to history.

      Good reply..x

    • Also, you got your Credit Card refused in Scotland because of your second name? Really?
      We are not that bad, lol
      Bruce did in the end side with the Scottish and took up Wallaces fight..

      • My husband was climbing up Ben Nevis and I went shopping. They took my card, handed it back and said they wouldn’t serve a Bruce. So, I made my husband go back the next day and buy my stuff.

      • I have never heard of this before…
        The people who served you must live 400+ years in the past or something. They are what we other Scottish people would call “DunderHeids” or Idiots.
        I believe you, just the first time I have ever heard of anyone taking it to these extremes…
        Can I ask where you are from? USA, UK? if you can of course..

        Shaun x

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