Ohio Kidnapper Ariel Castro: I’m Not A Monster

Accused Ohio kidnapper Ariel Castro in court July 26, 2013

Ariel Castro seconds after sentence was passed, Life, no parole and 1,000 years, his hell starts


Ohio kidnapper Ariel Castro said he is “not a monster” after one of his victims confronted him during his sentencing hearing to describe her “11 years in hell”.

Castro said he knows what he did was wrong, but that he is not a violent person and that his captives asked for sex and were not tortured.

“These people are trying to paint me as a monster. I’m not a monster. I’m sick,” he said during his sentencing hearing on Thursday.

Castro also claimed the women lived a happy life with him.

“We had a lot of harmony that went on in that home,” he said.

The former school bus driver, who pleaded guilty to 937 charges, including kidnapping, rape, assault and aggravated murder, was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole plus 1,000 years.

Ohio kidnap victims
From left: Gina DeJesus, Amanda Berry and Michelle Knight

Before the sentence was handed down, victim Michelle Knight addressed the court and her former captor.

“You took 11 years of my life away and I have got it back,” she said.

“I spent 11 years in hell. Now your hell is just beginning. I will overcome all this that happened, but you will face hell for eternity.”

The 32-year-old Knight did not face Castro as she read her prepared statement, but he glanced toward her several times after she entered the courtroom.

Ms Knight was the first woman abducted by Castro in 2002 after he lured her into his house with the promise of a puppy for her two-year-old son.

“I missed my son every day. I wondered if I was ever going to see him again,” she told the court.

A model of the home of Ariel Castro is displayed in the court room during the sentencing of Castro
A model of Ariel Castro’s home is displayed in court

Castro later made a rambling statement in which he blamed his sex addiction, his former wife and even the FBI for not thoroughly investigating the abductions.

He apologised to his victims but also claimed most of the sex was consensual.

“I just hope they find it in their hearts to forgive me and do some research on people who have addictions, and see how addictions take over their lives,” he said.

Judge Michael Russo dismissed Castro’s claims that the women lived a happy life with him.

“I’m not sure there’s anyone in America that would agree with you,” he said.

Ariel Castro blames the FBI
A deputy reacts as Castro says the FBI failed to rescue the women years ago

The judge also told Castro that there was no place in the world for people who enslave others.

“These women never gave up hope,” he said. “In fact, they prevailed.”

Earlier, prosecutors called several witnesses to detail Castro’s daily assaults on the women, recounted in diaries that compared the women’s experience to that of prisoners of war.

The women disappeared separately between 2002 and 2004, when they were 14, 16 and 20 years old – and were held captive for a decade.

The three, Ms Knight, 32, Amanda Berry, 27, and Gina DeJesus, 23, escaped in May, and Castro was arrested within hours.

For years, Castro chained his captives by their ankles, fed them only one meal a day and provided plastic toilets in their bedrooms that were infrequently emptied, prosecutors said.

Police photo of chains used to retrain Ariel Castro's victims
A police photo shows chains used to restrain the women inside the home

He locked all of them in a vehicle in his garage for three days when someone visited him, prosecutors said.

Castro said he did not have an exit strategy from his complicated double life and finally gave the women a chance to escape by leaving a door unlocked, court documents showed.

Witnesses, including a police officer who was among the first ones to arrive at the scene, described the desperate condition of the three victims.

Cleveland Police Officer Barbara Johnson said the three were “thin, pale, scared” and were asking what had happened to them.

Ms Knight was “very, very scared”, and was having a hard time breathing, the officer testified.

Throughout the hearing, Castro listened and frequently talked to his lawyers.

Ms Knight sent police a handwritten letter thanking them for their help collecting cards and gifts for the women.

In the note, she wrote: “Life is tough, but I’m tougher!”

26 responses to “Ohio Kidnapper Ariel Castro: I’m Not A Monster

  1. The scary thing is that sick bastards like this are all over the place. For him to say that anything was consensual is outrageous. I don’t foresee him surviving long in our prison system. There’s still honor among thieves.

