My two Sons – One is hurting tonight

Brotherly love?

Brotherly love?


I do a lot of blogs about Dawn and my Daughters and I guess I never blogged about my son’s as they asked me not to, lol

Tonight one got a broken heart. His partner finished with him. He came home in bits. The only good thing is he is still very young and will learn from this. I just hugged him for a good half hour as his broken heart hurt mine. His brother also came through and gave him a hug; this on its own broke my heart, brothers who are there for each other.

He then spent an hour cuddled up to his mum, in tears still till he fell asleep. We walked him through to his bed and he is asleep now. I think he knew it was coming but didn’t want to admit it to himself. He kept asking “What have I done” I replied “Nothing buddy” I blog about their little sisters a lot, but tonight I am blogging this for me. Both of my sons work, both are very nice people, neither talk or gossip, something I gave them a hard time for at aged 10 or so “Never lower yourself in life where you allow another to take up your thinking” it took a while, after a few years the message got through. As “Dad” you are always the bad guy lol, there are no rules, no guidelines for us as parents in how do deal with things.

I remember when they were 6/7/8 years old I was very hard on them, would never raise my hands, but if they left a light on, or left a cup/plate or mess of any kind I would ground them for a night. I remember a friend, who I am still friends with now saying “Maybe you shouldn’t” and as a friend he was just being a friend. I said at the time, “Judge them when they are men” I think I did a good job as did Dawn of course. We were happy, discipline was there, but it is there with the girls. We all bring kids up different

I am proud of them both; they excel at what they do. They really don’t have to work full time, but I make them, no matter how much money I have, they must learn what earning money is, what it is like at the end of the month to be able to buy a £300 tablet or £400 on clothes, whatever, they have the freedom now to be what they want to be. As any of us here who are parents will say there are no rule books on parenting, just moments to deal in my oldest son Dean suffers from Seizures and takes Epilim daily, and he has not had a seizure since being on the medication. His last one I thought he had had died, it happened in a Dr’s room when I refused to leave the room as I knew he was seizing, just a slight twitch, the Dr wasn’t have it, this was Friday 5pm the poor woman wanted to go home, I said “We leave when I know he is ok, I am sorry” she then just confused him with questions till it induced the seizure

Dean, a man of the ladies

Dean, a man of the ladies

To say standing there watching your Son fight for his life was hard is an understatement, he has had 5 seizures now, so when he leaves he house, we worry. As you do.

My youngest Son Ryan in a terrific Soccer player but has had a broken foot issue now for 2 seasons, it just won’t heal, the Dr’s have checked it. And he really is fine, it needs complete rest for a while, so I hope he can. He wants football as bad as I do the kid. He works about 50 hours a week, and is a very happy young lad, like his brother spends a lot of time with his Sisters and is a brilliant kid, I am so proud of him for becoming the man he is at 19, he is well grounded and has morals an more to match, like his brother he is a gentleman. I think I taught them both well, treat a woman with honesty and the truth and be true to yourself. And they both do. Ryan wants to get back to football Badly where he was scoring 70 goals a season and was courted by all the big teams in Scotland, he just needs to get this foot sorted, then he can get back playing football with his buddies. This is my son Ryan’s football page where he was blogging about his football

ryan blog picture

Ryan after he broke his foot, it just wasn’t happening for him, here, you can see from his face he knows it is still sore. But he needs to believe we can both go do football again, and Dean won’t miss a game, our biggest fan he is


Love you both lads, and don’t worry about idiots who think blogging or  expressing yourself is wrong, they are the idiots. You two keep doing what you are doing, and life will draw its own path for you, a happy one , where we will be best mates still, I ma best mates with my sons, it was not always this way, but kids growing up can be hard work, now, we are best friends, the three of as are very close, and we protect the ladies in our house and love them.

I am a proud Dad tonight

Again I open my heart up and spill it onto a website seen by a handful of people in the UK,  but these 2 lads, same as their sisters and Mum are 2 well looked after young men, it comes with what being in my family bring. It isn’t all bad, but it brings a safety and a support base that I don’t think any family takes for granted. Their Uncle, my Brother is their best mate, he is always there for both of them, so we are a tight unit, my sons know right from wrong though, but still do what 19 and 21 year old kids do, I hope


0 responses to “My two Sons – One is hurting tonight

    • When they suffer we suffer. That is parenting..
      And my pleasure..They are good boys…(I hear this anyway lol)

    • What I went through as a kid, I would have no excuse for being a bad parent you know. There are no rules, we just teach them to be human and have morals and care and hope they listen…

      Thank you

      • They’ll listen, you can tell from what you write that they will. And it’s always great to hear that the next generation are being raised under those principles. so.. thank you!

      • Yeah we hope our kids listen,,,
        And thank you, Just basic parenting here …


    • Yeah he was REAL hurt. But he will have to learn, we all did in everything life throws at us. Because of his seizures I will be keeping an eye on him for a few days.

      You really are a nice person Bee

    • Thank you cindy, very kind..
      Dad is fine, just concerned about my little boy you know..
      His girlfriend had been away working months, so she at least told him to his face, so I respect her for that. Then she leaves on Monday for maybe ever. So although it hurts him now, it would have been hard on them both at such a young age.

