



The picture above, as people on my Face book will know is the picture I use, it is symbolic of a struggle that we all see every day, we feel every day and we take part in every day, all of us


So you believe in God? If the answer is Yes, then the opposite must be true, Lucifer. To believe in good means you must believe in bad. I researched Religion for most of my life. I believe in God, but I don’t believe in organised Religion. I put this to a Reverent I am good friends with, the man is a Bishop, he sits at very high tables in life, and he is a smart cookie. He told me, to have a relationship with God is all that is important.


I lean towards no faith other than God himself, the truth that he is there and he loves us all and answers the odd prayer and helps us when we are in need. I shouldn’t have to sit in a building and pay to love God; I believe this was one of the biggest tricks to be played on our species. That WE must all sit in a building on God’s day off. Many will and can debate me on this, these are my thoughts.


So you believe in God? I will ask a simple question, who runs the world right now? It is either God or the Devil, one has control, who is it? For me, just look at our World with pure eyes, Lucifer has BOUGHT the majorities souls, Greed and the need for Power has poisoned our very souls


Are we damned to hell? Do we live a lie? Have we been deceived? They said the Devil will come in the face of peace. I see a world with over 2,000 religions and they fight and kill to defend each of the Gods they worship. Happens in my Country with Catholic and Protestants


The biggest mistake we made as a species was dividing God into religions. I tried, I really did to get into religion, and I tried so hard. Now I have a relationship with God, just God, and it works for me. I am living testimony to say “You can be at one with God without having a religion” As religion is what makes our world a harsh one, a world at War. Many ask “Why would God allow Children to die” I asked this question also. I have no answer. If we all just believed in God and forgot religion I think things would be better. But who am I to decide or dictate? I am just some man from some place


Where did it go wrong?



0 responses to “Religion

  1. Hi Shaun, this is quite an interesting post. Like I said, I like to “discuss” rather than “debate.” 🙂 I can tell you my personal beliefs. I promise not to hold a gun to your head. 🙂
    Ok Here goes.

    God Almighty lives outside of the “TIME” dimension that we humans live in. He lives in a dimension known as “eternity”. It is almost impossible for our minds to grasp this, but I think of it like a person looking at an iguana in an aquarium. You see what he is doing in there, you can help him, throw him food, and he can interact with you by looking at you or you can pick him up and hold him in your hands. God is in eternity,and looks at us in our “box” of time.

    A friend of mine also suggested that God sees our life on earth as a big parade, He can see the beginning, middle and end of Time.

    Eternity has no beginning and no end. Time has a beginning (“Big Bang aka Let There be Light”) and will have an end.

    Satan/Lucifer/The Devil was once a beautiful angel. But he wanted to take God’s place on the throne. Since he was a creation, that was not possible. God tossed him down to earth, took away his beauty. That is why evil exists.

    God and Satan are NOT equal. God is the creator, Satan the creation.

    Humans were made from the “dust of the earth”, the clay, soil, ground but God breathed His own life into man and we are made in God’s spiritual image.

    Satan tempted Adam and Eve with the forbidden fruit in the garden, and they lost God’s spiritual covering. This broken relationship with God needed to be mended, but no human man could do it.

    God loved us enough that He wanted the relationship restored. He breathed His life into a young woman named Mary, who bore a Son named Jesus.

    When Jesus went to the cross to be crucified, God the father put all our sin on Him, and turned His face away. All the punishment we deserved God put on His own Son.
    Jesus went into Hell and took the keys of Hell and Death away from Satan.

    Jesus paid the price for every human that ever lived or will lived, so that we can come back into relationship with God the Father. But there is something on us–we need to believe on Jesus as the One who paid the price to save us.

    Here is where it gets tricky: people profess to be Jesus Followers, but still treat other people badly. Let’s face it, Hitler was NOT a Christian, no matter what he said.

    No one really knows what is in the heart of man except God the Father.

