To The People Of The USA – I am sorry for what is coming

What you think.

What you think.

I am not Glenn Becks’s Biggest Fan, please watch these two Videos, I AM SORRY THIS IS NOT ABOUT SUNSHINE, BUTTERFLIES AND RAINBOWS!

1. What I believe is going to happen also

2. Said without Words by Glenn, Using cards

It will be announced that hacked emails were used to blackmail and extort Chief Justice Roberts. Very embarrassing emails were obtained, and he was told to vote to declare Obamacare constitutional, or his family life would be destroyed.PREPARE.

Editor’s Note:  Before It’s News contributors have been speculating about this topic since the original Obamacare Supreme Court verdict.  Your mileage may vary, but many things are possible in light of the recently divulged NSA spying scandal.

UPDATE:  From a reader….what’s apparently on a lot of people’s minds…

FYI, after pondering what the big issue could be yesterday, I too thought that at least part of it would be related to how the Soetoro machine got to John Roberts. I believe that they found actual records proving that he & his wife literally bought their 2 children from an organization in Ireland, had them sent to Costa Rica where the Roberts picked them up. Such an arrangement is apparently illegal for a U.S. citizen to do, but that alone doesn’t rise to the level of an issue so crushingly embarrassing that it would cause a Chief Justice of the United States to violate both his oath of office AND the Constitution itself. There must be something else that forced Roberts to sell out 330 million Americans.

This will fall on unseeing eyes and deaf ears, but I have to share this. I research a LOT, many call me a conspiracist, I am not, and I look for the truth. I don’t believe Aliens Visit Earth and I don’t believe in Ghosts. I deal in World news. Things that impact all of us. I researched this for several months now.

The NRA are in deep here. There has been blackmail within 2 warring factions of your country. You have the illusion of Democrat and Republican, Red and blue, sadly it is just an illusion. There are no “Sides” There is no real vote, you vote for the same. I can blog this now because it is already on a few sites now. The end of what the USA stands for is close. I don’t know what will happen after the news of the scandal and corruption is told to you all.

Don’t watch CNN or Fox News waiting on some news here, check alternative news sites, just Google some, there are many. Be careful what you believe, be careful what you say, email and who you trust. I am in Scotland; I am passing on second hand news already told to a few. What has happened is a clear and outright violation of the separation of powers between Executive and Judicial that people that is so bad, I believe it will bring down factions of your Government. Luckily people in power have woken up. Some tried to speak and were killed (It’s your country, think over the last 10 years who has died who could know things) Now people are speaking out. They offered to do it in front on Congress live on TV to us all. I think they were told no. There are a few whistleblowers from what I can tell.

The Federal Reserve with help from the banks, and the other way around have bought your country, the people in power do not care about you. They HAVE build concentration camps all over your country

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself

A real live on in an isolated position

A real live on in an isolated position

Close up

Close up



They have also bought Millions of black plastic Coffins

One Black plastic coffin

One Black plastic coffin

Hundreds of black plastic coffins

Hundreds of black plastic coffins

The large are in black are black plastic coffins

The large area in black is black plastic coffins

They have done operations in front of you, tests; here is one that was videoed by scared people

(Video of LA Tests with Helicopters) 2:30 in, the people are scared

They are trying to disarm you, they are scaring you in the news, people ARE getting ill, and I have blogged this. They are brainwashing you into a country of people who are either scared or in denial or will charge at them and take your own life.

I am so sorry for what is about to happen to your country. You are the new Roman Empire, and if you go and research what Hitler did when he was liked in Germany in the mid 30’s, you will see the pattern is the GOD DAMN SAME. Keep your guns, don’t let them  disarm you. Don’t let them destroy you. There are people on the inside ON YOUR SIDE.



The signs where there

The signs where there



People wrote books

People wrote books

The best place to hide something is right in your face

The best place to hide something is right in your face

0 responses to “To The People Of The USA – I am sorry for what is coming

    • I hope so my friend. I think the people acted like humans and trusted the people they pay to run the country. Sadly greed took over. The day it was known George Bush (While President) had shares in the Bin Laden Corp should have been a wake up call. I can name 1,000 more. Your media don’t tell the story, people just don’t know.

      Thanks for the reply. And as a Friend of American, all the way from Scotland. I hope they are wrong

      • Can you see Civil War? Truthfully?
        And no problem mate. I am just sharing what needs shared. I hate doing these blogs, but people need to live the truth and not pretend through the lie..

        Thanks again

      • I don’t see a civil war against a force with stealth bombers being too successful. Instead, a Ghandi protest movement is probably what it would take.

        however… using the Dhali Llama and Tibet as a reference, it doesn’t look too good.

        Still – the constitution is the friend of freedom… if enough can be woken to follow it.

      • Well said “If enough can be woken”
        The 2nd Amendment is there for a reason, I wish you would all use it before the guns are taken.

