
Come on Word Press,  bit of help here. I am not leaving Word Press, but…Well read on

I did this 3 times on Twitter where I had 5,000 followers, and I said it here also, and came back on my word. When I lose interest in something, or run out of things to say, or need to do something else, I take an AGE to figure out what to do. Part of my stupid process I guess. I have nearly 1,ooo followers, I get nearly 1,000 reads on a good day, 500 minimum, I don’t argue, I am pacifist, I love, I care, I try and help even when I know I can’t, I get the attention of Girls through my accent. Why can’t I just be a person with friends? Why does the old Man/Woman thing come into play with me all the time? Is it how I write? It happened on Twitter, It can’t happen on Facebook as its all family, I don’t mean to attract girls. But I am. What the fuck do I do? I just threw my ugly mug back up to try and say “I AM MARRIED AND UGLY”

I said I would stop doing Awards, I done one for Tersia I could never in a million years say no to and also another from a special girl I like here. But I have started doing them again, Awards I mean. It is the side of me that is kind, I don’t like letting nice people down you see. I had a few hours sleep last night, it is nearly 7am. I watched 2 movies, done 3 blogs, got abuse for one lol, made my own antivirus programme (Now that is being bored) I am also sick of being in Pain, I will fight it, but to fight it, I need something, and when Football went for me, I took it badly (For those thinking WHAT?) http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/08/the-football-story-i-never-told/  ALL GONE! Just memories now

I am just running out of things to say. And I am a “Full on” kind of lad. When I do ANYTHING I do it 100% No nearly’s or in-betweens of 99%’s, I do everything in life 100%, I have found myself Bored on Word Press. The Radio Show I am doing with Eddie Tatro http://bishoptatro.wordpress.com/  is taking FOREVER to get started, I wanted it started already, but due to a few issues, me cracking my knee and fracturing my foot being a small one, I find myself bored SHITLESS here. I do a million things at night when I am up alone, I am just finding it VERY HARD to get things moving with this Radio Show.

I talk a LOT on Skype, see Skype is fun. You can have 8 people at once on a Skype Chat. I used to do it all the time in Twitter, was good fun, we had some amazing moments. I still Skype with people I knew from Twitter. But on here I ask and ask and ask for people who say they have Skype to add me, but nothing. I got told by one person their “partner wouldn’t like that” And I fully get that.

But do I have to say AGAIN I am a happily married man? Look below. I love them all; I would do NOTHING to fuck that up. I am a talker you see. I have a few on here on my Face book also. My Face book was dead till I added a few on and some family also a while back.




My passion is talking. I did Audio Blogs, heavy flop. I want this Radio show to start, but if I am being honest, I can’t see it happening. I live in GMT 0. Many others are GMT – 5/6/7/8/9 or GMT + 6/7/8/9/10, so the logistics of just doing this Radio show mean I will have to do it around 3am in the morning. And I can’t promise I will be around every 3am every morning.

I will ask again, you got Skype add me, shaumyg1973 I speak to so many BRILLIANT people here, but the ones who have Skype, it is like they are afraid to speak to me lol I have almost 1,000 AMAZING followers as well. Why no Skype? I want to do something HUGE!! I did a blog a while back, and I meant it, called “Challenge me” or something. Nothing. I love you all here, amazing people to the last.

This isn’t medication speaking as I am not due till 8am, and I won’t take Morphine till I been to the Hospital on Monday. I NEED MORE THAN THIS. I can’t do much; I am limited to what I can do. I am Blogging the same shit over and over and over. When I do a blog about “Wake up USA” Really a Bloggers for Peace issue and blog, NOTHING. I know we all come here to escape our shit lives, well some of us. Some come here to make money, some for sex, some to do poems, show pictures of flowers, tell jokes, I do it all, I really do, you name it I have blogged it. I am blogging the same shit. Same issues, same songs, same everything.

