UFOs Hover Over Fresno (May 2013) – Reported on American News!



Not really big on Ufology myself, but got sent this by a “Friend” who is into “Stuff” and it was reported on Fresno evening news. “Do you believe in UFO’s is the Stupidest question on Earth, as a UFO could really be a crisp packet or a bird or, as said Unidentified. So this is “Unknown” Anyone says Alien, silly, it’s a “UFO”

Make your own mind up….

Video 1

On the news (Media Video) As it has been seen a few times by thousands of people (Below)


I really think some of the better UFO videos are test flights of crafts built by our Governments, but you never know

Two UFO Sightings I do think “Hmm” at are below and caught by Nasa

This one here is Amazing, what is it? Was taken from the ISS (International Space Station)


“THEE” Most famous Ufology Case happened during WW11 over the skies of Culver City and Santa Monica, rare footage can be found. Again not something I am personally into, but reported by the Media is surprising.  Check this old footage here from 1942 from an old news reel




0 responses to “UFOs Hover Over Fresno (May 2013) – Reported on American News!

  1. I am not a big UFO fan, but when I have to drive long distances late at night I listen to coast-to-coast-am radio which is the most entertaining radio show ever. People call in and talk about the para-normal and ufo abductions…. great stuff.

    • Coast to Coast is SUPERB to be fair..
      I don’t do Ufo’s or Ghosts
      So 1999 🙂

      Good show tho, Art Bell is the man!

      • yes — nothing like it for long drives….

        When my mom was dying I would leave Chicago at night after work and drive the six hours to Cleveland – that show made the drive fly.

      • We get it over here online or on Radio Appz for Phones/Tablets…
        Spent a few nights listening in.

  2. Not totally convinced by all the UFO stuff that is reported. As you say, it is most likely the military testing out new forms of craft and propulsion systems. The day an alien walks up to me, i will believe. We can’t be the only living beings out there. When you see reports of the recent discovery of Earth like planets, it makes you wonder.

    Why would any self respecting alien want to come to this planet anyway. They’d take one look, turnaround and go home. Unless they have the answers to all the problems what would be the point.

    Now i am going to get a bit Hitchhiker’s Guide and propose that maybe we are part of some sort of alien experiment in terraforming and they are watching us. A bit far fetched but who knows.

    Maybe it is a rip in the space time continuum and we are seeing snapshots of our future selves.

    ‘The truth is out there’ as Fox Mulder would say. We just lack the ability just now to go and find out.

    • SHUT!! I should have called myself Fox Mulder 😦 Love the guy, Love the X-Files. And I think it would naive to think in an endless universe we are the only beings out there. I mean there are TRILLIONS X INFINITY Planets out there, it is endless.
      Funny you say terraforming, A friend and I get REAL deep when we debate shit like this and we came to the conclusion Earth is a test or a science project by some kid of higher planes of existence. I mean does algae in a pond know we exist?
      And a rip in the space time continuum, I often wonder, how many parallel universes there could be, how many Shaun;s there are..

      Then get frightened 🙂

      Good reply sir!

      • I must admit the thought of there being multiple me’s out there is worrying. If there are i hope they have a less shitty life.

        If it is the military testing craft, i sometimes wonder how far away we are from being able to fold space in order to travel great distances in the blink of an eye.

        I think all life on earth is linked on some level. Why else would plants respond to music and being talked to. If i am getting a bit weird let me know. Our DNA is so closely linked to all sorts of creatures on the Earth so why not algae. Depending on your viewpoint of evolution, we all came from the oceans originally. Maybe a good clue to the science project you mention. Experimenting with DNA in order to create a better form of life.

        Come on down from your spaceship Captain Zog. LOL

      • Check this


        Google “Wormholes opening all over Earth”

        And never weird, lol, just open to other possibilities?
        And I can’t imagine infinity me’s 🙂
        Fuck this ones enough ha ha ..

    • I just left a reply..Thank you..
      Fun is good, so Accepted..
      I do awards as soon as I get them to save them stacking up..

      Cheers 🙂

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