If you could make 1 change to our World, what would it be? (Please replay) #PeaceonEarth



I have this debate mainly with my Dad on countless occasions. My Dad used to say “I cry for Humanity” As a kid or younger Man I never understood the meaning, now as a Father of 4 and 2 young girls 3 and 4 years old I do understand

I blog for Master Peace, Bloggers for peace and also take an interest in Playing for Change




I ask if you could make 1 change to our World, 1 change that would be so profound it would change the way it is going. Right now I blog heavily about corporate greed, politicians taking bribes, crooks in charge of our world. And I will keep doing so. As the two pictures above and especially below say, YOU, YES YOU, CAN Make a difference. One person at a time, one blog at a time, one individual act of kindness at a time, one helping hand at a time, we can change our world.

Question: If you could make one change to your World to make it better, what would it be and why? Do you care? Can you spare time to do your bit? 

So what would you change? Where do you think the problems are? How can we fix them? What would you do? What are you answers? We will all vary in our Answers but the most important thing is we all know and feel and believe we can change our World. So quick blog, and I hope it gets the same discussion this blog did http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/18/question-to-word-press-yes-you-dont-like-reply/ this was a question “QUESTION – What do you want out of life?” and it went down really well.

So please, let’s all look to the links I posted, put our differences to one side and ask “What one thing would you do to help change our world”

More love.

Less Hate










Let us all embrace change and unite for the common goal x





B4 Peace



Bloggers for peace






Logo MasterPeace 2



It is utters in all languages, what do you utter? Please, what would you change?






CAN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR?  Lets put petty differences aside and look at our World, “WHAT WOULD YOU DO”




0 responses to “If you could make 1 change to our World, what would it be? (Please replay) #PeaceonEarth

    • Thanks for the reply…
      Peace would be good.
      But what would it take to get peace.
      What one thing would you do to create peace?

      My limited understanding (Please I do try to keep up and learn) is if Jesus was to come back, this would be judgement day, the end of days. The end of the World… Am I close?

      So to save the World, keep Jesus being loved here on Earth for a bit longer. What would do you, what would it take, what would you implement?

      X x

      • No judgement day. Greatest lesson on earth: To Love Mankind as God (Jesus) loves you. When there is love, the rest follows.

      • This is true…
        I think love exists on an individual level and we see acts of kindness. Sadly on a Global scale not so much.
        I respect your reply and opinion more than you know.

        I don’t know if Jesus returning would solve the Worlds problem.
        BUT..This could be down to my Ignorance and lack of understand to what you are saying. If you follow?

        I do try to understand Jesus, honest I do x

      • I follow.
        And you know I always respect your comments and opinion. I have a relationship with God. Truly I do. Several events happened that made me, in my mind, unable to not go anywhere else. I prayed and 3 events happened (Funny, I blogged them, lol) So I have a relationship with God.. I was raised Catholic but as I grew older I found religion to cause conflict (Just by saying what I said there has caused conflict before)
        And Jesus, and what he was supposed to have done. I try, I try hard, Bishop Eddie has me reading this http://www.biblestudytools.com/vul/ – Job to begin with and I hope it helps answer my question and thoughts.

        Shaun x

      • The conflict is not on the religion, it’s the view of each person. True religion is about love. Eddie Tatro? If we are talking about the same person, yes, he is pointing you in the right direction. It will open you mind.

      • Thank you..I do hope so.
        http://bishoptatro.wordpress.com/ < Brilliant lad, NEVER preaches, we can talk on Skype for 4 hours and not mention God. But if I ask, he is more than happy to help. I did a Blogger/Friend blog about him, he truly is a brilliant man, he helps other in his Church and community while being perhaps worse pain than I.

        Thank you, your words do help me..

  1. I can never answer this question. 1 change feels like it would only be a drop in the bucket. Maybe the 1 change I would make is that the media covers positive events more than negative. With any luck this would make the world feel less like it’s going into the toilet and people may believe that they can make a difference.

    • Good shout…Yeah, I agree.
      Better media, where they don’t scare the life out of people every night. I know horrible things happen, but we don’t need to hear them all. Main stories of good things would be good.
      Great shout Charles

  2. One change I would make is to insert into every country’s constitution a clause that would give the people the power to oust their non-performing government. But hey, that is too ambitious in the circumstances where poverty is ever more widespread and hungry people don;’t have the energy to fight. “Slavery” died a long ago but it’s resurrected in new forms that include unemployment etc.

    • Well said!!!
      America has this right, and I speak to (I think now, 100 American people from Word Press) I am hard pushed to hear all kinds of people of all faiths etc say “We need to do something” The USA needs fixed.

      Just mentioned that as you said it would be a good idea, and I agree it would. But look to the Middle East and North Africa, the people are trying to remove their governments and are getting killed for it. Syria is the biggest. The People of Iran tried it and got told, and many were killed (Remember the young Woman was shot dead) To stop. And the people did. I like to hope if this happened in the UK The Military would not turn on the people. I know 20+ serving men and woman in different factions of the UK Armed Forces and almost all say “I wouldn’t shoot my own”

      Well said!!

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