I need more. If I am going to be stuck at a chair for the rest of my life, I need more, I need others to say “Right Shaun, let’s get this Radio thing on the go” OR SOMETHING! Many here have helped me before, I am asking for help again. It has also turned into a pissing contest with a few here, I FUCKING HATE THIS. This isn’t a game, its real life, real emotions, we can have fun however. I got a hard time for the “Stupid people” Blog before. I was like “WHAT THE FUCK” I did a blog “Tricked you all apart from Andre and a few others” (Beautiful Woman it’s all in the eyes) I did this TO GET A REACTION. I also did a blog saying how hard it was for me to change my blog theme, I WAS JOKING; it took 20 minutes to choose. Scottish humour is a bastard of a thing to get.

Anyway, I need a challenge, I need something new, I need to try something new; I need to do something new, I need to focus on something else. I won’t stop blogging, I will stop with the “End of the world shit” I will stop with the Audio blogs; I will stop with my love, conspiracies as none of them work.

I NEED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE, SOMETHING NEW…..ANYONE???????????????????????????????



0 responses to “I AM BORED BLOGGING THE SAME STUFF! Help!!

  1. I’m not great with technology at all. However, I have an idea. Is it possible to interview bloggers via computer or chat or whatever is available, like skype you mentioned. A little one-on-one with some of the bloggers that interest you? Just a suggestion. Things happen friend…KEEP THE FAITH.

    • Yeah this is PERFECT. This would be the radio show. I am open to doing this. Audio Blogs with users here. But in reality, Who would want to? Worth a try I guess…
      Good idea!! I just ask questions, and they answer..30 Minutes slots or something..

      I like this.
      Thanks.. 🙂

      I was just letting off some real steam here. I am sick of the same crap day in, day out. It truly is Groundhog day for me. But listen, others have it way worse. I am being selfish.

      Thank you
      Hugs xx

      • YOU are NOT selfish. You are merely expressing yourself. Hugs PS…people also love simple quotes and statements. It appears, the less I write, the more attention it draws.

      • Once I get the bug for something, that is is “I GIVE IT MY ALL” 🙂
        Football, Blogging, Twitter, Cars, anything..I am a mentalist like that..

        And I know, I am just good at beating myself up lol x

    • Yeah, good ideas. I am trying to read more blogs. I also have 101 other sites I go onto, but forums are different. Debate is what happens there, so someone starts a thread, and people talk it to death. Here is where I live http://www.abovetopsecret.com Don’t tell anyone, they will talk about me 🙂

      A fiction piece. I do love time travel. I did that blog where I said in the dream state I keep going back to when I was a kid and I could run, and jump up trees and do all that again. It was a Metaphor for my thinking I guess. But yeah, that is an idea..
      I hope you are good.. xx

      Thank you x

  2. Hi Shaun,

    I have two comments. First, regarding Skype. I haven’t added you, not because I’m afraid of you, but because I simply don’t have time to talk to anyone else. Many times, I have to schedule my Skype time with my parents and my kids. As I live half a world away from them, they and a few friends I have there take priority for the limited Skype time I have. So it’s not personal at all. I wish I did have the time, but I don’t. I am on major publication deadlines that make maintaining my own blog a hopeless case right now. I wish I had time to read and comment more on other people’s blogs, but I don’t. Which is why sometimes, I only hit the like button. Sometimes, It’s all there is time for.

    As for something to do, I know you are very people oriented, but I was just curious if you’ve ever tried any artistic outlets–drawing, painting, collage, clay? I don’t know if it’s something that interests you, but I didn’t really get into my artistic expression side until almost 40. Just a thought.

    Good luck finding something that captures your interest, energy, and talent. 🙂

    • Skype was just me rattling off words, really, it is ok. We all have busy lives x

      And see this is what holds me back from doing other things like you said, this pain I am in. Football was SOOOO easy and my body could not even handle that. My Dad does clay modelling. I can’t draw for Bananas. I am doing vocal training and learning to play the guitar, well I was, I had to stop due to pain.

      And my Dad said the same thing, once you hit 40 “Stuff just happens” I hope in a few months when I am 40, stuff just happens.. lol

      Thank you x
      ps: I notice you have not blogged in a while. Still got the Happy Birthday blog up. Hope all is ok.
      And again, thank you.

  3. Children’s stories. For your kids and grandies when they come along. maybe true stories, or modified to be better stories or made up stories. You did ask for a challenge. — Bear

    • I am asking for ideas, yeah and this is a good one. So thank you. I just always need to be challenged or challenging myself you know. Inbuilt stupidity I call it lol..

