I miss my Dad

My Dad

My Dad, aged 66! 


The Man in the picture above is my Father, my best mate, my soul mate (In Scotland, soul mates don’t mean lovers or partners) he is my phone call when I need to make on, he is there when I am down, he is there when I am happy, he allows me to cry when I am sad

I will never see him again, my Daughters will never know “Gaga” as all the other 10 Grand Kids call him, still some are aged 20+ they call him Gaga. Circumstances out of both our control mean we can’t see each other ever again. I cry about it, whe speak every day on the phone for hours, we speak about everything, we speak about the past when he was the main man in Edinburgh and ran the City in his Criminal empire, we talk about how now he fosters kids and how he is no longer an angry man, this was my Dad when he was bad lad.

You just didn't fuck with him, strangers who did, paid. Wrong, he knows it now. But the way it was..

You just didn’t fuck with him, strangers who did, paid. Wrong, he knows it now. But the way it was..

I said to him a few weeks ago “Your anger was just misplaced passion” He started to cry, he is a strong man, he is Hundreds of miles away on an Island, away out the way of society, a society he once ruled and owned. He still would kill, i know he would. Should someone hurt me, my Brothers of Sisters, or the Grandkids or our Partners, he would pick the phone up and get someone murdered. I am guess of course, and perhaps joking, but he still holds this Authority in Edinburgh.

He was well known, but your average man on the street didn’t know him, he was VERY CLEVER, he let idiots do his work and make his money back 30/40/50 years ago. He never brought trouble to our home apart from the trouble he caused. Logic (I hate that word) should tell me to hate him, but He is happy and Mother is happy, so life and people have moved on. He showered me with love, I was his youngest Son, big thigns were expected from me and I left the family to chase my love for Dawn and my Football dream.



Had I been anyone else I would not have been allowed to walk away, this is the rule. He said at the time “You go take on the World” He said other things, he was almost hurt, but he didn’t want me to be him, as I was trying to be, so I think deep down he was happy I choose another path that didn’t lead to blood or jail.

I just need to tell the World about a man I love so much, I pine for in my life, I won’t see again, my Son’s know and miss him, my Daughter will know about him when they are older. He is 67 fit as a fiddle, still looks 50 year old, people call him Peter Pan, and in the Photo above you can see why. I am his double people say, but he is my Dad. I have to avoid people to this day because I am his son, but being his son gives me 24/7 protection in my daily life (Hard to explain and I won’t)

Patrick @ http://pifuk67.wordpress.com once posted this for his Dad, Patrick I hope I can post this, I know you won’t mind.

This is for you Dad “Auld Yin, Old One” as we call him 🙂

My  love for you will never leave this body, you made me who I am by allowing me to move on, I am thankful for your advice and you allowing me to walk. And for being an amazing Gaga to my sons and for loving Dawn also. I miss you Dad…

Just one last things, 2 year ago, we all visited..

My Dad, he took me a 10 mile walk a few years back, nearly killed me!

My Dad, he took me a 10 mile walk a few years back, nearly killed me!


38 responses to “I miss my Dad

  1. BH I hear the pain in your words. Can you never visit him? From reading previous posts – I think I understand the why’s and why not’s of you having protection, but at the same time being careful.. It is a difficult thing to carry on your shoulders, but your life has changed as has your families. What we do in our youth or younger years is not necessarily how we ‘turn out’ – lessons have been learnt and I feel your dad has learnt the majority of them. Your path could have been the same as his, but he prevented that from happening, because he loves you. You do look like him, he has a nice and kindly face, he was misguided and was the not what would be referred to as a model citizen..but he’s your dad and you are proud and love him and that won’t change. x

    • No, never, I love the guy. He is nice man, he cares. I get my “Crying” from him 🙂
      Really he always been like this. Cried at the drop of a hat in private.

      It is complicated. I may see him again, I hope so. But is too far away on an Island for me to visit now. He is older and HATES the City, His nearest neighbour is 20 miles away or something since he moved. He loves the reclusiveness of where he is. His Partner is South African, all her Family still live there (All Scottish Born, moved there as kids) And are all Billionairs. I hate her, and when she is around we fight as I won’t back down to her pish. So I give my Dad peace by not visiting. As I said above, We speak every day, he speaks to my Daughters on the phone “Just, as they are shy” They won’t know him. That hurts. But he is ok, he is Happy. Person who deals with it worse is my Sister and my Oldest Son, they HATE him being away. I know if he was here, he would be unhappy (Make sense?)
      So he is living his dream, I have to respect that.

      Thank you Mumz ..


      • Thank you for caring..
        Really 🙂
        I come here to learn, and if I keep learning from people like my Dad and friends on here like you..I think I will be ok..

        Shaun x
        BH x

    • Thank you x
      I say what is on my mind. Love and being able to care and have fun are 3 things big on my list 🙂

      Pleasure to meet you. I had a quick look at your blog and followed. I look forward to reading, sharing and having fun. I do picture (Fun blogs) also, one below this one. Have a look. I am from Scotland also..

      Shaun x

      • Thank you for dropping by and following me! I did the same 🙂 I’m from Brazil and I think I’ll learn a lot from your perspective. Really nice to meet you too!
        3 things on my list right now: having fun, chasing after my dreams and finding out who I am.

