I watch this every day, to remind myself, I hope you can also


77 years ago actor Charlie Chaplin adlibbed much of this, I watch it every day to remind myself of what CAN be and not what IS. I hope one day we can all watch this at least once a day. We need to all wake up and fight for a better future for not just us but our children. I will keep blogging this as much as I can, and I hope you save it and watch it every day. It may be from a movie, but it rings true.

Please, try



0 responses to “I watch this every day, to remind myself, I hope you can also

    • Sharing the Caring Patty…
      Many come to Word Press to share a message or to help , many reasons from a million people. We are just one of a million voices trying to change the world.
      But one voice at a time we CAN change our world. This You Tube video may be for everyone, but the message in it is simple. We should all pay it forward. And NEVER forget the reason.. x

    • Yeah. It was just a movie, but the clip has been altered to show our world today. And yeah, lets hope people listen. It amazes me something said all these decades ago ring true today..


      • Busy is cool, I been busy in bed hurting 🙂
        All good..

        And yeah History is repeating, sadly x
        What happened in 1934 in Germany is happening in the USA just now. It is all about looking and reading and seeing it and not blindly denying it.

        Well said x

    • Thank you for the comment.
      I will post this video till every last person alive has seen it and can look themselves in the mirror and be happy with themselves.
      It is important, I think anyway, to understand what we are and where we are headed as a species. As at this rate, only bad will happen.
      So we got to get this and other things like it out there, before it is truly too late.

      Thank you x

      • It is one of them videos I just “need” to watch every day, just to remind myself what we “could have”
        I think if we all watched it and took what we should take from it, our World change very quickly..
        Please add it to a blog as much as you can. Spread it on Facebook. So people can share it.
        I only share it because someone shared it to me on Facebook..


  1. We could have that type of world starting tomorrow, if the guys at the top were not so divisive or greedy for power and wealth. I expect a knock at the door one day/night for that statement. Bugger them I know I am in the ‘naughty’ book already, hahaha. Nice clip big man.

    • Yeah, well said mate.
      I think we all need to watch this, its as relevant today as it was during WWII when it was said, maybe more relevant. I will keep posting this till every Man, woman and child has seen it. It is my life;s work


    • Yeah it sends a message for sure.
      Keep watching and spread this video to friends.
      People need to “Feel” the message of this video (I think)

      Thank You

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