      Ta Cindy x

  1. It’s a beautiful post about the love for your sons. From what I read, you and Dawn raised them well. They look like great guys and you should be proud! ♥
    Hugz to you and your family

    • I am proud of course..
      But concerned also.
      The son who has the seizures, man I worry like a, em, worried person? lol
      I hope this doesn’t throw my son into depression. I know between 18/22 these things can have some effect on the kids…

      Thank you Patty xx

      • I understand you’re worried. Those seizures are scary as hell!
        But don’t worry to much about a depression, he has you for a example, so he’s strong! X

      • Yeah this is true,,,it’s just this will be his 1st time THIS hurt in love. He waited 4 months on her, arranged a meal last night, had plans and his little heart was in bits..

        He will get over it, I am strong, I told him what he needed hear at the time, and will chat with him again today. He is in good hands..Thank you again Patty..

        Best Pirate I know 😉 lol

    • He is away out today to play pool and have some drinks with his friends. About 20 of his friends have all came to his aid and booked a pool room for the day. So I hope he goes out, stays out, has fun and has fun with his friends…
      He has a HUGE heart, and when you do, it breaks easy. But his friends he has known since he was 4 years old are his backbone now.

      Thanks xx

  2. Oh I love this. Such an incredible place WordPress really is eh? (Yes, Im Canadian;) Sharing our inner most triumphs and trials here, with such a receiving audience. I have to say, I (personally) dont remember ever passing another ‘blog host’ (like where the writer, reader, & commenter, offer so much well, heart; in their remarks. I don’t recall feeling as inspired by other blog places on the web, while reading the stories out there. I mean yes, some, but, no where near as many heartfelt connections as I have here on WordPress. I send you ALL great BiG HuGS, LovEs, and SuppoRT from a distance by measurement but, right there in spirit … Your Canadian WP Family, Jeanine and Girlz xo PS, I AM working on the acceptance of the WP family Award and Im very excited to share it with all my readers & beyond!!! Fabulous Idea!

    • Why thank you 🙂
      Made me smile. And I agree totally.
      Word Press is like no other place on the Internet for people who “Care” and “try to be nice” and more.
      Reason I created this award was simple., I had my blog almost a year but didn’t start blogging till January 2013 for real. I had done maybe 20 blogs in the 6 months before, but I was blogging Soccer elsewhere here in Scotland.
      The Award was just how I felt and how I still do. It is a remarkable place for sharing and caring. I have not come across one nasty person. And that is something to say on the internet.

      Thank you for your comments. Means a lot. I have your blog bookmarked and will pop in from time to time. Also, check the top of my blog myself and Eddie my friend from America are starting an online Radio show (Going slow) but we are trying to get it going. Check it out please…

      And thank you again…

      Shaun x

    • They be… lol
      He is away out today/tonight with his mates getting drunk. Hope he is having the time of this life..Deserves it for what he’s been through for a good lad his age.
      Ta x

      • Been there done that felt the pain of our children’s suffering! here is one I wrote on the subject.

        There is a hole in me. I know it is there but it is somewhere that I can’t see.

        I feel it is slowly eating me but I don’t know why.

        Something bad has a hold it will not let me fly.

        There is a hole in my stomach and it is eating me. Growing and growing devouring me .

        Why am I suffering what have I done wrong the pain has been gnawing at me for so long.

        Suddenly I realize that the pain is not in me, the pain is in my child why could I this not see.

        I bore them, I love them I have set them free. So why does their pain keep plaguing me.

      • I get this. I really do. x
        All my kids stay at home, but in a way the boys have flown the nest in their minds. They are Men now. Men who need a foot in the backside or a cuddle from time to time when needed.
        Well said. It;s an emotion that is hard to describe the feeling

        Thank you x

  3. Hey studly!! I am getting to this a day late. Sorry. I so feel your son. First broken heart – ouch. He is so young and will heal – and with a great family to support him and a dad and mum to hold him up – he will be out and about in no time. You have such a lovely family;). xx

    • Thank you Kim..
      The morning after he told us, we have not seen him since 🙂
      He went out yesterday all day, shoot some pool with his mates and got REALLY DRUNK I heard.
      Came in this morning at 7am, had a shower then went to one of my neighbours houses who was having a party 🙂
      So he seems to be over her already. He has about 30 mates, all from School when he was 4/5 years old, so they been good for him.

      Cheers Kim x

  4. I loved this story about your boys and family Shaun. You can tell you love them a lot and it shows with how tight you all are. We do the best we can for our kids in guiding, teaching and loving them — then the hardest part is letting go. You and Dawn have both done well! 🙂

    • Like any good Parents we did what we thought was the best thing.
      My two sons still live with us but have “almost” flown the nest, and it is hard letting go.
      But we are very close, and they are always out anyway, so kinda already happened 🙂

      As a parent all you can do is your best, and sometimes that isn’t enough.

      Ta Pat x

      • So true in doing your best. We’re having fun with the 2nd generation coming along and the grandkids. What a joy the second time around! 🙂

      • It is here, the girls just amaze me. They learn so quick, sadly grow too soon…
        But we treasure all the moments and never let them go..


  5. I know what you mean about them amazing you and growing too fast. We’ve especially seen it with the grandkids.

    There’s an even smaller window of opportunity to share their life, spend time with them and make memories.

    • Oh trust me I do..I did this Video for Courtney my 4 year old..From Womb to the day she was 4. The 1st picture she was 5/10 seconds old

      Love her getting older and her little sister appears.. She is a PROPER little Madam now lol

      • I just looked and I can’t see where I posted a video..
        What song does it say it is?
        Will send here


  6. It’s where you say, “..I did this Video for Courtney my 4 year old..From Womb to the day she was 4. The 1st picture she was 5/10 seconds old” and looks like an empty box below it where a video would be. Don’t know if you intended to add the video you made for Courtney or not.

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