Did the U.S. Government Recently Purchase 30,000 Guillotines?



As most Americans now know, FEMA Camps (Concentration Camps) are 100% all over the USA, there is no argument anymore, they are there, with Millions of black plastic Coffins. Here is the Blog with proof and links about FEMA Camps and the Coffins

This blog here is scary as it is appauling to read and the pictures scare the shit out of me http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/14/to-the-people-of-the-usa-i-am-sorry-for-what-is-coming/ Now there American has bought  30,000 Guillotines, Why? Why would the USA Government need  30,000 Guillotines, I knew this story, but my friend from Edinburgh who posts on here a lot, hawkeyethegnu, he and I debated this earlies so I though, if he knows, others will, so time to blog it, but big thanks to hawkeyethegnu for helping me with the idea for this blog

– The use of guillotines for “governmental purposes” was lobbied for and passed in the U.S. Congress

– The information we received is that 15,000 are currently stored  in Georgia and 15,000 in Montana

– Are the beheadings by muslims today meant to desensitize us against U.S. Government beheadings in the future?

Scary >


I will post the pictures from my blog above again


A portion of the NSA's mammoth data center in Bluffdale, Utah, scheduled to open this fall. (Credit: Getty Images)

A portion of the NSA’s mammoth data center in Bluffdale, Utah, scheduled to open this fall.
(Credit: Getty Images)

One Black plastic coffin

One Black plastic coffin



The large are in black are black plastic coffins

The large are in black are black plastic coffins

A real live on in an isolated position

A real live on in an isolated position

Close up

Close up

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself


E978 Legal execution

All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:

asphyxiation by gas

beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)

capital punishment





other specified means

So it seems an Executive Order has been passed to allow the purchase and use of these 30,000 Guillotines. Add it to the Concentration Camps and Millions of plastic coffins, we have a conspiracy.

What do you all think?

This shit is hard to read and realise it is true, seriously frightening stuff. Nobody wants to debate this horrific stuff, but we must, we have to, why are these things happening in the USA?






As always PLEASE do your own research on this, I never believe everything  I read or am told, so I go and research till I am satisfied the story holds up. Again I will ask

Fema Camps – Why

Millions of Coffins – Why

Millions of bullets bought  – why (This is common knowledge)

30,000 Guillotines – Why

Poisin in your food  – Why

No money  – Why

Lies and Greed – Why

Taking your Guns – Why

Put it all together, we have a scary story, maybe


0 responses to “Did the U.S. Government Recently Purchase 30,000 Guillotines?

  1. Shaun buddy I do apologise my friends across the water have been fooled, in the sense that this photo that is doing the round, is a piece of installation art by a chap called Tom Sachs. I googled ‘guillotine Chanel’ , since that is what is written on the frame in the photo and came across this lad. But that does not mean they are not buying guillotines. FFS trust no bugger, I should done a bit research, can’t fucking believe I am fucking wrong, sorry, but I do try to be as trustworthy as I can be with what I research.
    Have you got the stuff on the train wagons with shackles in them, I have seen photos of these and they are not of fucking modern art, what is the matter with these bastard artists nowadays can’t they fucking draw. Sorry Shaun I am greatly pissed off at myself being so stupid. But the rest of the stuff is a definitely going on. There was a someone speaking that at least one of these FEMA camps are being used. Food being delivered, guards etc. The coffins exist. The possible guillotines are being held in two depots Montana and Georgia.
    Also I sort of knew you stay on the other side of the hill, with the zoo and it’s Crocs in between. But that area has been a big part of the Edinburgh outdoor sex scene, like Calton Hill, the carparks on Arthur’s Seat, for years and years.
    You should look at the news coverage of this journalist Hastings car crash, you’ll find it on YouTube, ‘Journalist Michael Hastings Dies In Fiery Crash.’ I have seen the aftermath of many car accidents, not one has caught fire like this, but I have also seen cars that have been stolen then set on fire, they explode a wee bit, not enough to their the engine 60 yards away. If cars on fire did that there would not be a wee boy in certain council schemes left alive.

      • Thanks bud you are right enough. Two of the sources are kind of friends and I didn’t think they would intentionally sell me a pup. They are not going show a ready model, they are probably lying in flat packs somewhere waiting to be assembled. Let’s hope they got them from IKEA, it will take years to put them up there will be either bits missing, or three bolts left over or built upside down. I wonder what the IKEA name for guillotine is, something like ‘flumpenhumpen.

      • Check the blog links, it is more than just your 2 friends mate, This is all over the net..There are other things I want to or could blog, but there is VERY LITTLE Date mate. Even where I look and go. 🙂

        PMSL @ IKEA!! HA HA HA HA Belter

        Thoughts on the two signings?
        Wanyama going to Sunderland for £10M
        I think he will go elsewhere for more….I think he wants Euro football.
        The two players we got in for around £3 million is telling, we must know money is coming in.
        They are both meant to be good, the centre half is supposed to be superb. I still think we should have gave Rogne another year and change.


      • The story is right enough, but the tube that put it up went for a fairly well known piece of late twentieth century modern art. He has taken pelters and since put into the article that he was only using it as an example. Written in the corner of the photo is a file photo. Cheeky monkey wrote one of the kind of excuses at the bottom that us nosey bastards should have realised this was not the real thing. It is exactly this kind of sensationalism and touching up photos or whatever put me off the msm. Never mind it gave me a chance to talk to headgirl again she always makes me laugh. Because of her channel I learned a lot about the history of political conspiracy and historically who were the real voices and researchers and who were the teenagers putting up anti this and anti that videos on YouTube, just to seem big. Gotta go for a mo. Maybe speak to you in a while.

    • Sorry Shaun but I have yet to catch upon Celtic’s transfer news. £10 million seems a fair enough price and most certainly in the ballpark for what he is worth. He is not gone yet has he, three dogs in that fight maybe able to squeeze more out of yet. If he is gone then £10million is a great price, he only cost £900,000 ( I say only, but what I could do with £900,000 would make me and lots of others I could help very happy). The other stuff I will catch up on.

  2. For another thing that is definitely real YouTube search,’TWA Flight 800 Cover Up Exposed,’ very interesting I think if this one takes hold the keech will really hit the fan. Sorry for the pun, but heads will roll for this.

  3. Pingback: Obama Facing Major Test Over Snowden Leaks, as the USA falls to it’ knees | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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