        – Thay

      • Thank you Thay x
        I love football here in Scotland..So I am sure you do also coming from Brazil. The home of BEAUTIFUL football. We invented Football here and we are rubbish at it in international level. I had the PLEASURE! of watching Brazilian side Flamengo when Juninho Paulista was playing for them, they came to Glasgow to play Celtic FC (Team I support play) , Juninho Paulista joined Celtic for a season after playing for Middlesbrough.

        And “Finding who I am”
        I am doing the same right now..
        My life Changed so I had to..

        Thank you for the follow, and I hope you like football 🙂

        Shaun x

      • Haha yes as a good Brazilian I love soccer too… Or football, whatever you want to call it 😀 the team I support is called Grêmio, big in the south of Brazil. I’m glad you had the chance to witness that boy’s talent with the ball in his feet!
        You’re welcome!

      • I am from Scotland so it is “Football, not Soccer” It is our national pass time as a nation, EVERYONE likes football here, even Mums and Gran’s 🙂

        I know about Grêmio, they sold us (Celtic) Rafael Felipe Scheidt for £5 Million pounds. in the year 2000. He played 2/3 games. he was AWFUL, All in he colst Celtic £10M in wages also. A total flop! We loaned him back to Brazil with Corinthians and never seen him again. His 2nd name is Funny in Scotland. Scheidt is pronounced “Shit” here, and he was just that.. lol
        Must be the only Brazilian player to go for big money (at the time it was) and be so bad!

        And yeah he was a good player. It did not really work for him in the Scottish club leagues, Scottish football is very physical.VERY!! Good ball players come here and struggle..

        I was a football manager/coach (Paid) for many years. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/08/the-football-story-i-never-told/

        You are Welcome also…

      • Hahah really, it is pronounced shit? Hahaha I guess if the name suits what he did while playing for you guys, there’s no real harm in that. 😀
        Wow you do know a lot of football, Brazilian one too! That is really nice. My dad played professionally for a team called Vasco in Rio de Janeiro for a couple years, had to quit due to a knee injury. I guess the love for the sport I have, I got from him 🙂
        Nice post, I’ll check it out!

      • Yeah 🙂
        And yeah I live and breath football.
        Not Soccer 🙂 Football! I would win a quiz on World Football. Working in the game as a manager for 15 years you can’t not learn things new. I also watch all football on TV. We get a few Brazilian league games here, but only late at night. it is 5:45 and this is keeping me awake: http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/chronic-pain-syndrome-explained/

        But I got tons of things to keep me occupied. Yeah I think Brazil and Scotland are = as in both countries love football. Brazil are AMAZING at International level, Scotland are poor. We have moments. At Club level we only have one big team, Glasgow Celtic

        Beating Barcelona in the Champions League (European club tournament) last season I was there in, just amazing., Lionel Messi is a JOY to watch!!

  2. Touching, very touching matey.

    Of course i don’t mind the link to my blog, anytime matey.

    I can understand how you miss your Dad. Even though i have my Dad still here physically, i miss being able to have those father son conversations we used to have. Although you do not have the physical contact with your Dad you are still able to talk to him. That is something at least. He hasn’t cut himself off completely.

    For all the bad things he did, he now makes up for it. His distance in a way is to protect what he loves, or that’s how i see it. He did a good job bringing you up and you turned out to be a well rounded chap, with a heart of gold. I am sure he is very proud of you and what you have achieved.

    • Spot on mate, the distance is a protective thing..No argument, good spot mate. And yeah he is, when I was in the Paper for football (He hates football) He was really pleased. He seen me being “me”

      We can chat every day, I miss giving the old man a cuddle at Birthdays/new year etc.. you know..
      So yeah, you miss that part.
      And yeah you can cuddle your Dad, but you will miss the chats, must be hard Patrick.. You do well though mate. You share and vent and say what you need to say, and that is invaluable to you..
      I hope you get as much time with him as possible..

      Thanks buddy

  3. Unimaginable – how sad for you, Dawn and your children. and for your father. He changed his life around for you and yet he has still lost you to a certain degree. I love his “mellow” look. Hugs my friend.

    • I realise Tersia he NEEDS to be where he is. The Grandkids don’t. But I say to them, including my own sons “He would be unhappy here in the City” So we all have to realise this is what he wanted, with the woman he loves. She is witch and a drunk, but I have to respect that, my Dad loves her and he decided to move away up to the Islands. Scottish people remember look at a 5 hour drive as a Mammoth drive, we are used to living in a small country, so putting into context, you can only visualise the country you are by it’s size, if that makes ANY sense 🙂 It is sad for the kids, they don’t understand, or know the story.
      We are all good, I just hate I won’t see him again. We spoke today again, he doesn’t really do computers so no point showing him the blog, lol.
      He was my best mate, he taught me how to act in public and how to carry myself as a man and more, as I grew older. He made up for all the bad shit he did.
      Fostering Kids is his way (I think) of giving something back to a Society he used to do bad things in as a younger man.
      If you befriend my Dad, you got a friend for life, but not many people get in you know..

      Thanks Tersia x

  4. Really nice post. After reading your story growing up ,seeing how close you both still are, no matter the barriers put between you too, it makes me smile 🙂 I’m glad to know a person that loves this dad,despite life’s attempt to brake that bound.
    Take care !

      • Yeah he is my best mate, and my soul mate (In our culture, soul mates don’t mean people you marry)
        The man taught me to be a man….

        Thank you..x

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