From 1985 till now, can we look at ourselves in the mirror as a species?

1985, I was 11 when this event happened. In the UK and the USA

1985, I was 11 when this event happened. In the UK and the USA

Again, for me, life is defined in Moments, moments we look back at years later and say “WOW” did that really happen. Well yeah, in 1985, the UK and the USA did Live Aid; they both ran at the same time and is still the biggest world musical event to this day. But why did we do this? What was the reason? Well these two songs tell a story, and be warned, the picture at the bottom of the blog is reason enough to try, but today kids and adults are still dying, still things are bad, they are better, but not perfect. Let’s make more moment like this, for humanity and our consciences

Against all odds 

Somebody to love 

The American people did this, a song I love today, still

This picture should haunt our sleep, should haunt every greedy bastard corporate bastard who makes billions of pounds/dollars as things like this still happen, as a species, if we are lucky, we will be able to look Back to this time, our time with absolute disgust that this BELOW FUCKING HAPPENS!

FUCKING WHY!! All the money on earth and this happens !! NO MORE!! WAKE UP!!

FUCKING WHY!! All the money on earth and this happens !! NO MORE!! WAKE UP!!

I will let this answer

I will let this answer



0 responses to “From 1985 till now, can we look at ourselves in the mirror as a species?

    • Brilliant. I left a reply. And now others can read this as well as my blog. Thank you!! xx

      And try liking again..

      Thank you WIllow..

  1. I agree with you, Shaun…I agree that it’s disgraceful that things like this still happen today. And I agree about the greedy corporate bastards playing a big roll in this. But we all have a part in it…when we turn a blind eye to someone in need…when we elect politicians who are in the pockets of the greedy corporate bastards…when we don’t stand up and demand that things change…when we live our lives with blinders on, only seeing those things that directly impact us…that’s when we must own a share of the guilt. Like you, I hope enough of us can stand together and force won’t be easy, but it can be done.

    • 100% well said!!
      There is no excuse.

      Humanity will be judged badly in the future when this greed passes, if we make it that far. But our future humans in 200 years from now, if the world changed will look at as us savages


    • I know..
      THAT!!! Would be something.
      Queen did Wembley and it was full, my Sister was there. Said it was stunning.
      Imagine being on stage… WOW!

  2. Pingback: Can I please get some help answering this question? | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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