Islam, Muslim trouble re-starts in France, it threatens the World


Muslim woman (Some we can see their whole face, Ironic huh?) Protest in France against the banning of Muslim face veils, live in France, abide by FRENCH LAW!

France is a country that stated woman in a burka is illegal and ANY Muslim stands with French Law if they commit a crime, same as a French born person, this for me is right, Before anyone starts on me, I have Muslim friends, they just don’t have extremist views and actually hate how many Muslims misread the Quran and do wrong. Muslims, real Muslims are VERY relaxed people and very polite and just normal people to be fair, living in Europe you see a different view, sadly out Media, Europe and State side pain a scary picture about Muslims to the point my Son when he was 16 got off a Bus if someone resembling a Muslim came onto the Bus with a back pack on. This was wrong of my Son and I told him so, but ASK PLEASE! Where does this thinking come from? Who plants this fear in us? The Media do, the Irony is the USA gave (I think)  $3 Billion in Aid to Muslim countries mainly for (WAIT FOR IT) Medical Aid, so Obama is helping his Muslim friends with Health but not the American people. I research as much as I can, if I am wrong, please call me on this, this is what I see, read and am told. Shocking huh!

France took the steps to say “Come to our country, you adhere to our customs and our ways” something I am sure Australia also do or tried to do or are trying to do. I live in the UK and in parts of Oldham in England it is “Almost” Sharia law, I hear stories of brutality and deaths and honour killings that are almost protected by a foreign law, and I must say, I think this is wrong. This is the UK, if you commit any crime, same as the Catholic priest who admitted having sex with boys as young as 8 and was protected by the Vatican and sent to another Church in the middle of nowhere to “Think about what he did” It is my belief both should be dealt with it if it was a UK born citizen as it would be, I find it SHOCKING that Muslims can come into the UK and hide behind their laws that don’t exist in the UK.

I know many will have mixed feeling and opinions over this, but if, for example a UK or Australian, USA born person, Man or Woman was to commit a crime, or something deemed to be a crime in a Muslim country, they would be brought to task. In one Muslim Country there are several UK citizens in jail awaiting DEATH for being “Accused” of carrying drugs, one I know about was carrying enough Cannabis in a Muslim Country, enough for 1 joint is looking at being killed.

So why is it we, UK, USA, Australian, German etc born people go to Muslim Countries and are held to task for their laws, Muslims come to our Countries and hide behind laws and tradition and religion, for me this is a disgrace and needs looked at now, one of the two men who beheaded soldier Lee Rigby in London is being protected in a safe wing of a prison due to his religion, I am sorry he should be in general population and have to deal with what anyone born in my country should deal with had they committed this atrocious act against Humanity

France have been very honest and said “You come here, you abide by French law” I only with Westminster (London Government) could put their fear of upsetting a rich oil producing nation to one side and treat them as people who are born in the UK, as I say, it disgusts me when Catholic Priests are protected after raping young kids by religion, why is this? I am not being disrespectful but care not a jot if I offend anyone; I am speaking the truth, what gives anyone the right to be safe from UK law because of their laws? I am asking, anyone?

Maybe more countries should follow France’s lead and forget powerful oil giant Countries and just set the law to all who are Human, respective of religion, colour, gender race whatever and jail them and charge them with the same laws I must abide by.

We all remember the Danish newspaper that did a cartoon having a joke at the Prophet Mohammad threats were sent to the newspaper and Danish flags were burnt in Muslim countries. I ask how far this will go, how bad will it get and should more countries take the French approach?


The infamous Cartoon that caused the Muslim World to almost put a jihad (mujahid) on the entire European continent for a CARTOON, How can they be offended over this to the extent they almost killed Jens Julius who did it!

Abu Hamza the man with the metal hand (Picture below) failed bids to stay in UK cost the UK £1m (One Million Pound of Tax Payers money in the UK! Outrage, he should have been dealt with and deported to the USA Immediately, Legal cases involving hate preacher Abu Hamza cost taxpayers almost £1million.

Living my country, we give him FREE money and pay his rent, free medical care and a free hand! All true, joking aside, he is shit at Hand puppets

Living my country, we give him FREE money and pay his rent, free medical care and a free hand! All true, joking aside, he is shit at Hand puppets 

The hook-handed extremist, who was finally kicked out of the country last month, benefited from almost £680,000 in legal aid money from the public purse.

