The pain inflicted upon the American people is above partisanship. It’s about FOOD now





How much the USA GIVES to other countries:

And here also:

And this:


Anyone pissed off yet?  lol


WASHINGTON (AP) — The House voted on Wednesday to cut food stamps by $2 billion a year as part of a wide-ranging farm bill.

The chamber rejected 234-188 a Democratic amendment to the five-year, half-trillion-dollar farm legislation that would have maintained current spending on food stamps, now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. The overall bill cuts the $80 billion-a-year program by about 3 percent and makes it harder for some people to qualify.

The food stamp cuts have complicated passage of the bill and its farm-state supporters were working to secure votes Wednesday. Many conservatives have said the food stamp cuts do not go far enough since the program has doubled in cost in the last five years and now feeds 1 in 7 Americans. Liberals have argued against any reductions, contending the House plan could take as many as 2 million needy recipients off the rolls. The White House has threatened a veto over the food stamp cuts.

The amendment by Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., and other Democrats would have eliminated the SNAP cuts and taken the money from farm subsidies instead.

“It’s too big, it’s too harsh and it’s going to hurt so many people,” McGovern said of the food aid cuts.

Other amendments chipped away at the program. The House adopted by voice vote an amendment to require drug tests for SNAP recipients, angering Democrats who said the tests would be demeaning to people who apply for the food aid. Lawmakers also adopted by voice vote an amendment that would end a 2004 U.S.-Mexico agreement to educate Mexican-Americans about food stamps. More amendments are expected to try and scale back the program.

Also complicating passage is growing Republican opposition to farm subsidies, some of which are expanded under the bill. Republicans have proposed amendments that would cut back dairy and sugar supports that could turn lawmakers from certain regions of the country against the bill if they were to succeed.

The House is scheduled to continue voting on 103 amendments to the bill Thursday with a vote on passage possibly next week. As of Wednesday, it was unclear if Republicans had enough votes.

In an effort to push the legislation through, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said last week that he would vote for it, while making it clear that he did not really like it. He said he wants to get the bill to House and Senate negotiators for a potential deal, and that passing the bill was better than doing nothing.

The legislation would cut around $4 billion a year in overall spending on farm and nutrition programs. The Senate passed its version of the farm bill last week, with about $2.4 billion a year in overall cuts and a $400 million annual decrease in the SNAP program – about a fifth of the amount of the House food stamp cuts.

Democratic leaders have said they will wait to see how the House votes on the many amendments, but have so far signaled opposition to the measure. Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California argued against the food stamp cuts on the floor Wednesday and was a “likely no” on the bill, according to an aide. No. 2 House Democrat Steny Hoyer of Maryland called the food stamp cuts “irresponsible.”

The chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla., told colleagues that a robust farm policy was necessary to avoid farm crises like those in the 1930s and 1980s.

“I will work with all of you to improve this draft,” he said Tuesday. “I ask you to work with me.”

The legislation would achieve some of the food stamp cuts by partially eliminating what is called categorical eligibility, or giving people automatic food stamp benefits when they sign up for certain other programs. The bill would end a practice in some states of giving low-income people as little as $1 a year in home heating assistance, even when they don’t have heating bills, in order to make them eligible for increased food stamp benefits.

Lucas said the cuts would still allow people who qualify to apply for food stamps, they just wouldn’t automatically get them.

The Oklahoma Republican has called the overall legislation the “most reform-minded bill in decades” because it would make needed cuts to food stamps and eliminate $5 billion a year in direct payments, subsidies that are paid to farmers whether they grow or not. The bill would expand crop insurance and makes it easier for rice and peanut farmers to collect subsidies.

The bill also sets policy for international food aid abroad, which is currently shipped from U.S. farms. The House rejected an amendment to shift around half of international food aid money to more flexible accounts that allow for cash purchases abroad.

The Obama administration has proposed shifting the way the food aid is distributed, saying it would be more efficient to make purchases closer to conflict areas.


So again the little guy gets shit on. From a great height.  I do try and blog things from the UK but over here I guess we are ok, not perfect. I just don’t get how you can all do nothing. This will affect millions of families, some already starving. In USA 2013. While at the same time 2 weeks ago, a Banker in New York got sacked and got a $300 Million Dollar pay off.

