


Right, about 10 people, you know who you are “Like” EVERYTHING I blog but have never uttered one word or discussed or debated a THING with me

So here is a simple question “How are you today?”

This is for EVERYONE, Leave a reply please, tell us all how you are today, or in general. How is life, any issues, any gossip, how are the neighbours, the kids, your pet? Anything



    • It is overcast and a bit colder today. But all good. Boring Sunday. Sundays I hate. Bore the hair from my head they do….

      Least I have a good movie to watch later!

  1. It’s my son’s fourth birthday, so happy and tired. And currently watching him roll his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle truck along the table. I should stop him, but he’s smiling too much.

      Happy and tired I can recall from my Daughters 3rd Birthday last Saturday.
      And ha ha , yeah, I do the same, you want to stop them but they are smiling and being quiet lol…

      🙂 Hope the little man had a good day!

      • LOL!!!
        Did he play with empty boxes?
        I learnt once a toy was out the box (Big Box) The box was flatted and binned… 🙂

      • Very..Till they are 5 the boxes are KEY!
        Last Christmas the Girls used the Box from their Kitchen set as a house, even hung a towel over it as a door and had Christmas Dinner in it 🙂


      • Yeah, I got spare hard drives, 1TB’s, I must have 300gig of “Courtney Chloe Pictures/Video.”
        Missed a CRACKER the other day, it was fork lightning outside and we got a decent view to the side, The girls were sitting at the box window with the dog in the middle all cuddled in, I was like “Camera, Camera”…Missed it 🙂 Was EPIC….Moments, try and capture them all..One from Chloes Birthday of her cuddling her favourite TV Person was just heart melting…. lol

        Their 18th Birthdays, they WILL hate me 🙂

      • I have written this into a notepad into the picture folder, good call mate 🙂 lol

      • 🙂 oh you have been…
        Her big brother is sitting beside me eating his Breakfast (Works till 5am in Security up Town) We are both coming up with Ideas with my Brother on FB Chat..

      • HA HA HA I know that one..
        That Kitchen Set I just told you about, it came with a Microwave, Washing Machine, Dishwasher, it was a full Kitchen for Dwarfs really…..

        Took me 3-4 hours to build the night before. And yeah I got frustrated and swore and needed 100 ciggies to chill me out 🙂

        Any toy that others buy (ON PURPOSE) with an annoying noise, no batteries go in 🙂

        Clever Parents 🙂 lol

      • For the Turtle Van, it was putting decals on it. Small, fragile decals that have to be put in slits that no human fingers can fit into. Thankfully, no batteries needed.

      • Some of the things we have to build you need to phone Joiners and Plumbers …Some are impossible, you look at the box and think “10 Minute job”…

        ….3 hours later and a lot of swearing… 🙂
        (Kids asleep of course)

      • Anything worse..or you get to the very end to find out one bolt, or screw or “something” is missing at like 1am Christmas morning..These can be fun moments lol

      • Yup been there!!! Many times..99% built and have to take it ALL apart to put a screw in the first bit 🙂

        Least we only have several years of this to go..

        😦 LOL

      • oh yeah..My son’s make me cups of tea, buy my Tea from time to time if we order out.
        I treasure these moments more 🙂


    • No explanation needed here….
      …We can use our imagination.

      You OBVIOUSLY just in the door from walking the dog or something…


  2. I’m kind of cranky, so basically everything is as it should be in my world! hehe Taking my brother shopping later and will watch some Netflix. I love Lazy Sundays!

    • I called them Lazy Sundays when I was able to work…
      Now they are Boring Sundays… 🙂

      And Netflix, I think the whole world has this now. Is it any good? I have Sky TV with 1,000 films “On Demand” as well as documentaries, comedy stuff etc and everything you can think of and also the 1,000 channels, most of what are rubbish, about 300 are good, movies, sport etc..
      Never tried Netflix. I have the Netflix app build into my TV and it is one month free, I maybe give it a try

      Enjoy your Day…It is nearly 7pm here, so day nearly gone. Kids to bed in an hour.

      In a way, it’s like time travel!
      People in Australia are like 20 hours ahead of you and WAY into Monday already 🙂


    You are all doing this on the wind up 🙂
    Cunning as a Fox the lot of you 🙂


  4. I have been cleaning house and cooking for the boys. Plus there is a Harry Potter marathon on tv – again – so kinda watching that. Jordan is doing home work on the desktop and Peyton lets me snag his iPad from time to time. Getting alot of cleaning done – 😉

  5. I’m feeling great but I’ll get better! I don’t comment much because the little comment box and t2 yes don’t get on very well together. Just remember I like from me is the equivalent of an Oscar from Hollywood!

    • I know you are down T..I wish I could say or do something to help pick you up, you know that.. x
      You have been in my thought lately, I truly hope you will be ok soon. What happened was more than tragic.
      We are all here for you, any time of the day. I know I am.. Hugs x Shaun x

    • Very honest, very true, breathing helps 🙂
      Being alive is as good an answer as you will get.


    • It’s ok many have liked and not read 🙂 lol…
      Call it an experiment. I added a few in and emailed a few with “Don’t you read blogs? lol
      I was been funny with it, not nasty…

      Thanks for the reply, and time stamp 🙂

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