    Well I am sorry that I took up so much space in your blog, but you started it 🙂

    Why is there so much suffering in the world? I don’t think there is one answer to that. There are many answers. Some of it is because people tend to be selfish, and don’t help others when they can/should. Some of it is just plain ignorance, or not wanting to know. Some of it is because the planet is suffering because of our sin, and planet earth cries out with earthquakes and tsunamis.

    Well Shaun that is the highlights of what I believe. I hope it makes some sense.

    • You didn’t take up space, thanks for the reply.
      I know you ask 100 people a question, more than likely you get 100 differing answers.
      And thanks for what you wrote. I have researched religion and God and Lucifer and all the inbetweens for half my life. What you said there is your belief, and PLEASE, TRUST ME, I respect that. I respect the will off any person. Live and let live and all that. But I am yet to be convinced these words rings true.
      See I am Science, I have to see it to believe it. A few events happened in my life that made me believe in God. I asked, and it happened. So I believe in God. Not Religion.. Make sense? You asked for this by replying 🙂 lol..

      I think it is VERY HEALTHY we can all have our own thinking, our own will, our ways. I spoke to this chap one, and we were getting along fine. When I said to him “I believe in God, not religion” He stopped speaking to me. What message is he sending out? And he was a Rev/Bishop also. What message did he send me? Love my Religion or you will go to hell?

      If you ask me, this world IS HELL. We have been forsaken. People hold God up to be this all knowing powerful entity and I guess he is. But people only turn to God in times of trouble. Is that right? I don’t think so. I thank God when good things happen also, the relationship has to work both ways.

      I just don’t swallow religion. Religion makes more money than ANY Corporation and pays no Tax. I won’t pay into God. God is free, God is for us all.

      My point at the end of the blog “If we JUST BELIEVED IN GOD” I think the world would be better, I stand by this. Just God, No 2,000 different names for him. We as a species have belittles him by giving him 2,000 different names. He is God “Full Stop”

      These are just my opinions. And also, I got asked to read the a bible. I replied..”What one”…The person who said “Read the bible” never had an answer.

      Thank you, truly for the comments

    • My dad said “Shaun, shut the fuck up” He was a dick…

      True story.
      Joking (Truth sorry) aside.
      Why can’t we debate Religion or Politics? Are we still primitive Animals that can’t debate? lol

      • Well the Middle East is fecked with War and we are TOLD it is over religion., It is infact over Oil. You are smart, you know this. Religion starts arguments, and Wars..Debate, well that is up to whom is debating lol..

        I get your point thought.. Word Press is a different beast though, I only had Mr Jew Hater here:
        This person alone can’t start a war, but he caused what he thought was an argument, I was toying with him as he couldn’t spell Debate. lol.
        Only time I seen religion or a people be an issue on here. I seen tons. And not ALL Wars are religion. The Falklands Warwas over sheep or something. The 1st Gulf War was Iraq going into Kuwait for Oil..There are many more..

        Again, I get your point.
        Sensible people like you and I, who can debate, like adults, should be able to debate these subjects. And I think I can safely say everyone who follows me also. Unless Mr Jew Hater has fixed his PC I broke 🙂

        I gotcha… xx

    • Yeah just a bit,,,
      He will have trouble starting his PC for a bit.

      He asked for it.
      Less arseholes like him online the better..

  2. Good debate Shaun — sadly some of them to the extent of forcing an iron hand. It’s been going on for years. Like you, it’s personal for me and doesn’t need to show up in a building and dictated by a lot of rules.

    • Yeah, I am glad I am not alone in my thinking here.
      I mean no disrespect here, everyone knows I am not that guy..

      Thank you

      • Me too. I’m with you in meaning no disrespect as I can relate to those having strong beliefs and faiths in organized religions. I came from that yet had more questions needing to be answered within myself and how I fit with what’s going on in the world. It’s a work in progress.

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