Was the London Soldiers beheading a “False Flag Operation”? – Watch and decide.

Hmm, No blood

Hmm, No blood

Blood, hands only.

Blood, hands only.

Website with some REALLY deep debate on the matter: http://truthfrequencyradio.com/exclusive-london-beheading-hoax-confirmed/

The Video: Check some of the comments below. Many  believe this was a hoax…What do you think? Judge from what I am showing.

Again RIP to Soldier Lee Rigby. I have spent the last 2 weeks just looking at some things. Where the car mounted the pavement and hit Lee is the only place Blood is constant. Yeah?  Check for yourself.

Blood where he was hit by car. Why no blood around his body where they "Dragged him and beheaded him" ?

Blood where he was hit by car. Why no blood around his body where they “Dragged him and beheaded him” ?

I am not a conspiracy nut, far from it, I am a guy who looks at a story and if I see an inconsistency, I will get a story and if something doesn’t add up, I will look further. The lack of blood beside Lee was the first thing I seen as “Strange” Then I got sent this video today, one the “Killer” has blood only on his hands and the weapons. The other part of the video NO BLOOD AT ALL

So use your thinking caps people. I am suggesting only there are inconsistencies here, nothing more. And the more I look, the more I see. This is what us Conspiracy nuts do you see. We try to find the truth. Nothing more, I would be hurting my own feelings if I thought Lee died but the event was a lie or a cover up or a false flag hoax, whatever, I am smarter than that. I am clever enough to look at any story and say “Hmmmm this does not add up, something is not right” What made me blog today was when a friend sent me this video. So the credit goes to Hawkeye for the video. But I would have found it myself anyway. I am on a site that the video will be on.

What do you think? Watch the video, there IS NO GORE, do you think the UK Government would create an event like this to get the people of the UK to hate Muslims, therefore having NO PROBLEMS with the UK going to the middle east. What do you think?

Also, and this is what peaked my interest. Derren Brown, famous in the UK for working with the mind PROVED you can get a person to commit murder without the person ever knowing he had committed the murder. All controlled in the mind. The most famous one is Robert Kennedy assassination, the man who was charged with this SWEARS to this day he can’t remember and has passed several lie detector tests.

Here is the show that was in UK TV on the same week http://www.channel4.com/programmes/derren-brown-the-experiments/episode-guide/series-1/episode-1 I watched it thinking “This is a poor show considering a man has JUST been assassinated” So I started to look closer and what I see are inconsistencies.

If you can watch Derren Brown – Assassin, please try. It proves, without a shadow of doubt a person can be controlled to commit the most appalling acts of horror against another person

Gets you thinking yeah?

Before I finish up here, I suffer from a condition where my brain tells my body it is in pain. Without this the pain would still be there, but my brain has convinced itself I am in more pain.




0 responses to “Was the London Soldiers beheading a “False Flag Operation”? – Watch and decide.

  1. When I first saw the video clip—-quite a while ago—the main thing I noticed was that none of the onlookers in the area seemed very concerned about what had supposedly just happened in front of them. They were just milling about, as if it was a normal day.

    • Yeah I showed that in one of the pictures. Nobody acted like a man had just been beheaded. Some woman were going up to Lee on the ground, looking down at him and not reacting. If I was a -beheaded man I would kill someone or at least faint..

      Good call..
      See, this is what I like, smart people like yourself that can think outside the box. I didn’t want this to happen, but it did. Now we have to look again and ask “Why” and what “Really happened” I once was out with Dawns little brother, a young man had stolen something out a shop, ran out, hit a double decker bus and his head went under the front double wheel, I looked away, but heard it, then I heard woman and men screaming..It was awful. And I look at that day and the day of the Soldier and you are spot on, the reactions were “Strange” as if nobody knew. Look back at some of the interviews by people there, they are smiling and it is like the reporter is telling them what they seen. They agree..

      Very odd..
      Good reply!

      • I put this on my facebook page the day it happened .Where is all the blood none on his clothes none on the weapons and his hand is covered completely like its painted on no drips .I dont think Lee Rigby excists and these blacks are actors.Like 911 ,bin laden boston ect ect ect ect all false flags,

      • Maybe, I think any guess right now is a good one.
        Few sites going into overdrive with this story. I just blogged a bit..

