2 Hours to spare? The Obama Deception Video



Just chatting with http://andthemoonseesall.wordpress.com/ (Whom I always have brilliant discussions with) we were debating the USA and the topic came up through this blog I did, http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/hungry-in-america-huge-demand-for-free-meals/

I showed this video above, so I will post it for all who have not seen it. If you want to know why the USA is going under very fast, watch this video. THINGS CAN IMPROVE! But first you must see the problem, and I know you all do. 2 hours? That is nothing, please, give this a watch. I am not the biggest Alex Jones fan to be fair, but I watch the content here more than him, and it horrifies me.



Scotland stands with the people of the USA

Scotland stands with the people of the USA

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