You from the USA? Watch this Video!



Puts it all together. Every major event that has brought us to where we are today. Frightening in it’s implication. Although the video makes the argument at the end that “We the People” can stop this, IMO, it is way too late. Orwell’s 1984 doesn’t even begin to describe what we are living through right now and what is to come.

You guys are in a TERRIBLE state right now.  I am posting this as if it is a police state, only because this is what it “seems to becoming” Love the USA Love all you guys, but this video is WOW, Please watch it. And if you can, comment. Or bury your head in the sand. I live 7,000 miles away, it won’t affect me or my Family, but anyone from the USA, if you DON’T watch this video, you are denying ignorance. PLEASE, Let me know your thoughts….




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0 responses to “You from the USA? Watch this Video!

  1. it frightens me. I recall reading that about 1 in five East Germans were informants against their fellow men. I hope it doesn’t get to that.

    The only thing to over-turn it will be a Ghandi like protest.

    • Fear is the plan, from the outside looking in, I wouldnt want to live there just now, love younguys and your countrey, goverment, hmmm..Land of the free..ppffft

      • what steals the soul of a nation? Government handouts and relying on government for every solution.

        can’t argue with the ppfffft.

      • Greed? Evil? Infiltration? Seriously, Google “concentration camps in the USA” Dont know why more of you dont know this. Also purchases of plastic coffins…all there

  2. Oh — on the video, the brothers car-jacked a guy which lead to the shootouts. Their subsequent actions led to those actions. That seemed to be the main exaggeration

  3. You are absolutely right, this country is circling the toilet. Sadly, most folks I know think I’m crazy, and they are so BRAINWASHED BY CNN that they repeat whatever they are told. I am praying for the veil to come off their eyes…It may be too late…

    • I have no vested interest to lie to the American people. I live in the UK. Many people are just living or trying to live. Thing are hard for some over there. I also think people would rather live the lie. I have yet to wake 1 person up. If you can’t wake someone up, you never will.
      Keep trying, keep posting things. Sadly a person has to want to see it. I think people like you and I have the time to look into this. I don’t know.
      I worry for the USA. Deeply. Maybe we are paranoid lol…. Thanks for the reply

      • I have many friends there, people I have met. Some are waking up. But not enough. Rome? you guys are the new Rome. Lets hope we are both paranoid eh

      • And you…

        Thanks for contacting..
        I hope we can debate further.

        Corporate Greed will kill us all…

      • I read a little more of your blog and see the you have Chronic Pain Syndrome…all I can say is that sucks…but you seem to be a good, strong person because of how you are handling it. I will add you to the prayer list!! I am glad to connect with you and I prefer the word “discuss” rather than “debate” LOL

      • I am in Scotland, you are lucky I said Debate… lol

        Yeah pain sucks bad. But you just get on with it.. It is only 24/7 every day lol..

        This is why I look into politics and world affairs etc, takes my mind elsewhere


    • lol..
      Yeah it frightens me also.
      If there was to be a revolt by the people, I would probably be 1st to die, as I wouldn’t take it.
      There are a million and 1 videos like this, but videos shouldn’t have to be played. It’s kinda right there for people to see lol


  4. I find it VERY ODD a blog on awards gets more talk…
    I find it odd a blog on drugs (Below this) gets more talk..

    I am stunned.

  5. Pingback: Can I please get some help answering this question? | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

  6. Pingback: Obama Facing Major Test Over Snowden Leaks, as the USA falls to it’ knees | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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