I will keep blogging this. We need to wake up. I love you guys over there, and I am in your corner be me wanted or not.






some of this was copied from a website I live on

0 responses to “The pain inflicted upon the American people is above partisanship. It’s about FOOD now

  1. This is fucking appalling and disgusting. And people complain about what GWB did to this country?! Obama is failing this country every second he’s in office. Keep it up and my citizenship can easily go elsewhere.

    • I know many feel the way you do.
      When Obama came in office, I think many feel for the “He is going to heal the world” thinking..

      And yeah, fucking appalling and disgusting.

      Well Said!!

      • I didn’t fall for the crap before he was elected. I understand people wanting someone new, but it would have happened regardless, someone was going to win the election. I did not vote for him because I did not feel he was the right person for the job.

      • I think the illusion of Red Vs White is just that. We all vote for the same thing. All over, Greed and lies.
        To what end? and why..well that is down to each person to figure out.
        For me, it is greed for money and power

      • Yeah. Can you see a way of changing it?
        I have a few ways of “how it could happen”
        But it has spread the globe now..

        And well said again

      • Honestly, I have never perceived these things as my reason for living or my “calling”, so to speak. I focus on what I am best at, and that’s my way of improving the world.

      • Good on ya..I honestly do the same. You read my blog.
        I just think it is important people are at least aware of these things I know many don’t read these or won’t read these, but many do.
        And on Skype or on the blog or in email they will ask me more about it or go and look themselves.
        When the PC is off, I really never think about things like this. It is just something I blog from time to time.
        I just feel for what is coming to the American people, and the people of the UK. Both Governments seem to be jointed at the hip.
        Scottish independence vote in 10 months, I pray my country is out of this World, War Machine by then. Greed, oil and profit has poisoned peoples minds whoo are in power, not they are actually harming us. I did a Friends of the Earth test and had Weed Killer in my bloog through GMO foods.
        I blogged about it:
        When it affects me this way, so direct, I want to know why. If it is in my, it will be in you. And I often truly ask “Is this why I am ill”
        Would seem the most logical question to ask, knowing we are being poisoned. I don’t know if it is on purpose, but the toxins are in us and in our food.
        Awareness at least helps me and others choose where to buy food. I buy meat and eggs and Veg from local farmers now.
        Do I feel better? In my mind I do. I can slowly feeling it waking me up. But the old Placebo affect, one never knows if this is at play.

        As a blogger for peace and part of Master Peace also, I like to think I do my bit, ever so small in improving our world.
        Because if it is going to improve, it will be individual acts of kindness by people like you and I

        Good reply.. xx

    • We all are. Its a Global thing. People are starting to see it more and more. Can we do anything?

      I don’t know any more.