  1. Nowhere near civil war unless it is wanted and engineered by the powers that be, just like the various ‘Arab Springs’. My advice is don’t go near your guns, especially if there is a uniform of any kind involved, you will be shot down where you stand. Your firearms are for self protection not protest. I don’t care how many assault rifles you have they are no match for a trained police force or army. This is just more spin and news manipulation, you know yourself Shaun how easily the net, social media and blogging are twisted to suit any agenda. They know that the people have caught onto the fact that the mainstream news is just propaganda and run by people who have agendas, for goodness sake they didn’t hide it very well, perhaps it is part of the agenda that it should be revealed. I am beginning to distrust the alternative news media after certain things over the past few months.
    All this smells to high heaven the Boston bombing, beheading British soldiers on the streets of the UK, this year’s very incongruous Bilderberg publicity circus ( oddly just after Jim Tucker’s death, I think he would have seen through it. FFS thon halfwit David Icke got a standing ovation), Obama turning dictator. I keep saying this, but someone is keeping the fear going, and it is serving a purpose other than keeping the privileged few in power, they are that rich they untouchable anyway.
    BTW saw Glenn Beck’s piece on the up and coming news early this morning, this is not the first time I have waited for such news for it not to transpire. He is a real drama queen, he is not exactly Jeremy Paxman. Going to see if I can find out if there has been real news yet. I see the justice department raided a newspaper to get information on a supposed whistleblower, now that is real attack on the Constitution.

    • Reason I said I am not the biggest fan of Glenn Beck. But this is all over the net. Remember this lad here? He speak, you listen, Lieutenant Colonel Potter, he is risking LIFE.

      He has done a shitload more videos.

      He says “Most Dangerous time since the Kennedy Assination” and “People ARE putting this together” He talks of the Boston issue here. But he also says this is the start of something big. Factions looking to take over from one another. Read the blog again, it matches up. I know you have your own sites also. When I say “Research yourself” in a blog, I hope people who want to take their head out the sand will go and look at, for example, the price of Gold. Rich Perry demanded Gold back for Texas and look what happened in Texas. That was a WARNING TO TEXAS!! This is where we are. Civil War in the sense of War between states at Government level. The people have the 2nd, and you know what it means. I know if 500 people did this, they would be killed. 5 Million did it, I don’t know. I think different ending.
      They need the people to keep feeding them money, But the biggest thing for me is the black coffins. America have bought MILLIONS.

      I never believe alternative news all the time, I am very careful what I believe period.

      And as you say at the end, the DOJ are looking for this Whistleblower. So this “looks” like it is close to being exposed. When it does it will be online, not on TV…So it is up to people to realise not all online is shit..

      Dig away bud, please, keep me up to speed.


      • I have seen several of the colonel’s videos, in fact I try to keep up with them, although he seems genuine enough and believes what he is saying, I fail to see what he is bringing to the fight, like Jones, Icke and Beck, he is only frightening people. None of the above people have offered any peaceful solution. No Ghandi-esque passive resistance, no concerted withholding of paying federal tax to protest. It must be obvious to the most stupid of US citizens that the ballot box was bought over a long time ago and it is time for the public to mobilise for peaceful change. BTW I have never understood this American dream thing. It may have been easier to start your own business, although it is even easier to lose it to the bank, but the power has always been in the hands of a privileged few in the US, except for Obama and the heavens only know where he came from. There are no trusted figureheads to lead the way and the only thing that keeps getting the headlines is this gun debate. The whole alternative news seems to be obsessed with keeping their guns.
        Sorry Shaun, but I have witnessed things over the past few months that are making me suspect of what is actually going on. Even my beloved coast to coast is passing out some bum steers, I don’t mean the usual right wing cowboy nonsense, but they have toned down certain aspects of their proble programmes. I reckon we will see how the lie of the land is within a month or so.

      • COAST TO COAST !!
        That tells a story about your thinking.

        I will just settle at this point with “There is a a faction trying gain control or stay in control”
        This, is the message always just now.
        As for others, maybe…
        I get you..100%

        Cheers bud

    • I’ve just checked, it is over 48 hours since Glenn made these remarks. He is getting a hard time for doing this kind of thing AGAIN, from the real tin foil hats that do all the leg work. To me it looks like another level of journalism has been discovered Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and all the alternative sources are really part of it, not just reporting it. Some of the people I have gotten to know are looking for something to happen on the 22nd June. No idea what. But they are sure this guy was set up, by his contacts on the dark side, to again make him and all the people researching global and national conspiracies to look foolish. That and the way Alex Jones made a tube of himself at Watford with the BBC, I am very suspect of the whole situation. Advice I’ve just been given is careful who you talk to.
      It is just like last year with the bluenoses , I am getting deja vu all over again. so it is back to trying to sift stuff on my own again.
      Have you ever watched Patrick McGoohan’s -The prisoner or read Kafka’s ‘The Trial’? I feel like that at the moment.