In addition, the Home Office spent nearly £250,000 on lawyers in its efforts to get him out, he was eventually put on a plane to the USA late 2012 to face terror charges, good I say, he stood on the streets of the UK spewing hate and death speeches to his radical idiots while the UK paid him disability benefit and housing benefit! I wish I was making this up, I am not, Disgrace, the UK should stand up to these Radical bastards the same as France as I can see this getting worse, we seen a Soldier beheaded in a UK street, what next? The UK becomes a half Muslim State? This is the risk we run and as someone who wants Scottish rule, I will ALWAYS be part of the UK as the Queen will always be part of Scotland

Charges: Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri, pictured addressing his followers near Finsbury Park mosque, north London, in March 2004, now faces terror charges in America

Charges: Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri, pictured addressing his followers near Finsbury Park mosque, north London, in March 2004, now faces terror charges in America

si vous ne l’aimez pas, vous pouvez sortir 


I will share some pictures showing what is coming to the UK, USA, Europe, Australia, it is coming, they want to kill us, we get jailed, they don’t, for me the Islam faith is a real worry and a danger to us all, wherever you are, and we get arrested for defending OUT cities from Immigrants 

Britain Marks The 10th Anniversary Of 9/11





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Police know these are Men, ON UK STREETS! Do something!

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Controversial Dutch Politician Geert Wilders Arrives In The UK

If we are not careful, our Children will be slaves to Islam (RADICAL ISLAM)


Anti Nazi/English Defence League Protests Manchester

English Defence League are growing in HUGE numbers, this is going to get bad for us all, even YOU!

Our Laws in the UK are too weak!


This is the start


Why is this not on my nightly news? So others won’t join in, that’s why!


Could it be?


The Young, the old and middle aged are concerned, we are not racists or bigots, we stand in peace and DEMAND our Government act!

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This HAS to be a Worry

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Time and time again, I only see people born in the UK being arrested, angering everyone even more

Police confront EDL supporters

It is coming, 100% Islam is coming to us all


Was this man right?

The Man who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WWII, Was he right? Was Enoch Powelll right?

The Man who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WWII, Was he right? Was Enoch Powelll right?


MANY say he was right

MANY say he was right


18 responses to “Islam, Muslim trouble re-starts in France, it threatens the World

  1. This is a sore point not I think because of religious backgrounds or traditions but because our “Western” countries have abandoned the requirement of assimilation into mainstream life of migrants. It used to be that migrants were free to practice their cultural traditions etc in their clubs or home etc, had their churches… and these days they take up areas and create ghettos that don’t look or feel like anything the mainstream is in a country say like UK, USA, Australia … it’s a disaster – how can you have peace in a country when you don’t really know it, or you feel as a stranger or foreigner when you visit certain parts… if I were to visit an Islamic country I’d have to cover my head, face and whatnot because that’s what women do in that country and yet when they come to my country I’m a villain if I say work in a place where seeing a face for ID is necessary and ask to see the face…yes there was a court case in Australia not so long ago which actually gave the police the right to see the face of woman driver if she’s covered. I mean what lunacy: you need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers money on a court case about a thing that should not end up there but actually be a normal thing of living in that country – show your face to prove your ID … eh, I could go on and on…

    • Brilliant reply and I honesty can’t add any more.
      Many parts of the UK, If I go there, I am a minority and they want to kill me. In the UK, England more, there are places us born in the UK just can’t go, it is suicide if we do.
      A friend of mine went to Harlesden, London to work, He would often call and say “I seen a white guy yesterday” Not in a racist way, more in shock and surprise. This was 10 years ago or so now, moving to a new City alone is hard, but as you say, when you move to a City in OUR Country and we feel like the Immigrant, there is a problem. And PLEASE, HONEST, I have no issue with Immigration, many of my Family came from Eire (Southern Ireland) to Liverpool (England) then up to Edinburgh, Scotland where this generation is now.
      All we have to do is look at these pictures and we realise this isn’t immigration, this is a take over in the making!! I am sure you will agree.

