The fight against Monsanto has heated up like never before, especially with the recent March Against Monsanto and other campaigns that have been rooted in similar activism. But the simple reality is that it doesn’t take a PHD to realize how Monsanto’s genetic manipulation of the food supply is an assault on the health of the world — an experiment to which we do not know the full extent of the damage. Instead, as 11-year-old Birke Baehr shows us, it simply takes a bit of research.


The food we all eat every day, is unsafe, its covered in CHEMICALS. The sign above, don’t deny it’s truth, PLEASE! Wake up to the truth, I will LET an 11 year old kid explain this for me, as he seems qualified to do so.  PLEASE, TAKE THE TIME TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE MESSAGE IS HERE. Listen to this kid, look at your plate . Look at the picture at least. Lets ALL get our heads out the sand here people. We MUST wake up. I asked in a previous thread “Why are we all getting ill”  http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/05/24/why-are-we-all-ill/

If I am not going to speak about my health any more, then allow me, please, to help you understand why you are ill and people are DYING….

This is the truth

This is the truth

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_modified_food  WAKE UP, BUY LOCAL. WE ARE THE 99% WE OWN THEM, THEY DON’T OWN US 

WOW>> An ll year old kid SCHOOLS us all, if you haven’t got the time, SHAME ON YOU! My kids went to school, do did yours, but mine were educated on all this at home.  Were yours? or were you “too busy” ? WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! Want to talk about greed? want to debate wealth? want to know what you eat every day is unsafe to go near when its being grown, but ok when its on your place, well God Damn, it’s like magic




Do you know where your lunch came from?

Do you know where your lunch came from?


This is why I play this video, ITS THE SAME  GOD DAMM THING!!



  1. Did you know that the genetically modified seed corporation Monsanto did not and does not modify the seeds to increases yields? It is to sell their specific pesticide/weedkiller ‘Round Up’. Back in the nineties their patent on Round Up was running out, but they were making pots of cash with it and the way they wangled the market. So they decided to patent genetically modified seed that was resistant to Round Up, but they tweaked it so that everyone would have to buy their seed and their newish pesticide. If you look back to the start of all this there is no mention of increased crop production, only making seeds Round Up ready. Now this monster Obama has let legislation passed that if an organic farmer’s crop becomes contaminated by pollen from a Round Up ready crop from someone else’s farm down the road, then Monsanto can and will sue, because they own the patent and the organic farmer is using their genetic material without permission.
    In fact this policy in the long term will lower yields, because of lack of diversity. We could even be leaving ourselves open to what happened to North West Europe during the potato blight. Ireland was hit worst, although there were other reasons why so many died. So don’t believe anyone that genetically modified food or seeds if they say it is to increase yield, it is to increase profits for the shareholders of Monsanto stocks. We are lucky in Europe that there is legislation against this stuff it is very bad for the environment, as is the pesticides being used ( which are still being used in Europe, it is only the seed that is under legislation. That is why we have no bees), but it is also very bad for anyone who eats the stuff, recent properly done trials are finding out. It is alleged that Monsanto should be in court for not doing trials and tests in the proper way and for an appropriate amount of time.
    But I don’t kid myself, if horse meat can find it’s way into Findus Lasagne, then it is likely that we are getting a fair dose of this poison too.
    ‘ Horsey, horsey don’t you stop,
    We’re on our way to the freezer shop.
    Now you’re done and no use to me,
    I’m having lasagne for my tea.’
    Remember this genetically modified stuff is not to help a starving World it is to make corporations like Monsanto and their ‘friends’ oodles of cash. I wonder what will hit first illness and death in the US from eating these crops or the ticking time bomb that is the consequences of mad cow disease in the UK all those years ago, that should be rearing it’s ugly head in the next decade or so, bet you had forgot about that.

    • Nah, didn’t forget.
      As I do a blog I hope others come in and add to what I have said, as usual you did, brilliant reply.

      Mad Cow disease they “Say” stopped.
      But the blog I put into that blog I asked the question, “Why we all getting ill” We been eating Horse Meat you and me lol

      We don’t know the half of it.
      Speculation, I could add more, but its only DISGUSTING speculation.

      And we don’t want to think about canabolism now do we? As food runs out, what will, sorry, what are we getting served. Humans taste of Chickens someone said..How we know..We don’t.. But lets stick to his topic, lol


  2. I’m sure some criminals have got rid of rivals or victims in some sausage or hamburger manufacturers. Not a pleasant thought, but certainly not beyond some individuals. There are one or two people that I have had acquaintance with that I wouldn’t put it past.
    Did you know that Monsanto have a strain of seeds ready that is resistant to the aluminium from Chem- trails?

    • Yeah the “Magic Bean” they are calling it..

      My Dad owned a Butchers Van…big one, used to Drive it around Muirhouse..And a fish and chips van, lol…

  3. Pingback: Can I please get some help answering this question? | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

  4. Pingback: Weed killer found in human urine across Europe – Chemicals, used by Monsanto GMO Crops – IN MY URINE! | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

  5. Pingback: So you think your food is safe? South Africa Now!! | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

  6. Pingback: Now, Meat From Diseased Cattle Sold By Defra (ENOUGH)! | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

  7. Pingback: Obama Facing Major Test Over Snowden Leaks, as the USA falls to it’ knees | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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