Excuse me while I light my spliff


quote-excuse-me-while-i-light-my-spliff-good-god-i-gotta-take-a-lift-bob-marley-250500For my pal Mer @ http://knockedoverbyafeather.wordpress.com/ and my good self …

0 responses to “Excuse me while I light my spliff

      • YEAH!! That is the hardest one..
        Alcohol is sociably acceptable.
        Yet we see people spread disease, wreck city centres and their own homes or worse.
        Alcohol, society says “Fine”

        Me and others want to sit in our homes and smoke a joint. Watch TV, Have a sandwich, at night, when the kids are sleeping. And Society tells us we are bad people.

        Ignorance by people who don’t know the difference between a joint and heroin. It should be legalised for medical reasons alone. God put it on the planet, maybe it was for this reason. Parts of Heroin are legal, Opiates. Used to relieve pain. Why not Cannabis? The world is backwards..


    • Yeah, the thing with Bob he captures all generations.
      And he will keep doing so. I just hope his words never die, the meaning of his songs.


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