      Great reply! x

      • Yep I agree and anyone who thinks differently needs to re-think. It is brazen, it is aggressive and shows no respect of the country nor its traditions of mainstream. I have a friend who used to live in Leicester for some years now she lives outside it, on acreage, travels there for work – could not live there any more as she said she felt as a foreigner in her birth country… I think our governments really need to re-think their multiculturalism policies – fit them better into mainstream not end up with mainstream being foreign

        France may not be perfect but at least they try say “Our Country” We want to know who you are.
        In the UK, If you can walk and see you get in.
        It should be 50 questions a 10 year old would get right.
        What you can offer to the country..
        And allowing people in who they KNOW will do this:
        I am all for people expressing views, but most of these people arrived here, are on welfare, get their house paid for them BY the people like me from the UK, The tax payers, then say they want to harm and kill us..

        About killing Americans…



        Again, well said xx

      • Just awful – not the fact that they’re rallying, everyone has a right to rally, but the fact that the majority of people in UK don’t know or understand what they’re saying, and they’re allowed to carry banners threatening to kill Americans… last time I checked threatening to kill is a criminal offense so have these been arrested for it etc? So if they’re not shouting and talking in English in UK who are they talking to? Their brethren elsewhere in the world? There should be rules about the language to be used in rallies – it should be the official language of the country so the police etc who are paid by taxpayers know what’s going on

      • There’s so much I want to write but will just stick to a couple of points. Feeling I should “be public” so hope it’s taken the way I mean it!
        Many of the Muslims referred to are at least second generation, if not more, in this country, ie like you just described yourself Shaun. They are as much British/English/Scottish as anyone else. I completely agree the problems arise from fanatical versions of religion and you do say that you know Muslims who don’t have extremist views. But this reads as if they are the minority. It annoys me too when high profile people who it seems obvious should be deported seem to get better treatment but our laws either apply to all or none. I do wonder how so many are sent back to places of danger but that’s another issue.
        People who “look like Muslims” – sometimes that is how people dress and sometimes it’s the colour of their skin. With the dress there is some degree of choice but many people have wrong assumptions made about them based on skin colour. And how do you tell a friendly one from a scary one? Same goes for Christians! Remember a lot of bad things have been done by supposed Christians.
        Obama is the one who has tried to increase access to healthcare for Americans. Many are against it. There is a lot of misunderstanding about what systems like ours involve.
        The “British” abroad have a dreadful reputation for not assimilating, eg. assuming everyone will speak English, wanting their own food. Of course not all are like that but it is our reputation.
        Please don’t get me wrong, I share some of your concerns, in fact I think we agree about a lot – we just have different ways of putting it. But I think a lot of this blog perpetuates stuff rather than helping, hence me going public with this rather than sending a private email. It’s turning into an essay so will stop there. Keep blogging!!

      • Thanks for the Comment and good to see you on my Blog 🙂 x
        When you blog you don’t really give an opinion, you throw “Issues out in your blog” and then hope to create discussion, so a debate can happen, in an adult manner. Like this. When doing a blog like this, I know, we all know, we are going to have people with differing views, but this is Healthy, it means people can think and give opinions and don’t bury their heads in the sand and pretend there is no issue.
        This blog was ONLY about the issue of Muslims/Islam and its affect on the UK. Nothing more. But often parallels to other topics can easily get brought up like “British people can act strange or weird abroad” We don’t go beheading people in the name of any religion however. What we have with Islam (The extremists here, made that clear) are a group of people who will HAPPILY die to be martyrs for the cause. On the other side, Our UK Solders and the UK Public don’t want to die for the cause. A lot of what I posted in pictures has happened over the last month and NOT reported on the nightly news, I am asking why, so are many others. What would be your take? So others don’t take to the street and we don’t have all out civil war like in Bosnia…As could easily go there. I spent 3 weeks with my head in books, websites, speaking to Muslims I know to do this blog. The French model for me is a better working model, but turn the coin around, there is a lot of trouble in France. So we in the UK have 2 choices…

        1. Take the to Streets and say No, get out if you want to kill us all, as the Government should
        2. We sit back and watch a very dangerous group gather momentum and kids and recruits and grow in numbers and we see more beheadings on the streets of the UK. As they are threatening to do it again.

