Feck it, Feck It, Feck it!

I am Scottish/Irish!

I am Scottish/Irish!

Over the last week I have been on HEAVY Morphine. I poured it down the sink this morning. Enough, I was getting some heat through emails, from comments I was NOT allowing through regarding this blog http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/16/nsa-admits-listening-to-u-s-phone-calls-without-warrants-angry-yet/

It must have been the medication, I don’t know, but I DELETED it due to criticism from another person. I have been here almost 10 months, blogging for real for 6 and for the first time EVER I allowed a comment from a person, whose comments I did not allow through to compromise my beliefs and my thinking.

So I edited this: http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/16/no-more-bullshit-conspiracy-blogs-and-i-am-accepting-awards-again-things-were-better-then/

I know it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but 130 Awards, Nearly 1,000 AMAZING followers, Hundreds of AMAZING friends here, and I somehow allowed the medication to get to my mind and let a person dictate to me what I will and will not blog. The Morphine, I am allergic to I think has been poured down the sink. I am about to leave for the Hospital to get a quick X-ray on my Knee and Foot and will just be a big brave boy and take the pills.

I have not been myself all week, would you on Morphine? Probably not is the answer. I allowed my VERY THINKING to be compromised by a few one track thinker who have not got  a clue and I am ashamed of myself for allowing this to happen. I NEVER let people dictate to me, yet with this Morphine pumping through my veins, I did, that won’t happen again.

I make friends here because I give a shit, I make friends here because I am honest, and I make friends here because I like to think, I HOPE, I am a good friend back to you.

I will keep posting my shit, I will keep asking the question, I will keep sticking it to the big guy and I will never let myself be compromised by a patriot with a FUCKING PEE SHOOTER EVER AGAIN. I will be the guy 850 followed in the first place. I am sorry for being “Odd” this week, please understand the pain and medication. Not over yet, Hospital in an hour

I am also going to accept awards again, they are good fun, and I miss meeting people through awards if I am being honest. Some of the best people I know here I met through Awards, so please, include me in any Awards if you see fit, I do miss meeting new people through these awards. I got 4 this morning and awarded some people back

Please understand, I am here with a chipped bone in my knee, a hairline fracture in my foot suffering from Chronic Pain Syndrome FOR LIFE and Morphine although it may not feel it, does fuck with your head. So for a week I turned into someone else. I am Scottish, we don’t do that shit. I will carry on doing what I was doing all along.

Being myself and listening to the people that matter is something I pride myself in doing on Word Press. I have made many amazing friends. Have I annoyed you or upset you this week? I am talking long term friends here. If I have I am sorry, 2 broken bones and strong liquid medication was the cause. If I have annoyed anyone.

Oh and having a life is what I do also. Part of my life is blogging, and all you people, like family I never had. Why I created this award here, remember? For these reasons below the award. I am going to press ahead with Blogging about people who I love to talk to here, like what I did here: http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/16/great-bloggersfriends-1-one-mans-journey-through-life-dealing-with-fibromyalgia/ And push ahead HARD with the Radio show. I will be doing blogs on more of you in the coming weeks. I will highlight the love and humanity in many people here, this Award and the reasons I started it still stand


This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @ http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/

As you were Soldiers



0 responses to “Feck it, Feck It, Feck it!

  1. AH! Shaun will have a cup of tea? You will? awe go on, go on, go go on, go on, go on, go go on, yaa know yaa want too, awe go on, go on, go go on, go on, go on, go go on, 😉

    • It is somewhere near that amount. And I deleted some.
      When you get HEAVILY into the Awards you end up with a ton of them..
      I needed to buy new shelves..
      The Purple one at the top was real nice to get.
      I am official world record holder 🙂

      GO ME! lol

      • Or just going down in general, in life 🙂
        Seriously strange few years..I knew Chronic Pain blew and it BLOWS..But all these breaks and fractures I didn’t expect. Started when my knee kept giving way and I would fall and break something. We talking 8 ish years ago here..Never truly heals or feels better…

        And ta.. lol

  2. I would LOVE to meet that person that is criticizing you some day…
    Really, I would love to introduce him to…O, well I guess you get the point pal! 😉
    Don’t ever let someone judge you! (except for me, because I just think you are amazing!) 😉

    • O, and if that person is reading this by any chance…
      Just come over to my blog and try to criticizes me! Really, I mean that. Unless you are scared of a girl…
      And you should be, you-good-for-nothing-get-a-life-poor-excuse-for-a-human being! Get a life!
      (sorry Shauny, just don’t like it when people are mean to my friends) 🙂

      • Thank you Patty 🙂 lol…
        It is all in email now. I didn’t allow his comment through.
        He may not be reply soon..

