Saorsa don Alba 2014 – Freedom for Scotland







In 2014 the people of Scotland get a chance to get independence from the UK, as things stand it is 50/50, British Unionists and people who have real feelings to be part of the Union I respect, I am one of these people who does not respect others values and opinions, I do. I know many English people, people I love and call friends, but this is not my issue, Westminster is, where the Laws are made

I urge all Scottish people to vote YES and finally break this rule. As a nation we give £3B a year to Westminster and get £1B back. There is also the argument that freedom would make Scotland like what Northern Ireland was back at its worse, and this was my fear for a while. But should the vote be yes, Scotland keeps the Royal Family, so I hope this does enough to please the people who want to stay in the union

Throughout History England, the rulers, NOT THE PEOPLE, have killed my people, twice. I say twice as I am half Irish, half my family come from Eire (Southern Ireland) They also got killed and raped and displaced by the English Lawmakers, people in Scotland have a very short memory, once many years ago our Bagpipes were not to be played “Outlawed tunes in Outlawed pipes” The people of Ireland were the same, the English built a World empire using these exact same ways, how do you think the commonwealth came to be? Through peaceful dialog with all the counties the English stole, rapes, and killed in? No, it was done by these means; they killed, raped and displaced people, and stole the land. Here we are in 2013, what has changed? We only need look at the Middle East where they are doing it again, only this time, Scottish Men and Woman are involved. This is their decision, but as a man who had both sides of his family historically killed, raped and treated with brutality, now is the time to break free

But through Music the Scottish people tried to win our freedom, and as things stand we have our own Parliament, but that is it, we still are told what to do, think and say by the English rulers. I for one want a free Scotland. Some say the worst thing to happen was the movie Braveheart, and I can see their point, it brings feelings of patriotism to us, the vote will take place next year on an anniversary, Battle of Bannockburn in 24 June 1314, so on June 24th 2014, 700 years from the day of our enslavement, I urge people to think again, and to do the right thing, no longer shall we be kept by a nation who’s will is to invade and kill, I want my Freedom 

We must look back to what our ancestors went through and battled for when we vote. English people can and will still live in Scotland if it is free; I ask “Why not” if anyone leaves my shores if Scotland becomes independent. Why would you leave Scotland if you love it so? If you are not from my Country, and the vote is yes, and you leave, why? Simple question really.  Again, I have no disliking of the English people. 3 of the last 4 Prime Ministers in the UK were Scottish Born, so this is a futile debate to throw back, they were rich men in suits part of a War Machine that went to Iraq on a lie and killed Children in cold blood, I ask again, what has changed? Back in the day of  William Wallace we had Scottish men t0o scared to defend and fight they sided with the English

I don’t want conflict, I don’t want War, I blog about it all the time, this is why I blog for Bloggers for Peace and Master Peace. I want a county free from Bloodshed

Saorsa don Alba 

The Nation Anthem of my Country speaks of what I say, we sing it, loud and proud, so where is the argument? 


The Lone Piper – Bagpipes


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0 responses to “Saorsa don Alba 2014 – Freedom for Scotland

      • Should Scotland get the Yes vote, England would have not one Nuclear Weapon, Thatcher put them all in Scotland, so if there was a big War, we would get it tight. The plans are, if it is a yes, England has 2 years to re-build elsewhere. There is a Naval shipyard in Southampton or near there. Triden is pish, end off. And Jobs, fuck, don’t make me laugh 🙂 (I mean that in the nicest way) This ConLib Government has taken everyone”s money and there are no jobs. Should Scotland get a Yes..We have our Oil Fields, we would be a rich nation. There will be downsides for some, but as a whole, Scotland should be able to decide on its own. And there are several bases in Scotland, they would all have to be moved. You know the Government just slashed a budget the Armed Forces needs? A lad high up said “It has put the UK in a vulnerable position” The cuts are all getting done to the wrong things. Intelligence (Spying) was one of the only things to get a +% Education, Health, Disabled, Transport all took a hard hit.
        Scotland is on it’s own, we don’t need cuts, we are rich, for me it is a no debate. But we have a very racist part of the county that will vote for the wrong reasons.

        People need to for the right reasons. I am not fully award for Tax. When starting a blog I always hope if someone has a question, they will open google and post it into the blog, as I might not know. Nobody knows it all. Just enough to have an opinion..


      • Well we have the American Dream….
        Sadly you got to be asleep to see it..

        A yes to Scotland won’t change my World to perfect, but better than what we have now.


  1. Although I don’t know all the particulars, I am all for self-determination. America’s federal government has stretched its Constitutional limits past the breaking point, and is more of a force for tyranny than for insuring freedom for all citizens. The US is a LARGE country with diverse regional interests and needs, and for every tax dollar from Colorado sent to Washington, about 20 cents comes back in services.

    Besides the fact that federal laws that may suit the Eastern Seaboard—with its high population centers—-may not be beneficial for interior and Western States. Prior to the (first) American Civil War, people would say that “the United States of America ARE (blank)”; because each State had a lot more self-autonomy, and each governed themselves to a greater extent.

    IMHO, the question each Scot should ask him/her self is whether they might be better-off being governed by more local (and more accountable) government—which would keep the tax dollars and decisions at “home”—or by remaining part of a bigger “collective” federation; and have less control of local policy.

    I have no doubt that the Scots have everything they need to flourish and prosper on their own.


    • Thanks for that on your country, yeah makes sense..not all works for the entire country.

      And I believe we do have enough to go it alone. The figures show we do and I researched them.

      Thanks for the comment

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