      • Yeah, again, look at the bigger picture. The blog wasn’t based on Glen, I just added it. I think one thing is certain, there is a inside issue. I don’t believe it is as simple as Red Vs Blue. I believe the USA has been infiltrated from within,. I did a blog on another site. GOOD SITE..And it was mass agreement This was 2 months ago. 15 flags is decent. But this has been debated 1,000 times on that site..

        Cheers bud
        Skype on if you up for it man

  2. I see there has been another chemical factory explosion in Louisiana, that is two in two days. Different factories. BTW Glenn Beck is now quoting from the book of Mormon about end times, he’s lost the plot. He has also tipped his hand, the Mormons have big time links to money laundering for the mob and the CIA, as well as other business. Beck expects us to take him at his word when he himself is quoting from one of the dodgiest religious texts in the modern world and he wants us to believe that we have all had it, because of some evidence he will not produce and a fairy tale from the New World.
    It just dawned on me that America used to be called The New World, it certainly adds a different meaning to The New World Order.

    • The New World Order.
      Says it all.
      Believe it or not, MANY hang on to every word Glenn Becks says. I am not his biggest fan. Over the years he has mellowed a bit. But he doesn’t help himself. He comes out with news, before he gets the news, and by doing so, chases the news away. I think deep down he is either a Media plant or a man trying his best to share things.
      Alex Jones on the BBC, did you see it?
      All he did here was make the “Conspiracy people” People who REALLY are looking for the truth, all look bad. As you know we all get lumped into groups in life, it is our way, we judge then place people in a group. Alex I think meant this, I think this was a planned show, maybe only him and a few knew, to make Conspiracists ALL look like idiots. You are one mate, you look for the truth.
      Alex Fucked up badly here. I debated this on ATS for days with some folks.

      And the New World Order gets closer.
      Question, New World Order. What if it is better?
      But then my blog showing all the black coffins, a country with NO MONEY does not spend millions of dollars on millions of coffins unless they know something.
      Is this planet coming at us from below? This Dwarf Star. Was the 5 meteors that hit earth since, were they a warning of worse to come? Are we all being told to look the other way to hide this story.

      I believe we are. I just don’t know what to believe. All I do know, is the shit is going to hit a fan somewhere real soon.
      I hope I can start my radio show in time 🙂


      • Better make it quick that is the third unrelated ( to my knowledge anyway) source talking about June 21st and 22nd, that I have found. Did you know some graduate from Cambridge University organised the Bilderberg fringe festival, told you the conspiracy game is now getting sold by the pound/T-shirt. Search YouTube,’ Bilderberg Bills UK Taxpayers’. You will find a blonde, with very pretty eyes ( although she appears to be fully clothed, she may have shoes off can’t vibrationssee her feet hahaha ) being interviewed, I would be interested in your opinion of her motivations, also anything you may feel you need to add about her mascara ( sorry couldn’t resist that one ), she does not strike me as a conspiracy researcher/theorist, more looking for an unusual career path instead of joining the ABC agencies or maybe she is doing both. The whole thing is turning into the Edinburgh fringe. Next time they will not be able to move for hairy arsed men and women who frown on eye make up battering the blazes out of drums and silver people who think their statues.
        There are very many calling for Beck to put up or shut up. Jones, yes I saw his ‘performance’ on Aunty Beeb, and Beck are now being labelled more and more as shills for the NWO.
        There is a small rumour on the ether that the white hats are near to accumulating enough dough to start a form of youtube type facility so that control can be wrenched from the likes of Jones and Beck and the big corporations. This will be a financially self reliant venture, nothing to do with the corporations, but we’ll see. Have you heard anything about this? It is to be based on research and hard work, not just shouting OM at a rose crystal and telllling people to feel the energising frquencies or being channelled by native american medicine man, who gives evidence on everything except stuff that proves he actually existed.
        Have you ever caught up with ‘ The Corbett Files’ on YouTube. The guy is brilliant and what is more he researches properly and speaks to witnesses and guests who are not just authors and journos looking for a fast buck. I’m going to look into his stuff, he has been on the go for years all political stuff no Yeti’s or grey aliens and definitely no reptiles. I will give you a better report when I get the hang of his channel and blogs. I do not know how I have discovered him before.
        Getting tired bud time to hit the hay. If you know of this Corbett chap already then will know what I mean.

  3. Pingback: Why Did the U.S. Government Recently Purchase 30,000 Guillotines | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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  5. I like your site and I hear ya and I think your observations from your country of mine is the right place to look — At this time—– the US constitution is awesome –it really is! but ——— corruption is overlooked by distraction and the cycle of civilization is at its peak yet again from immoral insatiable greed. also consider the fact that good is made to look evil and evil good — and even common folk are believing lies. This is bigger then those easily bought or even expensive. So here I go with the bottom line — Satan is the conductor and everyone else needs to get right with GOD cause “greater is he that is in me then he that is in the world” its gonna happen and this is the bottom line!

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