        DICK OF A MAN!!

      • Well I still remember “Are you a Jew” Guy…
        I really didn’t miss him 🙂

        Wonder what happened to that idiot eh?

      • Cool been to the Hospital and show and let Dog run out back. All good. My sons be home soon to take over. lol
        I am where I be for the day 🙂


      • You at work> oh yeah you work… lol..
        No I can’t forget my Mum..this is us making up having a meal…

      • No, I’m working at home today. Much, much better! 🙂
        Just working on my writing and doing some stuff for school as well. So I have plenty of time to talk hahaha! 🙂

      • When I have PC’s to fix, 90% of the time is re-installing the operating System..Sitting watching…So I do this as well.. 🙂
        And we have shit lives ha ha..

      • Yup…I play football manager and watch films all the time…Listening to Michael Jackson – Dangerous LP Just now…. lol – Secret is keeping busy

      • Yep, but I think he’s in a better place now. He couldn’t handle the harshness of life. He suffered enough. And he did leave us a legacy that still manage to touch so many.

      • There is TONS more..I could blog it.. lol

        I think he is in Bahrain…Alive..He had the money right?

      • There are about 60 videos, watched them all.. There is suggestion he faked his death, He had MILLIONS..And it would have took his family, a few others and a well paid coroner to do it. The reason people say he is alive is because someone maybe talked.. I am 50/.50 if honest 🙂 We never know.. lol

      • You guys are one of the highest 63%,,,, What about me? What if this is making me ill, as my Dr said it may be? Check the chart. Your country has it very high..
        See its the CORN we all EXPORT from the USA Patty. It is making us as I said in the blog. All these feelings and illness’s I mentioned. How can you know (Please, just asking) your stuff is clean? The Friends of Earth classed you guys 63%, Thousands tested, 63% tested have radioactive piss.

        You can see why I would be “Pissed off here”?

      • Because we eat biological. It’s forbidden to use any kind of chemicals on bio food. I got real sick a couple of years ago because there was penicillin in the milk and I am allergic to penicillin. I can see why this is pissing you off my friend and people should know about this.

      • The figures show 63% of people in your country tested were positive.
        Odd, How do you know you are not exporting illegil crops, you THINK is ok. This is what is happening Patty; We all buy (Governments) what we think is safe) The picture at the bottom says it all, Malta, who export a LOT are highest..

        People need to see this…it is hitting us all. Your Government say “No to GMO” But don’t test. They can’t be, 63%..


      • We can never be 100% sure, but I just don’t believe everything they say. They come up with another report everyday. Then it’s the cheese that gives us cancer, the it’s the chickens that will make us sick, then it will be the water that’s no good. If we have to believe everything, we can’t eat or drink anything without worrying about it. I know I may come over as stupid to you, but I just can’t let it have too much influence on my life. Same as I will just walk through my neighborhood late at night and alone. I refuse to be scared all the time. That doesn’t mean I won’t take notice of it or that I’m not careful. I just can’t worry about it to much, because I can’t do anything about it because there is just no way to be sure.
        Stressing out about it will just make you feel tense and that causes pain and sickness. That’s something I am certain of because it’s my own experience.
        As of the rest, all we can do is spread the word and hope the authorities will fix it.

      • I hear you, I do..And agree, It is hard. But we have choice here. Just don’t buy GMO..I buy local produce, local meat, I know where it comes from, and I am infected. NOBODY wants to hear this or read this. I researched this for months, got a blood test done with Friends of Earth and my Dr,,,And I am infected Patty…x

      • Yeah, but they would not report it. Who would listen.
        The Media hide stories. Only alternative news sources, like here, can these stories be told….


        ps; Check my last blog, you can laugh

    • Remember the PC Fan story? 🙂
      I was fucked on the Morphine and took it all to heart or something.
      Then when I was not on Morphine I was like “WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE” 🙂

      And if I met him he would be as nice as pie..
      Pie to eat…

      x lol

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