Kenyan Man Tries to Overturn the Death Sentence of Jesus!

Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis goes to International Court of Justice in bid to overturn conviction handed to Jesus Read more at

Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis goes to International Court of Justice in bid to overturn conviction handed to Jesus 

Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis is on a mission: to get the International Court of Justice at the Hague to overturn the conviction and death sentence of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago.

Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis is on a mission: to get the International Court of Justice at the Hague to overturn the conviction and death sentence of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago.

The logistics, however, are proving a challenge. The target of his lawsuit are the government and religious leaders of Jesus’ day, including the Roman Emperor Tiberius, the Roman King Herod, the Judean Governor Pontius Pilate, as well as the Jewish chief priest, elders and teachers of the law. According to some reports, he also plans to go after the current governments of Italy and Israel, arguing that they inherited laws from the Roman Empire.

“I filed the case because it’s my duty to uphold the dignity of Jesus and I have gone to the ICJ to seek justice for the man from Nazareth,” Indidis told the Nairobian. “His selective and malicious prosecution violated his human rights through judicial misconduct, abuse of office bias and prejudice.”

As a matter of law, Indidis’ efforts will fail. Indidis tried to bring the case here: to the High Court of Kenya in 2007, but the court refused to hear it, citing a lack of jurisdiction. For the International Court of Justice, it would be impossible to even consider the case, much less rule on it. Anthea Roberts, professor of law at Columbia Law School, explains:

When it comes to contentious cases, the International Court of Justice only has jurisdiction to hear claims that are brought by one state against another state. As this claim is not brought by a state, the ICJ would lack jurisdiction over it. Even if the claim were to be brought by a state, it also needs to be brought against a state, which does not seem to be the case here. And, even then, the two states will need to have consented to the ICJ having jurisdiction to hear the type of case in question … In this case, it is not clear what international law might have been violated and, even if there was such a violation, it is not clear that the relevant states have consented to the ICJ having jurisdiction over the dispute.

But that has not stopped Indidis, who appears to remain confident. He has a Facebook page here: asking for donations in support of his cause. He posted a picture of his Law Society of Kenya identification card, as well as a letter dated December 2011 when he first tried to take the case to the Hague. “Together we can win,” he wrote. “Yes we can.”

Ironically, the legal case of Christ began with questions of legal jurisdiction. According to the New Testament narrative, Jesus had been disturbing the social norms by performing miracles and challenging local authorities. Jewish leaders arrested him during Passover on charges of blasphemy because he claimed to be the Son of God. They brought Jesus before Pilate, who claimed he did not have jurisdiction in the case and sent him to King Herod, who sent him back to Pilate. Pilate told the people, “I have examined him in your presence and have not found this man guilty of any of your charges against him … I will therefore have him flogged and release him.” Crowds of people called for Jesus to be crucified, and Pilate gave in. Jesus was then crucified alongside two criminals.

(MORE: Is Reza Aslan Anti-Christian?)

As oddball as the case may be, Indidis’ effort does raise a larger theological question that Christians have long debated: Why did Jesus have to die? Theologians have argued that his death was required for salvation to actually happen and that it was important for Jesus, who claimed to be the Messiah, the God-man, to experience human suffering and death.

TIME devoted a cover story:,9171,993793,00.html to that question in 2004, when Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ premiered

. Theories of atonement, the theological term for the meaning of Jesus’ death, have varied throughout Christian history, and the story is a deep dive into how the doctrine of atonement changed over time:

What was the cosmic reason for his agony? What is its purpose, its divine calculus? How precisely does his death, usually referred to in this context as the atonement, lead to the salvation of humanity? The atonement “is the centerpiece of Christianity, and it’s what distinguishes it from all other religions,” says Giles Gasper, a religious historian who has written a book about one of the topic’s great medieval interpreters. Without at least an intuitive comprehension of atonement, a believer stands little chance of making sense of the faith’s promises of redemption and eternal life.

It is a question believers will continue to ponder. But as the Apostle Paul explained, in the New Testament’s Book of Romans, the atonement comes with rewards: “If we have been united with [Christ] in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.”

Read more:

Have I woken up today in a parallel universe where things are just strange? I mean who can he demand justice from? This religion is global now and everyone in it would stand accused surely? I know this is stupid news, but this is actually news! Wake me up when the World returns to normal


Priests stand in front of a crucifix as Pope Francis leads a mass in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican


Big thank you to Victoria for this story x

14 responses to “Kenyan Man Tries to Overturn the Death Sentence of Jesus!

  1. According to Christian tradition, from what I can make out, the reasons for his brutal death are twofold. Firstly so that he could rise from the dead ( which being alive would be a major handicap) to take away the sins of the World. Secondly to fulfil prophecies related to the Jewish messiah, since his mission according to the Gospels and the New Testament was to save the Jews or at least give them the choice to be saved, not to start a ‘new’ faith/church amongst non-Jews, that was the job of his followers, who were initially the Jews who chose to follow the teachings of Christ. It is all to do with choice, freewill, faith and the Jewish Law handed down through the Old testament.
    You should try to read a Bible, though Job is such an unhappy book, I have only ever been able to read it once, Job that is, I read the Bible quite a bit. Psalms is great when you are suffering ( Google or YouTube are handy for this if you don’t want to download a bible app, avoid King James version it is written in Shakespearian English and difficult to get what is being said) and is a big part of the prophecy and reasons for Christ’s death and suffering. Lots of so called intelligent people do not realise when Christ on the Cross said,’ My God, my God why have you forsaken me,’ that this is the first line of psalm 22. These so called intellects take it as a sign of Christ’s faith weakening or in doubt, but if you read the psalm nothing could be further from the the truth. Proverbs is a must read for down to Earth wisdom.
    This Kenyan guy is just looking for hand outs. Maybe he should ask the numerous Nigerian lawyers that have got in touch with me, offering me millions of pounds several times a week. Which I have so far declined, since I have acquired a taste for living in relative poverty, what on Earth would I do with pots of cash, except worry about it? Maybe that is why the Nigerians are trying to get rid of it, they can’t be arsed being rich anymore and want the peace of mind only penury can bring, hahaha.

