Bullshit Conspiracy blogs and I am accepting awards again – Things were better then!


Gimme Awards, More Conspiracy blogs to come, Award me!!  lol

0 responses to “Bullshit Conspiracy blogs and I am accepting awards again – Things were better then!

  1. Do you know that two other serious tin foil hats are considering jacking it too. They keep showing stuff and no one but nebby buggers like you and me take time to check out the info. Looks like the reptilian believers have won, all this new age pish is filtering back in. They think because they found out about the phone records stuff that’s where it stops. I haven’t read your blog about it yet, but I will a moment. Do you realise the memory capacity they will have when the Utah operation goes on line. Everything on Earth that is recordable will be recorded. The videos in cash machines in Kiev, the traffic cameras on Leith Walk and of course every phone, camera, tablet and computer on the planet and possibly elsewhere.
    These bastards know how to manipulate the media, the made Bilderberg a little less secret and everything is hunky dory. I’m not giving up or giving in. I will fight tyranny and injustice where ever I meet it, hi ho Silver away, hahaha.
    Sorry I’ve missed your stuff this past few days. Lots and lots of weird stuff been going on. One of the main ‘I, Pet Goat II’, researchers who has poured over this thing and made some really well thought out discoveries, but is now in a state of complete befuddlement. He discovered his real name written with fireworks in a section of the film, remember this film was made, before he started researching any of this. The guy is not just freaked, but I think his mental health has taken a dunt. This film just keeps producing jaw opener after jaw opener. Small things, but so many of them that it is getting beyond it being storyboarded and then incidents set up at a future date. It is like someone has seen the future, not just the big things, but down to the tiniest detail. I wanted to keep this until I could get a handle on it, but I can’t get a handle on it. Look at Enterthe5t4rz channel on you tube, he was quite merrily decoding the stuff then his name jumps out at him. I am a lot better at smelling bullshitters on the internet than in real life and my guess this lad is for real. I will talk later about this if anything comes of it.
    Please don’t give up the research stuff, I am stopping using conspiracy for the moment anyway, Alex Jones on the Beeb did a lot of harm to the cause. I know you will keep looking anyway this is just the time they’re going slip something right passed us, when we are looking elsewhere. There is something coming to the surface. I have an idea about it and it is political, but I will need two or three things to come to pass before I say it.

  2. Pingback: Feck it, Feck It, Feck it! | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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