      Thank you, again!

      • I think you got stuck on that word that you are saying is an inbuilt quality. Here’s another challenge. Toss that word. I used to have a STUPID jar for my boys (my oldest is 40, the youngest 19) whenever they said stupid a $0.25 would be required to go into the STUPID jar. That was the only taboo word. All four sons can be quite creative with descriptions and only use stupid when it fits. That word does NOT fit you.

      • I am due you $1.1M Dollars for that Jar.. lol

        Yeah I guess so. As I said above, I put too much or soo much energy into helping others I leave myself wanting. I think this is why I want to do this Radio thing. So people get to know me better and a voice can heal more than a word can..

        Ta x

  4. My friend, all I have to do is look to the left of your screen and see all the awards and realize this is what you were meant to do-in some capacity. Hang on, there is a reason for this time. There are things at work that we do not always understand right away. For me, patience is not always an easy thing. You are meant to do something great, it will reveal itself-in time. I look forward to seeing what this may be. 🙂

    • CRAZY!!
      My Dad (Called him way in the North of Scotland 400 miles North of me) Today to check he got his card and to say “Happy Fathers Day”
      He HATES Computers, couldn’t turn one on. But his Wife (Not my Mum) shows him some of my blogs. He said the exact same thing to me to this morning.

      Thank you. I believe nothing is chance, things happen for a reason, people meet or are thrown together for a reason. So I believe in what you say. Hard to when in pain and all that Jazz. But thank you. Awards are appreciated. The 6 months I have been here for real, have been amazing.
      I just want to do something “Better”

      Much Appreciated..
      ps: Do love your Blog name.
      Check the top of my blog “Moments” I live for them.
      Do you? Sorry, I am Scottish and nosey 🙂

    • You did? Remind me if you can…And stats are unimportant, or I wouldn’t be moaning like a child here. lol.. Just need to do something “BIGGER” or better, or more. I have to. I am not sitting at this chair doing this till I am 87 years old and peeing myself 🙂 I blog for me, but you know me by now, I blog for others also. We all different. My last blog, I hope he likes it. You are on the list also. Hope that is ok xx Shaun

  5. If you wanted to interview bloggers, I’m sure there’s a whole bundle of people who would volunteer – and you could feasibly do it by skype/email. You might get people who are genuinely interesting, you might get people who are just trying to increase their readership, but it’d be a new avenue to explore.
    I also love the idea of a kid’s book. Or short stories maybe?

    Whatever you do, I’m sure it’ll be ace!
    – your friendly, not-so-local Hobbit.

    • Yeah I know a few writers, they have new books, so perhaps they be cool to discuss new book…Lots of good ideas here.
      I have to do something new and big.
      I will fade into the furniture if I don’t 🙂
      And yeah, recording Skype calls are easy


  6. Hope you get suggestions that make sense to you. I would offer that you could do short stories that are pure fiction and challenge yourself to write to appeal to a specific set of readers. You could do any number of genres. The key would be totally made up and totally yours. Keep the stories to 500 or so words and publish once a week.

    • Good shout. I did a year blogging JUST football and it got boring very quickly. Even the Radio shows got boring.
      So mixing it up would be a challenge. I do now. But I just want to do something worthwhile John.I love to challenge myself. When I think “I can’t do that” I try and do it. I am stupid enough, lol

      Thanks for that John

  7. It’s sometimes hard to think of things to say. When that happens to me, I just don’t say anything. I don’t force it and the words come back to me anyhow. I don’t worry about missing a day or two here and there. As long as what you write comes from the heart, that’s enough.

  8. Here’s a crazy idea – knit. Or make a video on how you learn (attempt to learn) knitting. Even if you don’t succeed, you can say you’ve tried it. I came across a video on a fellow blogger’s page recently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=q4_XNKOuODU and I couldn’t stop laughing. I don’t mean it to be nasty by suggesting that you make a clown of yourself to amuse everybody else, but if you’re up for being rather amusing…or let’s just say that the sight of a man knitting in itself will raise an eyebrow. Just putting this out there.

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