Iran Leader claims Israel ‘A Wound To Be Cleansed’

Iran’s president-elect Hassan Rouhani has called Israel an old “wound” that must be removed and cast doubt on efforts to revive peace talks with the Palestinians.

“The Zionist regime is a wound inflicted for years on the body of the Muslim world that must be cleansed,” Mr Rouhani told reporters attending annual Quds Day rallies in remarks reported by Iranian media.

His comments echoed those of outgoing president Mahmound Ahmadinejad who earlier whipped up ant-Israel sentiment at an Quds day rally in Tehran.

He said: “I will inform you with God as my witness, a devastating storm is on the way that will uproot the basis of Zionism.

He added Israel had “no place in this region”.

Mr Rouhani will formally assume the presidency of Iran this weekend after winning elections held last month by a landslide.

In his remarks, Mr Ahmadinejad accused Israel and its Western supporters of fomenting discord in the Middle East, saying “it was their dream to see the will of regional countries bent on destroying (Israel) diverted towards civil war”.

“Who is happy for what is happening in Egypt and Syria?” he asked, charging that Israel celebrating the unrest in those countries.

I think there will be a lot more to come from this statement in the coming days, with previous president Mahmound Ahmadinejad said Israel should “Be wiped from the Map” this is bad news for an already very unstable region, not good at all this. This is breaking news early Friday 2nd August 2013, below he is stating Israel should be no more

12 responses to “Iran Leader claims Israel ‘A Wound To Be Cleansed’

  1. It is a shame these countries have been fighting each other since the dawn of time. Grow up already. Enough said. 😉

    • Yeah it is not really “Breaking news” as this gets said a lot. I think the worry is one day some nutter will throw some bad bomb into Israel and it could be bad. It wouldn’t be a trench War, I don’t think there would be any boots on the ground. Just bombs and planes. The rumours about all the Iranian nuclear and missile sites exploding and Israel doing it I think may be true. So there is an Argument a Cyber war is already in progress. Thoughts?

      ps: You were up early chief 🙂

      • Aye, I concur Mate.

        There is no doubt that there is a Cyber War being waged. With Israel already attacking Syria for funneling weapons to Iran; I can see WWIII. This will definitely be a planes, bombs/missiles, and computer war, with very little boots on the ground if any at all.

        P.S. I fell asleep rather early last night…So I decided to catch that Early Worm everyone is talking about! 😉

      • LOL @ Early Worm…It lives with me 🙂

        And could we already be in WWIII? Just a different War? All I think is, put (Example) my last 2 blogs together, Add Syria and what is happening, also China buying land everywhere and other issues, it looks very grim. I am sorry, but I am glad I live where I am 🙂 Nowhere… Good luck if it kicks off 😦

      • LOL! 😀

        We very well could be in WWIII and it is just undeclared by the “powers that be.”

        You got room for a few people from the States Mate? I want to be there too if and when it kicks off!

      • Always room for you and the Mrs mate. If you arrived tomorrow I would have a house ready VERY cheap…

        And we can keep praying we are wrong, but it adds up to bad sadly. I think you are seeing also Eddie and I know others who wouldn’t usually see it, are seeing it.

        Must be different for you, you know dying you are going to the good place. to does death or the thought of Armageddon scare you less than say, me? You know where I am trying to go there? 🙂 lol

    • Well said!
      Give you an example of this, or where it starts,
      The Rothschild family have a habit of funding both sides of many Wars with the help (Obviously) from countries doing War. Anyone who knows history will know Nathan Mayer, Freiherr von Rothschild broke false news in the UK that Napoleon had defeated Wellington’s troops, the UK stock markets crashed and the Rothschild family bought stocks/shares worldwide for pennies in the pound.They did the same with WW1 & WW2 They funded both Germany and the allies
      So good call. I think these things are planned. War makes money, makes men in nice suits very rich..

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