Evil wins, when good people DO NOTHING


This is something I have wanting to write for a while now, it is just observation what is happening in our world. I see a world where bad is all over, or winning

I see a world where the good people, people like you and I write about the wrongs and nobody really acts. While the bad people have a field day and do what they want day in day out, where lies are told and money is made through having power

How long, as a species are we going to stand back and watch wars being fought over what? Oil and money? Wars are being fought for the wrong reasons and many will say it is awful, and it is, but it has always been this way. Through history however good people have stood up and won

Sadly we do nothing today. I read blog after blog from amazing people with amazing minds talking about how we can gain control back in our world, a world that was long lost to corporate greed and men in suits who must may dividend out to a shareholder leaving us ordinary people to fight to eat and keep a roof over our heads as everything is getting real expensive. Over here in the UK in Scotland life is ok, we do well, but I look further afield and see pain and suffering and I hurt for humanity. My Dad used to say “I could cry for Humanity” I get it now, I really do

How many soldiers are we going to send to their death for profit?

Do we fight?

Do we write?

More love, less hate


26 responses to “Evil wins, when good people DO NOTHING

  1. By saying something you are doing something. By sharing knowledge you are doing something. We can’t all be Angelina Jolie, but we can do something good in our own small way even if it is just in how we bring up our children. To make a change in the world start in your own home.

    I was just realising how much the world has changed in the last ten years, even in the last 12 months.
    The balance of power has shifted from the West to the East.
    Gay marriage is legal.
    Global warming is accepted as fact.
    People are standing up against old regimes in Egypt, Syria etc.
    People are standing up against Monsanto
    People who oppose war are listened to not treated as traitor

    The world is changing.

    • The World is changing, but for 85% of the people who follow my Blog in the USA, It will change badly. For the rest of us, maybe in a good way. Mr Snowdoen is USA NO1 Traitor for saying what we all knew. We all knew American were spying. So he is not a traitor. American Governments way. Not the people..

      And yeah, all over the Africas and middle east, people are standing up, sadly many will die in the struggle for freedom Vicky. But I guess this is the way it has always been.

      Good reply x

      • It doesn’t have to change badly if enough people do their bit for the good. The difficult bit is agreeing what is for the good! The fact that there’s discussion about Snowden shows some hope. I agree with what Victoria says above. And hang on to the saying “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Various versions of that attributed to Margaret Mead. Obviously a bigger group would be helpful.

        Keep on blogging Shaun, you’re part of the group! Hope I am too – one of the reason’s I went for “loving and learning” as my name. We all have to keep learning! x

      • Agreed, this is where WE FAIL, We can’t agree Liz. I mean in a general sense.. x

        Also look at the world, I have blogged 100 times that we do see individual acts of kindness and people trying. Sadly as a species we stand on the brink. I agree with you and Vicky, people are trying, but on an individual level. We must make a global effort. But the question is “How do we do that” I will keep doing my Individual acts of kindness, same as you all, but sadly we do stand on the brink of bad things for our world. There can be no argument..
        ..Sadly x

        A bigger group would be good, the “Occupy” movement tried and failed, sadly. In the last picture blog I did there was a police officer being arrested for “Joining the people”

        And you are part of my Word Press family and I am glad you are getting more involved because we need more wisdom and cleverness, kindness injected into our World..

        And my URL “Praying for one day” I think we are ALL on the same page, that is the most important thing here. We are trying to figure out ways to make our world better. We can do it in our area, our home, our small part of OUR World..
        …How did it come to this?

        I don’t know it all, nobody does, but together, we can try, we can realise Greed is killing us. Egypt is the tip of the Iceberg. The people stand up, they get killed..

        Great reply x

  2. i agree with what you are saying and I agree with lizlovingandlearning. i wish i could be Angelina and go out and do something big – but i have not the means or even the time – but i do have children and we discuss many of the wrongs and ills in the world. We do what we can by signing petitions and belong to a few websites which ask for a daily click to support a few causes which have touched our heart. I donate many of our gently used items to organizations which use the money raised for those less fortunate or ‘special’ in someway. We do lots of things like this – I try to do more.

    You have a great way with words Shaun and are a wonderful voice which reaches many people in the world – what you do is important – if not just making people aware, you are reminding us we need to stay vigilant and try to do something. 🙂 I respect and admire you for that. xxxx

    • Liz is my Aunt 🙂 Liz meet Kim x

      And thank you Kim..I think we all do our small things to help. I am just VERY vocal on it. Through YEARS of researching the money markets, Politics, the Middle East, North Africa, Halliburton and more I know what IS coming. It will hit the USA first. I only hope and wish the Anon movement would re-start, it even reached here in Edinburgh, Scotland.