    • Yeah “The honour of the Crooks”
      Same thing here. This bastard Ian Huntley who killed 2 girls Holly Marie Wells and Jessica Aimee Chapman gets attacked all the time in prison.
      Someone who stabbed him in jail asked “Is he still alive” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/is-he-dead-asked-ian-huntley-attacker-2365410.html
      I remember these 2 little girls faces being on TV for days, He (Huntley) gave interviews to TV crews. In the end Sky TV Interviewed him outside his house live on TV and what he said was what made the police sure enough to go after him.

      I hope he lives to be 100 years old and gets attacked all the time, he deserves nothing less.


      • They take major issue with pedophiles in prison here. They definitely don’t do well within the system on a whole scale, but I have a hard time mustering up sympathy for them. Harming a child in any way is one of the lowest things a person can do. It’s beyond despicable.

      • Yeah how can we have sympathy for people like this, ruin peoples lives for their perverted needs.
        And we can only hope he gets a taste if his own medicine in prison…


      • I know, but hey we are all different there is no right/wrong prim/proper compassionate/uncompassionate etc, etc…There are just opinion and ideas. Makes the world less boring I think 🙂

        And yeah, I agree..

      • Not everyone is as open-minded as you are Shaun. Some people expect certain things of certain people, and as antiquated as the thought process is, there are still people that expect women to be soft and kind, and I’m a harsher more direct human being. I roll my eyes at anything that doesn’t feel genuine, and anytime someone’s not being genuine with me, I sense it automatically. Not everyone is cool with me being me, but I’m used to it and it’s not something that bothers me. I’ve got bigger fish to fry in my life. I can’t waste time hoping to be liked. I’ve never cared about that, so I’m not about to start now.

      • I don’t think I am open minded, I study and research HARD! What Snowden said I already knew and had more or less blogged it.
        The infighting within the US Political parties is BIG just now, there is no Republican/Democrat or Red v Blue, this is an illusion. There is just good v bad in the US political system just now. Ron Paul is a good guy and there WILL be more like him, people trying to preserve the USA as it once was. But turn the coin around you have Obama and his crooks, like Bush, the Clintons trying to make money and giving relief to huge companies, the same companies that gave Obama the money to get into Power. You follow?

        And men or woman, to me, people are people. Some people I speak to on here, I still don’t know if they are men or woman, but it doesn’t matter. Clever people who can discuss/debate are just people with a brain. And so you know, I am 100% cool with you, you are honest, and I like honesty. No fucking about, say what needs said, so you got a pal here, 100%

        And being liked? if anyone can dislike me as much as I am in my own home any day, good on them 🙂
        I don’t look at the internet as a pissing contest and hate when people make it one. Reason I like people like you, you just being you..I just being me..

        well said

  2. There are some very wrong people in thus world. It makes me ill just thinking about it. He will find out the difference between giving consent and not giving consent when a well endowed cell mate feels a little lonely in those long nights after lock up.

    • Yeah I a glad I can’t get my mind around sick bastards like this.
      And now he is locked up and will get fucked hard most nights.
      Now that is justice sir..

      On Skype if you feeling up to it buddy
      Warning 1st if you calling 🙂


    • Yeah he was one sick bastard. Atrocity of the century? Close, and way up there. Read my last reply about the man from Austria, got his own Daughters pregnant in his rape cellar/basement.

      I think they both just as sick…

      And thank you. I had no idea about this story all the way over here in Scotland Jalal, I only heard when they escaped. I hope the 3 of them can go on and live a life. They are still young. That would be everyones hope..

    • Yeah. Read about the Austrian man above I posted. Kinda similar, why do they plead not guilty? I don’t get it, overwhelming proof, Castro just put the poor girls through more torture having to go to court. Saying that it MUST have been some kind of closure for them when he got life, no parole and 1,000 years on top of that.

      A bastard…


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