Cannabis, weed, marijuana = Social Stigma

All of the above

All of the above

Well I have about had enough of this shit.

Cannabis, weed, marijuana = Social Stigmata

Alcohol = sociably acceptable


People drink Alcohol, spread sexual disease, beat each other up, cause riots in our city centres worldwide, we all seen the TV shows where the police are dealing with drunks and all of the above

People like to sit at home, nice night, watch some TV and smoke a joint. BIG DEAL!! I know Judges, Lawyers, politicians, Policemen/woman, Teachers and other people in high placed jobs in society who smoke cannabis. Who are they harming? Apart from getting frostbite from having their face in the fridge looking for something to eat (Old Joke I know)

This is Backwards. Heroin is a BAD drug, it ruins lives and areas of my City, but one of the main ingredients of Heroin is Opiate, and I take this in a prescribed drug for pain. So why not Cannabis?

People need to educate themselves between the difference of a joint and taking Heroin or worse.

The thing that REALLY FUCKING PISSED ME OFF is people (Like me in a way) Take Class-A drugs they get from the Dr every day, then decry other people for daring to smoke a joint. These people are hypocrites. Live and let live.

I smoke cannabis, have done since I was 15 or so, I never went on to touch rougher stuff, and if I did I didn’t stay on it. I smoke it now; at night when the kids are sleeping as it 100% helps my pain.

Are there others here who smoke Marijuana because it helps with pain but feel they get judged harshly by family members and society?

I could go on, but I would piss people off. In the UK the police don’t care, I hear in the USA people are in jail over tiny amounts, this true?


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0 responses to “Cannabis, weed, marijuana = Social Stigma

    • I will take a look at this video. As a kid I drunk Alcohol (I don’t now) and experimented with all sorts. Over the years after stopping for years I went back to smoking the solid stuff, the weed is way to strong for me. I ask my Dr all the time, Hemp Oil is a massive help for pain and for mental issues. This notion that it messes with your brain, well yeah, it will, if you uses it 24/7. The people I know smoke it ONLY at night and before bed time. There are a ton of things medical science just WILL NOT try and it was put on the planet by God. As I say parts of Heroin I get prescribed by my Dr. So its there to help.

      Thank you for your comment and the video..

      • It is a fine line , if it suits you , you are fine, but you could have one bad trip and that is it . Neuroses schizophrenia, depression take your pick…………. it is a fine line.

      • Bad Trip? On Cannabis?
        You need to research Cannabis.
        A joint is like a pint..just milder feeling… lol

        There is no fine line with a smoke.
        My mate just posted a Music Video a comment up.
        Watch it. That is the message.
        And this stuff I smoke keeps me out of Hospital.

        Trip? Really? lol


      • Believe me or believe me not it is true, it can ruin your brain. Bob Geldof lost three days on one of his first splifs …. do some research !

      • I have done research, 3 years now in the benefits to pain, and your mind. Tersia posted a video at the start. As you know she lost her Daughter Vic and she believed Cannabis may have helped her.

        I do research, its all I do..
        I do understand what you are trying to say, and I do appreciate. And lose 3 days with a Joint? He was joking or he smoked Heroin.
        I research, I take it and it helps me, I am the perfect research lab rat..

        But I will research some more on the bad things.
        If you can throw some links at me showing how and where it is bad “Just Cannabis” I will change my mind on the subject if you can make me see it different. That is a promise.
        We live and learn. I love to..
        Throw some links at me. You ask me to research?
        I can’t find links to say it will harm me.



      • Agree to disagree is it. And yeah I actually did look up to see what it was doing to me.
        Help me get of the medication I am on, I will love you forever. It is poison what I am prescribed.
        I don’t smoke the weed, never have, too strong. I smoke cannabis, just enough to relax my pain.
        If the pain went away, and I hear it can then away goes both..

        Thank you willow..
        You got a heart of Gold there


  1. We have discussed this way way back in the past.

    During a time of terrible neuropathic pain cannabis was the ONLY drug that would provide pain relief. The medical profession would rather have me zombified on morphine yet still in pain than do something sensible.

    I used weed with a vaporiser of the best effect and it was instant pain relief.

    Like you, I smoked it recreationally from a young age and it never ever got me into trouble with friends or with the law (can’t say it didn’t contribute to spreading some sexual diseases :-)). It’s insane.

    For me this is the perfect song to highlight the case. Very clever songwriting. Used to love the music, not so sure now that I’m listening back!

    I hope you are well mate


    • hahaha @ can’t say it didn’t contribute to spreading some sexual diseases

      I remember the debate, yeah
      Mate this is THE PERFECT SONG to prove my point. Good man.
      Anyone who thinks I am wrong needs educated. Brilliant song to get the point over
      I remember this song, never thought of it.

      Keeping well buddy, same old same old (Ish)
      Hope you well yourself bud


  2. yes, I live here in Wisconsin and it is completely and totally against the law. People look so down on you if you smoke it. I am going thru a lot with my oldest daughter, if you care to follow my blog about her but anyways, the one thing they ask me at any counseling place for her is right away is has she taken any illegal substance or smoked anything? I know someone close to me that smokes it and they have told me that maybe I should for my pain but I guess because it has been instilled in me that it is against the law and society I dont, dont get me wrong, yes I will admit I have tried it. my god, i would be lying I am 35 but it makes me paranoid. Maybe because of how people look at it or what but I guess you make a good point and i never looked at it that way, I take way worse medications than just smoking a joint…lol..great post and great point…

    xo kelly lynn xo

    • They Video a friend just posted 2/3 replies above says it all, brilliant it is..

      And yeah if its against the law to that degree, maybe not worth while. I know a few people get paranoid on it, but these people smoke it all day.
      I have 5 joints a week, if you are lucky. 100% Helps with the pain..
      But an uneducated fool will just say “Easy way to say why you smoke it”
      If your in pain, maybe burn a little in butter on a spoon over a flame and pour it into a yoguart, will work just as well…
      Lighting over light in a spoon, this will get the uneducated off their seats 🙂

      Ta for the comment.
      Will look at your blog..


    • Alcohol is worse.
      I don’t get people who REALLY think it is harmful…

      Research is the key..
      And it helps my pain better that the Dr’s Poison tablets !

  3. Yes, It is a felony for just a gram or two in your possession, plus the paraphernalia used is a separate charge. This is in the state of Indiana, USA. Some states have decriminalized it all together. Some states allow medical marijuana. The federal government has it on a short leash with jail time for anybody having it in their possession. Technically the federal government trumps the states and it is illegal in all 50 states. Grey area right now.

    • Was going to say, gray area, you said it at the end.
      Thing is, people will smoke it in their homes anyway. Maybe getting be hard
      I annoys me how some picture bad people being the only ones who smoke it..

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