      Thanks Kim

  3. Thanks Shaun, it’s good to be here. Hope you’re still feeling less pain – I’ve been thinking about you a fair bit but didn’t get logged on to respond about that.

    What about some of your wordpress family saying what they each do?

    One of the things I try to do is use the choices we have when buying – whether food, clothes, whatever. Hence that ethical wares site I shared the other day. Also eg Fairtrade coffee, organic stuff, free range eggs etc. They often cost more so most of us can’t do it all the time but even occasionally adds up. Buying less and wasting less too – sometimes easier said than done! For the big stuff it’s maybe more difficult but even then it’s possible. Worth checking out http://www.ethicalconsumer.org/ They rate things by lots of different methods and have league tables so you can go for the best you can according to the criteria you care about most. It’s not the whole answer but it’s steps in the right direction.

    One day soon I’ll start blogging again!

    • Will check that site out. My Dad got us using the fake mince, you know the stuff, looks like dried up Bisto parts. Boil it, it’s like mince. Can’t remember it’s name. We still use that. Kids love it..

      And I look forward to you blogging. You are smart and your morals are in the right place. Should be good fun. See on my Facebook I got Published? I was like “WOW” A woman I know on here, Mel, knows the lad who runs the site and got me over there. 5 Blogs got the front page in 4 days since I started. http://www.broowaha.com/ Two articles down in the middle and at the bottom. So doors are opening. I don’t know it all, but like everyone I have an opinion. Right or wrong is irrelevant, we just need to share them.. I guess?

      Thanks Liz x

    • This is very true..
      I question all we are told.
      Example. Libya *Seriously* You mentioned it yesterday. The USA/UK and friends buttered them up for a kill. Al Qaeda (Yes the Enemy) entered Libya from the East, emptied the jails of Al Qaeda that Gaddafi had put away and took the War west. Look back, remember Gaddafi was being carried shoulder high around Tripoli? I have friends from there, they LOVED Gaddafi, they all say what I researched is true.

      What Gaddafi did for Libya >

      He did bad, but worse than Bush or Blair? No way..
      Education is the way to knowing the real world.
      And you are smart, Enjoy this short movie..


  4. The U.S., for all it’s power, is still a young country. Right now, our problems are truly centered around the crap being pulled in Washington D.C. People make an enormous issue out of voting, but you come to learn that your vote really doesn’t count at times and that’s extremely disconcerting. The blame is always being passed around. We asked for “change” (and way too many people were on that bandwagon. I was not.), people insulted George W. Bush for fighting terrorism after 9/11 (people can say whatever they like, he was not a horrible President. He had a lot placed upon him, not all of them have to deal with so many big things on a year-to-year basis. Could he have handled some things better? Of course. Couldn’t they all?), and then an inexperienced, ignorant fool was placed in the White House for two terms. Obama is destroying this country systematically. They’re getting ready to cut funding for food stamps here, reducing the amount of meals by 11-14, depending on the size of your family, yet they don’t see this as something that needs to be fixed!? It’s unbelievable. When there’s an increase in theft due to people stealing to feed their families, who will they blame?

    • Obama is destroying this country systematically << Is what I am talking about. I agree x
      Bush for me was a bigger fool. He made Money while in office through Halliburton with the Bin Laden Corp (All on Google) His 2nd in Command did the same. This is HIGHLY illegal..Over here David Cameron just went to a Buildenberg meeting, again HIGHLY illegal. People just don't care any more..

      And REALLY WELL SAID…It is easy to point the finger. For me, when America votes, the vote is the same. The illusion of Red/Blue is all there is. I seen this through a decade of research. I know some will say nonsense, but I have blogged it all. I try to show unfairness where it is. To help wake people up. These food banks are dying, and yeah I read a few months aback about foot stamps. It will get worse as the next president will have to fix this. I think MANY fell for the Obama deception (Full video below)
      Very scary and sad what is happening in the US Xx

  5. When I was in High school we had a Holocaust survivor come and tell us her story. It was a very sad and tragic tale that I have heard echoed over and over, but the part that truly stuck with me was when she spoke about her definition of evil. She said that there is an evil far worse than hate out there. She said hate is at least taking a stand and making a decision and being in a position of accountability. True evil she said is indifference. The refusal to act, the willingness to turn a blind eye and deny accountability. She said but by being indifferent you have made a decision and are accountable because you knew what was going on and chose to do nothing saying “it’s not my problem”.

