Jeremiah 25:31- Want to talk God and Scripture?


This guy, I think he is a pastor or a bishop from Canada, I am not 100% sure, he cleverly got his friend to get all the noises ever heard and play them all at once. WOW!

I have been listening to these sounds coming from all over the world for a few years now, I have blogged about it before, to no avail, because nobody know what it is, so I researched, HARD on the matter, and I found a piece of scripture that matches these sounds.

Now if you are unaware of this, like totally, prepare to start scratching your head an asking if this indeed scripture. I hear about God every day and how he will come and save me and take away my pain, so ok, I will now tell you, this is Gospel, this is scripture, and this is coming from all ends of the world. I heard this myself, it is like a huge trumpet noise, and it is a disturbing noise

Here is a collection from around the world

Maryland – Feb 2012

Queensland, Australia


WorldWide again

So what do you think? If someone likes this within 5 minutes I WILL SLAP YOU! lol What is this? God is blamed for much and we pray to him and we ask him to his divine intervention, we pray, we say he will help, we are 100% sure he is there. So, if you believe he is, have I given you enough information, through WEEKS of research to say, is this Jeremiah 25:31?

PLEASE LISTEN.. Don’t deny ignorance! You have Google!! Go look, go listen! Please

Open google and see for yourself, here for yourself. I tried to get this out here. Your turn to decide I guess

 New International Version (©2011)

The tumult will resound to the ends of the earth, for the LORD will bring charges against the nations; he will bring judgment on all mankind and put the wicked to the sword,'” declares the LORD.
New Living Translation (©2007)
His cry of judgment will reach the ends of the earth, for the LORD will bring his case against all the nations. He will judge all the people of the earth, slaughtering the wicked with the sword. I, the LORD, have spoken!'”

English Standard Version (©2001)
The clamor will resound to the ends of the earth, for the LORD has an indictment against the nations; he is entering into judgment with all flesh, and the wicked he will put to the sword, declares the LORD.’

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
‘A clamor has come to the end of the earth, Because the LORD has a controversy with the nations. He is entering into judgment with all flesh; As for the wicked, He has given them to the sword,’ declares the LORD.”

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD.

Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)
The tumult reaches to the ends of the earth because the LORD brings a case against the nations. He enters into judgment with all flesh. As for the wicked, He hands them over to the sword– this is the LORD’s declaration.

International Standard Version (©2012)
A tumult reaches to the ends of the earth because the LORD is bringing an indictment against the nations. He judges all flesh. He has given the wicked over to the sword,’ declares the LORD.

NET Bible (©2006)
The sounds of battle will resound to the ends of the earth. For the LORD will bring charges against the nations. He will pass judgment on all humankind and will hand the wicked over to be killed in war.’ The LORD so affirms it!

GOD’S WORD® Translation (©1995)
The sound is echoing to the ends of the earth because the LORD has brought charges against the nations. He will judge all humans. He will kill the wicked, declares the LORD.’

King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD has a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, says the LORD.

American King James Version
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD has a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, said the LORD.

American Standard Version
A noise shall come even to the end of the earth; for Jehovah hath a controversy with the nations; he will enter into judgment with all flesh: as for the wicked, he will give them to the sword, saith Jehovah.

Douay-Rheims Bible
The noise is come even to the ends of the earth: for the Lord entereth into judgement with the nations: he entereth into judgement with all flesh; the wicked I have delivered up to the sword, saith the Lord.

Darby Bible Translation
The noise shall come to the end of the earth: for Jehovah hath a controversy with the nations, he entereth into judgment with all flesh; as for the wicked, he will give them up to the sword, saith Jehovah.

English Revised Version
A noise shall come even to the end of the earth; for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; as for the wicked, he will give them to the sword, saith the LORD.

Webster’s Bible Translation
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD.

World English Bible
A noise shall come even to the end of the earth; for Yahweh has a controversy with the nations; he will enter into judgment with all flesh: as for the wicked, he will give them to the sword, says Yahweh.

