Now, Meat From Diseased Cattle Sold By Defra (ENOUGH)!

The meat is "fit for human consumption", Defra says

The meat is “fit for human consumption”, Defra says

Link :  The best link was Sky News…Murdochs lot!! lol

THIS IS NO LONGER A CONSPIRACY – THIS IS FACT. We lost, they won, we are dying slowly, all of us , and it frustrates me nobody cares… 

Meat from diseased cattle, slaughtered after testing positive for bovine tuberculosis (bTB), is being sold for human consumption by Defra, the food and farming ministry has said.

The raw meat, from around 28,000 diseased animals a year, is banned by most supermarkets and burger chains, The Sunday Times reported.

Tesco, for example, rejects it because of “public-health concerns surrounding the issue of bTB and its risk to consumers”.

But it is being sold to some caterers and food processors, and finding its way into schools, hospitals and the military, or being processed into products such as pies and pasties, the newspaper said.

A Defra spokeswoman said: “All meat from cattle slaughtered due to bovine TB must undergo rigorous food safety checks before it can be passed fit for consumption.

“The Food Standards Agency has confirmed there are no known cases where TB has been transmitted through eating meat and the risk of infection from eating meat, even if raw or undercooked, remains extremely low.”

The meat is sold with no warning to processors or consumers that it comes from bTB infected cattle.

Asked whether the public should know whether or not the meat they are buying originated from an infected cow, a spokeswoman for the Food Standards Agency said: “The public do not need to know anything more about that meat other than it is fit for human consumption.”

If an inspection of a carcass reveals tuberculous lesions in more than one organ or region it is declared unfit for human consumption and destroyed, she explained.

But if only the lymph nodes in one organ or part of the carcass is infected, then that area is removed and the rest is considered safe to enter the food chain.

She added: “Cooking this meat would be an additional safety step, but we would emphasise the risk even before cooking is very low.”

The Sunday Times reported that Defra’s reassurances contrasted with experts’ warnings who have said rising levels of bTB in cattle are becoming a serious threat to human health.

Such claims have been used to justify a cull of tens of thousands of badgers which, are said by some, to help spread the disease between cattle.

Defra – Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

OK!  I did all these blogs. If you follow my Blog, you should be reading them, if not, you want to read them, and this above and below!!!!






Blogs I have done after HEAVY research over the last few months, about what we are getting fed, what is in our food, and why we are all ill?

I am sick of this, you know it is widely known that we, yes you and I may be eating HUMAN BEINGS on our plates at night for Dinner. This is a conspiracy, but one with substance should you wish to go and look it up. Many sit with their head in the sand worrying about BIG BROTHER AND DANCING FUCKING SHOWS while these BASTARDS are poisoning OUR food chain with fuck knows what.

The time to sit back and say nothing has passed; the time to act has also passed. We are fucked, we are controlled, we live in a police state world, we get lied to, I do my best, same as HUNDRED here to out the truth and we all feel we get nothing back for our research


We are all told what to eat and drink, told what clothes we SHOULD wear, how we should look, what we should watch on TV, what Car we should buy, the list is ENDLESS, The illusion we are free is only that. I am past anger here. I am past pity here. I am almost past caring here.


I have backed it up with FACTS, Facts I don’t want to read as they scare me, and facts that the world won’t read as you are scared also. The time has passed, if you believe in God, hold him close, because he is running NOTHING on this planet, if God is there, why does he allow Evil to kill us? Ahh, Human Choice? Educate me, why?

I am almost done with this shit. My kids eat poison, so do yours, we all do, every last one of us, don’t think because you are in the USA or Australia, South Africa, UK, Europe Russia you are safe, because you are not, we are being poisoned, this is population control, check  the blog above

What I feared for a few years now is true, there is no doubt. Our bodies are like car engines, but diesel into a petrol car it breaks it, look at it that way. And also all the strange events around the world, Animals dying all over the world, Video below, please watch, I beg

More Love, less hate the blog above

What I feared for a few years now is true, there is no doubt. Our bodies are like car engines, but diesel into a petrol car it breaks it, look at it that way. And also all the strange events around the world. Animals dying all over the world, Video below, please watch, I beg

More Love, less hate

Who is poisoning our food?

Part 1

Part 2

Our World changing

Animals Dying

The Earth is moving, North is moving, FAST 

< Blogs here on Word Press. Very clever lad!

British Activists Protest Murdoch’s “Media Mafia” (Media)

We are fucked! 

And someone will “LIKE” this within 5 minutes of publish at 05:42 am GMT – WHY? 


0 responses to “Now, Meat From Diseased Cattle Sold By Defra (ENOUGH)!

  1. You know how to frighten the wits out of me, man. I agree with what you’re saying, but do we know how safe our for food chain was in the past. What I mean is, if this is just getting caught now, then how long has it been going on. Is it a mark of better testing catching things that have gone on for a long time or have standards slipped and been eventually found out?
    For the rest of the stuff as I have said before I have no idea what is really going on, but I am sure it is not down to just the over usage of fossil fuels. The economics of greed plays a big part in this. Too many wealthy and powerful interests are coming to loggerheads with the people of the World who are needing proper democratic options and leadership, so that we don’t ruin our environment for the future. If we sunk a fraction of the investment available for military causes into environmental and Worldwide social infrastructure, then a lot of problems would be avoided.

    • Your last few lines there Spot on mate.
      Just 00.001% of the Worlds money would solve a MILLION things for a BILLION people. I know the blog was about food and what is in it and the rumours about Human meat I read about (All it is) But all in, the world is fucked. And Horse meat in the UK, Donkey and Buffalo in South Africa, Weed Killer in people’s blood now this. What the fuck are we eating, what is wrong with the world. I never put in “Sink Holes” that are appearing all over the Earth

      This is Global mate. Something is fucking up!
      Just a big ranty blog, all good…The blog I just did you will like 🙂 lol

      I am away to get a few hours sleep before my Mum arrives for lunch…Laters boss

  2. BTW I don’t feel like my Sunday fry up breakfast anymore. Dry cornflakes on toast, with a little tepid water, the breakfast of champions (which sadly nowadays means raw eggs and steak blitzed into a smoothie, and a jab of whatever steroid is undetectable at the moment). Hahaha.

    • bahhahahhahhaahha @ Dry cornflakes on toast, with a little tepid water, the breakfast of champions

      Mate don’t believe me, go look, I may be wrong..
      Saying that, it was on Sky.. lol

      • Shaun I sadly believe every word, but our food chain has always been dodgy. Did you know that the demand for raspberry jam was always very high in Britain and a lot of skullduggery went on during the Victorian period? Using carrots and turnips mixed with sugar and food coloring which was then passed off as raspberry jam, but the public got wide to this and demanded that the pips be left in, but the manufacturers instead of using expensive raspberries, carved pips out of wood and added it to the old concoctions, this practice went on until the mid 1960’s, you even had to serve an apprenticeship in the trade of pip carving to get a job. All this was perfectly legal. I won’t tell you what they got up to with tea leaves and meat, all within the law.
        Another fact that before the war there was a lot of problems to do with diet, but during and after WWII, due to rationing British people were fitter and healthier, because they were eating properly, for the first time in generations, since probably before the Industrial Revolution.

      • I have read so much lately re: Food chains I do believe this. And yeah, fact, during the War was when people were fit and healthy, Had no choice, but shows you what forced eating does..

        Fuck it lets all be Communists 🙂

  3. Pingback: Scientists Discover What’s Killing the Bees and it’s Worse than You Thought | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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