        Cheers John

  2. I have to agree with both you and Lech the casual way people were acting makes me wonder. The women of Woolwich must be made of stern stuff, to look at a headless body and not heave your guts up, faint or just run off screaming up the road, is not natural. I live in a wildish part of town and you don’t just walk passed a man with a knife and a meat cleaver covered in blood just so casually as the woman in the video did. But look on further, look at the news reports on YouTube. Every male ‘eye witness’ is a plain clothes squaddy or policeman. One even knew how many bullets the handgun could carry, when the lad waved it about. Even the perp with the cleaver and the knife looked like a squaddy to me. All close shaven, short haircuts, to the point replies, no, ‘ ..well I was out with the wife,’ or’ ,’I was at the bookies and my pal…,’you know what I mean. I recognise the type, used to work behind the bars and on the doors of pubs in Rose Street, you can spot a squaddy miles away.
    I watched the Derren Brown thing, MKUltra without the drugs or cruelty, but have you looked up the Milgram Experiment. It is a psychology experiment where subjects are asked to give electric shocks to someone in another room whenever they get a question wrong, increasing the power of the shock with each wrong answer. It was found that something like 2/3’s of subjects were willing to knowingly administer deadly doses of electricity to the person answering the questions, who was an actor or actress and not connected to anything, but were faking. Oddly people argued, but went on turning up the electricity when ordered to by someone in a white coat, also an actor I believe. It was to look into ‘the only following orders’ thing from WWII. They found that people can be easily convinced into murder and torture, when told that some authority figure would take the responsibility. This is no hypnosis, no drugs and no cruelty (except for the poor begger on the receiving end), just using the correct language and social clues. You should find it under ‘Milgram Experiment’ on YouTube. This chap Milgram, was also the person who discovered we are all only six mutual acquaintances away from each other, six degrees of separation it is called nowadays.

    • Yeah I know where you coming from. Something isn’t right when a beheaded man is there and people ain’t running about wild screaming..very odd…What did you make of the Blood/No blood videos?

      Also found that video

      Sure I have seen it…

      Great replies lads

  3. In the version with the blood it goes up past his wrist joints yet there is no blood on the cuffs of his jacket and his watch is remarkable for not seeming to be marked, in fact there seems to be no marks on either of their clothes, including their shoes and trousers, since I believe witnesses said they knelt to hack at the soldier. One of them is wearing a white jacket, not a mark on it. Even if the lad was not fully decapitated, there should have been more gore if he was hacked to death and dragged into the middle of the road. It is strangest piece of violence I’ve came across in the UK. People don’t stop and have conversations with men covered in blood, carrying guns and bloodstained blades. The whole thing does not seem to balance. There does not seem to be any bloody footprints, round the body. I am baffled, but I don’t have any idea why if it was a false flag, why was it so badly botched. Plus Londoners are the last people you gain anything by threatening terrorism or violence, they have been targets from before WW2, it goes with the territory. I do not think even New Yorkers understand what it takes to live and work in London. If it is the kind of murder that the press makes out, then I am baffled. If not I am no less confused. All I can do is ask questions about these things I do not understand and I do not think anyone is going to give me the answers.

  4. I remember that electroshock thing from varsity. This is very wierd. I am appalled to question the death of this poor man. I am concerned about “social media truth”. I would hate to find out that he died as part of a PR stunt. And I am terrified of living in Orwell’s 1984.

    However, I must add that hypnotised people can do very odd things, but it seems that it is very hard to hypnotise someone out of their intrinsic morality i.e commit murder. I have seen a show where a guy was hypnotised to have sex with a mop. It scarred me for life. It was horribly disturbing, like an episode of Eastenders.

    • lol @ Eastenders.
      All I did here was present to y’all what I seen.
      That Derren Brown show, PLEASE try and watch it, you get it on You Tube.
      The people around, the woman, did they act like a man’s head was off? No…..
      Something is wrong with this picture and the story..

      All we can do is debate it and see where we end up…

  5. OK, I have absolutely no explanation for the women standing around a supposedly decapitated body seemingly holding a very calm conversation while a few feet away stands a man with bloodied hands, knife and cleaver. Not exactly what one would call a normal response, unless you happen to be drugged. I also saw another video that shows a female police officer moving the body over now why would they be tampering with evidence before the forensics team arrive on the crime scene. Or is it different in Europe. I know that in the US no one touches anything much less the body until ample photos have been taken and forensics has had a chance to look over the body.

    Also the video that is presented here as being before the blood was added? If you look closely the palms of his hands are an odd orange color. If you look further behind him the markings on the road are red in the video where they say the blood was added. However, in the video where they say the blood had not been added yet those red lines in the road are orange. Now it could be manipulation or a camera that does not capture red true to color. If it was just his hands I would be inclined to say yes , but since the road lines also change from red to orange I would say the blood was not added, it just seems that way due to the camera’s hue sensitivity.
    As I said none of the rest makes sense. Even of the women did not run screaming and in a panic. You would think there would be more of a reaction than the one seen on the videos. It is like there are watching someone receiving a ticket or getting pulled over. Just watching as they say in the States “rubbernecking”. Doesn’t make much sense……

    • Thank you!! And good summary
      It is sad what happened to the lad first of all..
      Over here, same rules, NOBODY touches a crime scene.
      And what got me, same as you and many others is the calmness of it all.
      Apparently there are 20+ people with video’s and the police took the phones, why not this one, the one that the media got?

      Well said, it just doesn’t seem to make sense.
      Thanks for your reply


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