Young’s Literal Translation
Wasting hath come unto the end of the earth, For a controversy hath Jehovah with nations, He hath executed judgment for all flesh, The wicked! He hath given them to the sword, An affirmation of Jehovah.

0 responses to “Jeremiah 25:31- Want to talk God and Scripture?

  1. 300+ people who follow me are God fearing nice people. I really thought this blog would spark debate. It is in scripture what is happening to our world. It confuses me how people look to and paraphrase scripture, but when it is actually happening.. No discussion.. I am a confused man in a kilt here

  2. Hey dude, I can’t check all of this out till I get home – can’t listen/watch videos at work… I probably won’t get to check it out till the weekend… 🙂

    • Ahh take your time 🙂
      Just after the whole Sink Hole blog, I wanted to see what people who throw scripture around like it is fresh air thought about a Scripture actually happening. And it is. These videos are mind boggling. I heard it myself and couldn’t find a recording device, it is like the sounds you will hear, Trumpet noises coming from the Sky, very disturbing and creepy noise. The Canadian pastor lad did really well with the top video. Look forward to hearing your thoughts..

      I often forget many people who’s blogs I read or read mine are 5/12 hours behind or in-front of me lol

      And have a good weekend 🙂 x

  3. Will have to check it out later today, have to work this morning and walk my dogs. Interesting topic, unusual. Lucky I had work otherwise I would’ve got caught up with staying in town last night, did not want too.

    • Yeah sometimes 1 decision can ruin our WHOLE weekend..
      And it is REALLY strange, and disturbing, but interesting.

      Have a good weekend by the way xx

    • I left a message and followed, thank you, truly.
      You are a nice person, and a you have a quality about you I like, a lot.
      As for that song, we will have to just realise we share differing views on it lol..
      It is no big deal, I see the song in a different way. But I 100% respect your views.

      Thank you again…
      You are a good friend.

  4. I think that you are spot on. God does nothing without warning his people through his prophets. It’s sad that more people don’t go to the prophets of old, as I feel we are stuck on interpretations of men rather than what God really said. Also many think prophecies are linear and once they happen they won’t happen again. But God said ‘I make known the end from the beginning,from ancient times, what is still to come.’ Isaiah 46:10 So God’s time is different than ours, and these prophecies I feel are cyclical, not linear, and they all culminate in the ‘Day of the Lord.’ You are right these noises are up for debate, but we also know from scripture that there are powers of the air that are carrying on a spiritual war also. (Ephesians 6:12). But the verses you brought are true. There is a noise going throughout the land, and God is judging the Nations. Ours has been found wanting. He has sent many warnings to us. The earth’s surface is changing. All one needs to do is do a search on the increase in earthquakes, and volcanoes and extreme weather changes. The Bible tells us that the earth will reel like a drunkard. Isaiah 24:20-21 The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of it’s rebellion that it falls–never to rise again. In that day the Lord will punish the powers in the heavens above and the kings on the earth below. This will definately make some noise also. But I like that you tied this in with Gabriel, for the watchmen of the heavens are sounding their trumpets. Unfortunately many are deaf to the warnings. God Bless you, I’ll look forward to more of your posts. And insights, and discussions. For this is how we learn. God is giving His children warnings and knowledge, we all have a piece of the puzzle, if we come together it’s easier. I believe it was Paul who said ‘Comfort one another with these words.’ And Jesus said, ‘When you see these things begin to happen look up your redemption draws near.’ Keep sounding the trumpet brother!

    • WOW…Thank you for brilliant reply. I am no expert, trust me but I am trying I getting there, with the help of Eddie who is a Bishop from the USA who is on here. I look all around our world. My blog names give it away “Looking for reasons to a complicated world” and “Praying for one day” Many people see these things, and this here I did a LOT of research on and turn a blind eye. And I am like “Wait a second, this seems important” On my blog, Catagories near the bottom has a section “Changes to our world” and “Conspiracies” and I hate that word. Conspiracies. But in there are 20+ blogs of this nature..

      Thank you very much, and I truly look forward to discussion more with you…


  5. Pingback: Strange Horn Sounds in the sky return, Canada August 29th | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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