13 Everyday Things That Are Harder To Do In Space Via Chris Hadfield

1. Tortilla sandwiches anyone?




Bread is not allowed in the space station because the crumbs would fly everywhere. So sandwiches have to be made with tortillas.

2. Clipping your nails.




Nails have to be cut over air ducts otherwise they will fly away.

3. Getting your daily vegetables.




Vegetables come in dehydrated packs and have to be rehydrated by a special machine before eating.

4. Drying out your towel.




This doesn’t exactly work too well…

5. Puking.




Astronauts are given specially made bags that keep their throw up contained.

6. Brushing your teeth.




The only condition about brushing your teeth is that you have to swallow the toothpaste.

7. Most of your desserts are pudding.




Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. I’m pretty sure they still get to eat space ice cream, and that chocolate pudding looks delicious.

8. You have only one place where you can get a haircut.




There’s a specially designed hair clipper on the international space station with an attached vacuum to suck up all the hair so it doesn’t fly all over the place.

9. You’ll go nuts over nuts.




If you aren’t careful, you’ll have nuts everywhere.

10. There are no sinks for you to wash your hands.




However, they are given pre-packaged soap water that they rub on their hands.

11. No water can be used while shaving.




Instead astronauts use specially designed cream to prevent facial hair from floating away.

12. Everyone knows when you’re crying.




The tears just stick to your face.

13. Sleeping isn’t easy.




You have to use a special tethered sleeping bag and sleep in a little compartment so you don’t float around and bang into things while you’re out cold. If you’re claustrophobic, you’re not going to make a good astronaut.


Chris Hadfield was made famous for his version of Space Oddity in the ISS. Amazing man is Chris, Good Canadian lad he is

10 responses to “13 Everyday Things That Are Harder To Do In Space Via Chris Hadfield

  1. All of the messy people I know should go into space. Then they would know how they make the rest of us feel.

    • Yeah please do, I love Chris, AMAZING MAN, I am trying to find a contact for him. 🙂
      Glad you liked it x And hope your weekend is going well..


  2. Reblogged this on Bite Size Canada and commented:
    Shaun has suggested this post, and I just love it! Chris Hadfield, Canadian astronaut, shared much with us about living on the space station. Here are some highlights! While you are on Shaun’s blog, take a look around — I am sure you will find it entertaining! 🙂 – tk

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