        I can see where you are coming from, 100% and respect what you are saying, but I stand by every word in the blog. I drafted it several times to make sure it was “Topical” and not “Hateful” All I did was act as the middle man in a news piece here and throw what I think will happen with a hint of “What do you think” And I am glad you posted, and PLEASE, in future, no emails about blogs, please come onto the blog and give your opinion. Nobody knows it all, nobody is right, nobody is wrong, nobody is in a better position to have a better viewpoint on it, perhaps me for working on this for 3 weeks, but not a full 3 weeks, a few hours a day for a few weeks, just to get this blog as I wanted it.

        You can’t tell me these people don’t want us dead?
        Your point about “The “British” abroad have a dreadful reputation for not assimilating, eg. assuming everyone will speak English” To be fair is spitting feathers 🙂
        It is like saying they behead us, but we get drunk abroad and broke a hotel, that is how it came across, almost. I took the reply as it was intended and I hope you take the reply the same way x It is just debate after all. I think we could sit here all day and pick holes in every religion, colour, creed, group of people, country, God, whatever, we could.

        Facts are, Right now these people want to control the planet and are willing to die to do so. So for me this is VERY dangerous. The reason it is not on the news is the last thing our crap coalition government want is people taking to the streets like the English Defence League are. I have on fairly good authority the BBC/ITV/SKY have all been told to NOT report this for reasons of security. As a lot of people would take to the streets. As you well know, especially in London, Oldham, Birmingham etc. Where tensions are so high the police are getting drafted in from all over to patrol and keep order.

        That is what this blog was about. Not religion, God, it is about a group of fanatical suicidal bombers wanting to Islamify the UK, When the word does get out more, there will be anarchy in the streets in a way I don;t think we have seen before..

        You also mention Obama, no idea why, but you made a good point about Obamacare (Joke) Obama has given Billions of Dollars to Muslim Countries for, yeah, you guessed, Health aid 🙂
        I shouldn’t smile, because Obama is leaving people to die in the USA, Hard working people, ex service men and woman from the Military, old people and young, they are dying due to utter greed from insurance companies having to make profit for a greedy willing corporation of share holders in all the Medical Companies. And there is Good old Obama giving Billions of Dollars, borrowed from the Federal Reserve (Part owned by China) who are printing money America can’t and won’t pay back to appease the Oil Rich Muslim nations and neighbours to keep a foothold in the Middle East they got by invading Iraq under Bush for no reason. An Illegal War got the USA to the Middle East, now they are there, they want to stay here and use allies to help them stay there, because China are buying up the Middle of Africa by the day:
        Explain this? I can’t. So this is all game between the USA and a very RICH China.

        Anyway my reply was a Blog 🙂
        But when I do a Blog like this, I need to know the answers and I do, because I spend time researching, but I will say to you as I say to my best friend. Don’t believe me, go and spend an hour after Tea and research all this yourself. Always important to do so.
        There is a LOT more going on there than meets the eye. Also: This is RESEARCHED PROOF!

        Answers on a postcard 🙂

        Thanks again for dropping in to the blog and PLEASE do so again, there is no right or wrong, just opinions, be them right or wrong. As people who are clever enough to debate, we must allow opinions, otherwise debate turns to anger, pretty much like what religion does xx Sadly true, religion causes division.
        But if clever people who can put God to one side for one second and debate the topic at hand can debate well, then that is blogging. And I mean that with the utmost respect.

        Please do drop in again.
        Not all my blogs are of this nature.
        But I research so I can answer question..

        Love and Hugs to all..

        Shaun xx

  2. Wonderful blog Mate! I too have Muslim friends and have respect for their religion and prophet, Peace Be unto him…however, the radicals and extremists have made a peaceful faith a faith of anything goes for us and if you don’t agree it is a jihad.

    Everyone no matter what their religious views or lack of must abide by the laws of the country they are residing in or visiting. Render unto Caesar is a command from Scripture that means to follow and abide by your country’s laws.

    Now this Bishop is done preaching and giving his two pence.