    • HA HA HA @ offering me millions of pounds several times a week. Which I have so far declined, since I have acquired a taste for living in relative poverty, what on Earth would I do with pots of cash, except worry about it?


      I have not read a bible. For me it is a 2,000 year old book based on a World 2,000 years ago. How do we update it for a modern World I hear some ask? We can’t. The bible(s) confuse me. Why so many? And to see people FUCKING ARGUE over what one is the right one, people from the same god dawn religion just pushes me away further you know. Hypocrites who believe in an old book, but it MUST BE THAT ONE they read. And this is religion for me buddy, conflict and more conflict. Ask a SIMPLE question and you don’t get an answer, EVER.
      I asked this question here to a Christian friend? I have from the USA.
      Read the last 6 comments at the bottom, he couldn’t answer. And all he does is throw scripture at me as an answer. Why can’t people answer without God. I asked him for “HIS OPINION” He sends me words from a book. Not all are like this thankfully. He is a REAL nice man, I have time for him, but he has to answer for himself.
      It “Seems” when good things happen “It was God”
      When shit things happen “It was God’s will” or “Someone else’s will” You can’t do that!!! lol
      It IS EITHER God all the time or it isn’t, yeah?

      it hurts my brain lol

      Skype old bean?

  2. I was surprised to see your rant’ish reply here. With the title of your site…I just thought…you were Christianly leaning…so where do you lean on religion? Just curious. I bet you have a post about that, huh:>) I don’t lean towards any religion except love and life and family and friends and the good stuff of this world.

    • I have a relationship with God, by MY God. I serve no religion, I actually dislike organised religion and have a lot of doubt over Jesus. I think he was a “Different thinker” for that time. I have so many brilliant debates with people over it, but I don’t debate God all day. I think this blog is my 1st on God if I am being honest. You just caught me at the right/wrong time 🙂 however way you see it

      My reply was to a friend who lives in my City, a good mate who is Catholic (I think, sorry buddy if I am wrong)
      I end most blogs with “More love, less hate” I am like you, I want a world with love and an injection of caring and humanity, will we see it? I doubt it, the world is a mess. People in suits are Greedy and are raping this World for a few pounds (Sorry, we work in pounds here, lol)

      So I think we are very similar really. Here are a few blog I guess you could say “Define me” I hope this is ok… x

      So this is just 4 blogs from 800+
      I also do these 🙂

      I hope I answered your questions ok 🙂
      And again, pleasure to exchange font’s with you..

      Shaun x

      • Thanks, Shaun, I do appreciate the thorough reply. Will read some more and check back in. I’m enjoying this exchange.
        Sounds like we feel the same about religion. I believe there was a man named Jesus, who fought for goodness like a few good folks in our time, like Ghandi, if you wll. I also think we had some great writers back then who got a bit caught up in the stories/myths that have been passed down through the ages.

      • Yeah we do think very similar. But I am always ready to learn more, totally and always. Nobody knows it all, we have opinions, all of us, based on how we perceive the World, And through all these opinions, this is what makes life interesting.

        You are a kind person, a quality I like in people..

        Shaun x

      • That is my way..x
        Love only, No time for hatred.
        One time I gave an award to some IDTIOT.
        His reply was “Are you a Jew” Here… lol, Check
        Even then I used humour and education to beat this ass (I don’t know why I say ass, we say ARSE over… >>

        I had a fun few hours schooling this MORON lol..
        The rest of the debate is in the link, if you are REALLY bored that is 🙂


      • Thanks for cussing in my dialect:>)
        Have never had a bored moment in my life. Tonight I am working on my memoir about my late husband. He died the 9th 4 years ago. I put a poem I wrote and a pic of him on my blog and now I keep sneaking over there to cry some more. I’ll check all these links out tomorrow when I’m all cried out:>)

      • HA HA @ Thanks for cussing in my dialect < Made me laugh, and I needed that this morning..xx

        I am so sorry for your loss Patti…You made a Scotsman cry for you x
        If you EVER need to speak, you got a friend in me x

      • Thank you. I know we are friends now, so same to you.
        Especially since we made each other cry with our writing:>) Instead of blood brothers, we’ll be tear friends.

      • Tear friends works for me x
        This place (Word Press) has introduced me to so many amazing people, and here we are again..
        I can only say thank you and also offer you an Award I made.
        Please accept this. As being part of my “Word Press Family” These are the reasons I gave for starting this award:

        This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun

        I hope you can accept. You can take it and give it to 10 others or just take it and show it on your blog.
        The choice is yours…

        Shaun x

      • Thank you so much, Shaun. I need to sleep soon and can’t think straight…went for a beach walk and breakfast. I never look for agates while half drunk before:>)
        Will happily accept your award and pass it on, as I have some incredible WP friends who deserve it.
        Have a great day.

      • Thank you for accepting..
        And I thought you would give to friends..
        They kind person you are… x

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