    I say hate is our problem, it’s every bodies problem because it is the problem of humanity. And we are all accountable one way or another. We are all either acting out in love, participating in hate or pretending it doesn’t effect us and carrying on in our state of indifference. (personally I think we have all reacted to life with each response at some point in our lives)

      Yeah we are all to blame…No argument.
      Said it many times. People doing blogs like this are not immune to being part of the problem. I think we all try to do right. But we all fuck up, oh yeah!! x

      I spoke to 20 Holocaust survivors over the years (Being in Europe many lived in UK, Scotland) And they story was always similar. A kind of Evil that you talk about.

      This blog was kinda religious in nature. I am not a religious lad, but I do have a relationship with MY God. If I go to hell, that is one Harsh God 🙂

      Well said and thanks for adding that..Needed! x

  6. I hear you Shaun! And I agree, my thoughts are that if we can do more to help save the world (from whatever we feel needs saving) than just writing about it, we should. Yes, writing can help and can definitely make a huge difference (I’m a studying Journalist, so I definitely understand that), but if we can do more we definitely should! I don’t think it’s right for people to complain about the world being in a mess and they are just sat around doing nothing. We can do so much! Even if we only help one person that would be more than enough! 🙂

    I believe God has a great plan for your life, and I pray that he will heal you of your pain and disability, in Jesus Name! Bless you Shaun, you have a good heart 🙂

  7. I feel as saddened as you are Shaun, if not more. Right now, I feel really bad over one very wicked and saddistic man(identity withheld) who has been having his way. I am waiting to see if God will not prove Himself when He said “vengeance is mine” cos I have been praying concerning him.

    Well, we’ll keep doing doing what is within our power cos there is sooo muc wicked souls around parading as humans

    • Pray away, but what are you expecting God to do? Hurt the person?
      Surely that is not the way? That sound like a crime empire. 🙂

      And evil, I could write a book. MANY people claim to be all love and caring but in reality they only care about themselves Michael. I give £150 a month to charities and blog for 4 different places. Just trying to make a difference. My last blog shows how we ALL, EVEN YOU AND I are not helping.

      So is this how it works you pray to got to make bad things happen to Evil people?
      If so, you should be praying AGAINST a more than 50% of the World. As things stand. If one is to believe in God, they must believe in the opposite Michael. If that is the case, Lucifer is running the World as we speak. On a global scale. On an individual level we see kindness, but as a world, here is one for you…
      And you still have A LOT to learn, same as everyone else:

      We are smart individually but like a Zombie collectively.
      Can anybody explain this?

      My Aunt is famous, she was the first woman Bishop in the UK. And one of my Best friends sits at a VERY high table as a Bishop, so if I have questions, I need only pick up the phone. And both of them say Lucifer is running the World. To deny that is to be ignorant to the World. not just OUR part of the world


      God Bless

  8. How sad then that evil people will just continue to wax stronger and stronger…Since lucifer is rulling the world, and you say I should not committ evil people into the hands of God, who puts him and his “disciples” in check. Secondly, what do you recommend I do to evil? Repay them with evil? No way. I was not brought up that way ! So tell me. What do you recommend Schaun?

    • Schaun?100%.
      I know you have your beliefs Michael and respect that 100%. each to their own.
      I just think asking God to do harm to a human being “Who God loves” is not right.
      I cant get my head around that type of thinking.


      • Oh ! Sorry for the wrong spelling:) I feel you Shaun. I was actually quoting the Bible 🙂 I guess you’d say “here he goes againnn” :):) God knows best how to handle evil. Probably that is why we have that verse of The Bible.(Romans 12:19)

        You did not answer my question. What do you recommend? Share your own approach with me 🙂 and what is the Bishop’s recommendations?

      • I know nothing about a book written 2,000 years ago mate.
        I have to live in the world today. What do we do about Corporate Greed? Micheal go read 200 of my blogs.
        Evil men in suits with power to make more money. It is a big club for rich criminals and it is spawned through Greed and Politics.
        The people who we vote to look after us, don’t, anyone can see this. Sadly.

        What can we do?
        God has done NOTHING Michael. Don’t throw scripture from a 2,ooo year old book at me.
        Use logic and what would you do? The answer, sadly is, there is NOTHING we can do.
        I just sent you a blog of peace, you have no comment? That is our World. The real world.
        We can all get comfy in our own personal life, but the whole world. this is it.

        How do we as a World fix what is in that video mate?


      • That is all life is Michael. We don’t KNOW FOR A FACT anything is true. We can feel it, believe it and have faith in it. The only thing for sure I know is, Science can tell us how we breath… lol

        Cheers Michael

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