Stuck on an Island for 2 days, I was 16, best time of my life

Spike Island's big dance scene


Just reading a blog by Victoria there

Reminded me of the time about 20/30 of me and my friends got stuck on an Island in the River Forth for 2 days due to over sleeping and the tide. We were all about 15/16, we had beer, cannabis, LOUD MUSIC, Peace and quiet and lots of fun. The blog was similar, but it reminded me of my story, and this song. As I approach 40 (I know, I know) I am looking back with ease to my youth when a Shit I did not give. Just fun and “School?” what’s School? We just partied hard and got terribly drunk and just danced for two days. If truth be told, I don’t think we wanted to be saved, I think we all could happily have lived on that island and in that moment for all of time.

Being  young, some took it for granted, some never, I certainly never, I lived it to its fullest, I think I knew going to be a Dad the next year I had to just enjoy every second of what I had left of my childhood. It was amazing, we really could have stayed the night, over and over, so here is the song to go with the story

Here is to staying young while getting old lol, this song just takes me right back there

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