  2. The things that are coming from the US this week alone, are outrageous. This legislation is a real attack on the basis of American society. I have seen all this before, to a lesser degree of noticeability, in the UK during the Thatcher years and beyond. There are very many similarities between Thatcher and Obama ( in fact Tony Blair sort of fits this profile too), they were both from groups poorly represented in politics, they were not really from the social class that their parties usually picked candidates, they were to be a breath of fresh air and turned out to be the most unbending representatives of the politician who does not care for anyone but their cronies, they showed no fear of breaking national and international law to forward their plans and above all they ruled with an iron hand and the lives of the citizens they represented were/are of no consequence to them.
    Before Thatcher Britain’s major industries belonged to us the people, coal, gas, electricity, water, steel, telecommunications, railways and a few more that I forget. It was set up this way to provide full employment and people paying into the system. I realise now that there was a lot of chicanery at the highest levels, people murdered etc, secrets hidden, threats of revealing secrets. Agent provocateurs, police/press collusion. There really is far too much for me to even scratch the surface, but it all really went unnoticed, we were nowhere near as sophisticated in our approach to current affairs and communications as we are now. You are far too young to remember it. Knowing what I know now, these plans must have been hatching from possibly before the miners brought down Ted Heath’s Tory government, Heath took us into the European Union. We got a referendum on Europe when Labour got back in. Labour got a better deal from the EU and recommended a yes for Europe vote, although I was too young to vote, I did not meet many people who voted yes and it came as a surprise to us all how large the yes vote was.
    I think what is happening to the US is all being done to destroy the power/will of the working/middle class (let’s face it if you are in any kind of safe-ish long term employment you are middle class nowadays, you have a bank account , credit cards, debt charged at terrible rates. Do you realise if you buy a house through a mortgage, then you pay three times the original price when you are finished, just because of the way they work the interest, the juice or the vig as Tony Soprano would put it.)
    Other eye openers from the US this week alone, and it is nowhere near a comprehensive list, the discovery that the TWA flight was blown out of the sky by missiles from a US nuclear sub on manoeuvres, oddly on this flight there were eighty high ranking officials/officers from the Egyptian military. Why America is not going ape-shit over this I do not know.
    The assassination of journalist Michael Hastings, have you seen the video of his car in flames? If not, have a look. It’s definitely not what the mainstream story is trying to say what happened. This guy is a sort of Alex Thomson type reporter, made a living going to war zones etc. He got in touch with a friend saying that the FBI were after him, two hours later he was toast, if you can pardon the pun. One of the stories he broke caused a general in American military intelligence to lose his job or something like that, which is an act akin to sharing needles, not a recipe for a long life. A brand new Mercedes should not turn into a fire ball like that and the engine and a good portion of the driveshaft, supposedly blown 60 yards by the blast from the petrol tank exploding. He was droned, just look at the remains of his car and compare to some of the pictures you can find online of vehicles that have been drone attacked, very similar.
    Have you been keeping your eye on all these small explosions all over the country? Three in Louisiana alone, one in New York and there are others all this week, none are making the main news. I’m just going to see what has been going on today.
    What ever they are going to do in the US they are moving their timetable at some speed now.
    See you later crocodile, well unless your like the croc you had on your funny pages, hahaha.

    • Well said and not a lot I can add buddy. I don’t blog about the UK as under 5% of the people who follow me are from outwith the UK (Live to keep it that way, I enjoy meeting new cultures)
      I had a look at the explosions story on ATS an a few locals said they were digging down the way, nobody knows why. So subscribed to the thread and keep one eye on it.
      And the flying Crocodile 🙂 ha ha

      Like the last 3 I just put up? Lad “Jesusin it” cracked me up, had to share 🙂

      Later Croc

    • Here is a wee teaser why are the US government buying guillotines? Thirty thousand to be precise. There are even satellite photos of some that have been set up in these FEMA camp places. I got the news and saw the photo last night, but decided to wait until someone else I trust unassociated confirmed it. It was just confirmed from two different people.There is some talk of it being the best way to kill someone without too much damage to major organs for transplant. Surely there can’t be that many state executions.
      Your mission, should you choose it Shaun, is to find out WTF is going on. I am not pulling anyone’s leg with this, especially not yours Shaun it might just drop off, hahaha. This is serious if this is true.
      I’m sure I told the Scottish were the first to invent the guillotine, except they just called it a gibbet, a device for killing criminals. It was a lead weighted blade set in a frame, the mechanism was attached to a horse’s tail and as the horse moved off when stones were thrown at it, down came the blade. It was used for beheading Campbells , that would bring a smile to your granny’s face. I think it was called the ‘maid or maiden of Argyll’, because it was not used for years after it’s construction.
      Mind and keep the heid on this one Shaun.
      BTW What is this about a chopped up lady found in your neck of the woods? My mate Paul called it shagger’s hill. He was brought up near there and it was a well known spot for adulterers and the outdoor types, I suppose it would be called dogging nowadays.

      • I am WAY the other side of the area, This was almost heading to Murryfield Stadium. I am on the road out of town. I heard “Rumour time” there is a sex slave industry thing going on, this “Might” be through this.

        And guillotines, here is an actual picture of one.

        Rumours has it was an EXECUTIVE ORDER from high up. Still looking into this. Thes camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people. Now let’s review the justification for any actions taken. Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen. Why do they have them? Check:

  3. Pingback: Now, Meat From Diseased Cattle Sold By Defra (ENOUGH)! | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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