    • Thank you Eddie…
      Because this isn’t getting a lot of News time on TV, the French Media are, UK not, I thought I would remind everyone, as you agree “anything goes for us and if you don’t agree it is a jihad” This is exactly what is going on right now. As you know I have friends and family serving in the UK Forces, the Soldiers leaving the barracks are being told, no uniform, no sign you are a soldier, as attacks are likely to happen. Lee Rigby I hope is a one off, but I fear not. A week after Lee a French Solder got stabbed in the neck by a North African radical Muslim. So this is a UK problem but FAST becoming a European one. I hate to say it, but I am Happy I am in Scotland, we have none of this. We have the West of Scotland religious shit, killing each other over the same God, but that has been going on hundreds of years, but there is a line there somewhere.
      With these extremists, they will HAPPILY blow themselves up and take me, my kids and my Dog with them. This IS going to get bad in Europe….

      And no preaching, just good opinions my friend.


      • Hope I’m replying in the right place! However well researched, most blogs are effectively opinions because we all have to choose what sources we read. That’s not meant as criticism, just human nature.
        I mentioned Obama because you wrote, “so Obama is helping his Muslim friends with Health but not the American people.” What I’m saying is that he wanted to help the Americans more but got voted down. At least that money is going to mediacl aid. I think we both agree too many billions are going on military stuff. From this country too.
        When I talked about British attitudes abroad I’m not just talking about drunken antics on holiday although them too 😉 but eg people who go to countries where covering up is the norm and they wear very little, also our history of colonialism, empire etc. And then there’s the behgaviour of SOME (def not most) of our troops, and those of our allies.
        Beheading in our streets is horrific, absolutely no question, and I hope the perpetrator gets the full force of the law. Not a lynch mob inside though. Our justice system isn’t perfect but it’s better than most and has to be for everyone.
        Fewer people probably know the name Mohammed Saleem whose story might be making more news today if it weren’t for a certain baby. Even then it’s not even the next headline but about 4 down the BBC news.
        You’re right the media has a huge influence and pressure what to report or not report. But it goes all ways.
        People cannot walk into this country. That really is FACT. It is hard to get in. I agree it doesn’t always look that way when we see who has succeeded. But I know people who work with refugees and asylum seekers. And I have a friend in Edinburgh with a good job who can’t get her husband in even though she obviously has the means to support him and it is made clear he would never be eligible for beneifts. etc.
        Just to emphasise, I am also worried about extremism. And it’s good that you encourage debate. It has also demonstrated why I don’t usually come on the blog because I then spend ages writing when I should be doing other things. I see an email has come in – will go and read that. If I don’t reply more it’s not because I’m not reading or giving up, just time.
        As you say, more love, less hate. Or as one of my favourite Bible quotes has it, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12.21)

      • I can’t add anything to that Liz, spot on. It is HARD to read a blog sometimes to find it;s full meaning or what the other person is trying to get across. Really, I am so tired and medicated it is untrue, I just can’t sleep.

        Thanks for the comment, and again, PLEASE, Just come in and leave a comment, time allowing of course. I tend to get good debate going, so one more clever voice of reason, love and being clever won’t go a-miss…

        Love the saying…
        It is almost where I am now..

        Shaun x x

  3. Amazing post the same thing is happening here, more in the Eastern states. There is a pool in Melbourne albeit an indoor pool where the blinds are now drawn because Muslim women use it. One time at a park I was walking my dogs where you can have them of the leader a hooded woman was walking, my dogs went up to her and she frightened them. There is an army barracks in the hills where boat people were taken and housed in modern building and given priority over Australians that needed housing. A great post

    • Great reply Bee
      Showing this isn’t just a UK issue with the fundamentalists.
      And I believe what you say, I have heard similar before.

      Great Reply!!
      Thank you for sharing.. x
      This is something WE ALL must be aware about.

  4. I LOVE the history lessons you share! I am by no means a debater except when it comes to my chronic pain but I LOVE reading these types of Blogs from you. I learn so much! Thank you!

    • I learn as I go also 🙂
      Really, I have a rough idea, then read the rest.
      I usually speak to someone for hours on Skype, we mention something and I am like “I am blogging that” lol

      Thank you,,
      Means a lot…
      But we learn from each other, we all do..I hope so anyway

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