Chronic pain and questions of medication that surround it



Almost 8 am here, been up all night with real bad pain again, no sympathy, please, just saying. I was talking to a friend on Skype for a while during the night and the debate came up about pain, how we deal with it, what helps, basically how we each manage our own pain

I smoke cannabis, not marijuana, the grass weed type, the solid stuff, I smoke it with my Dr’s knowledge and also the police, in Scotland, the police don’t care. I was HORRIFIED to learn that in the USA you can get life in prison for personal cannabis use, what gives there?

Anyway, I smoke this type here:


I smoke it when the girls are asleep, NEVER during the day and the relief it gives me from my pain, is AMAZING. It does better than the medication. I don’t smoke it every night as I don’t want to rely on it to heavily. But when I do have a joint, the relief is like “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” type relief

So what are your thoughts on this? I know 85% of my followers are from the USA so the debate might be different if this was a European audience. I know a few people from Holland where you can legally buy it from a cafe and smoke it at home. I see no reason to be against this. If I wasn’t in pain, I will be honest I would smoke it, I don’t drink alcohol, and I will tell you why

Alcohol is sociably acceptable right? Well I see alcohol as a HUGE burden on society, people go up town get real drunk, go fighting, spread sexually transmitted disease, hit their partners, and so on, it is a horrible thing Alcohol, if I was in charge of the world, I would allow cannabis and ban alcohol, why is it sociably acceptable to wreck town centres and families? If someone wants to have a glass or 2 of wine at home, go for it. But these night clubs and bars that spew out idiots that cause the average city 10’s of thousands of pounds in damages due to drunken disorder is a real issue, ask your local friendly police officer if he would rather deal with a friendly cannabis smoker or a drunk who wants to hit him and spit on him, I KNOW I have spoken to a few policemen, they hate the weekends

You also get the STUPID “Ah but if you smoke cannabis, you will end up taking heroin” crowd, BEHAVE! It is the same with drink then yeah? Have one pint; you could end up an alcoholic causing the exact same issues as a drug addict. As things stand I am a legal drug addict taking Dihydrocodeine, Tramadol and Diazepam and morphine also, cannabis works best for me, this is no reason to lie about smoking it, it is just the truth. I know MANY in America who wish they could smoke it, but fear doing so will ruin their life. Here in Scotland, I know a Judge, lawyers, teachers, policemen and a few politicians who smoke cannabis, WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?

But stick to cannabis, now if people say it’s wrong and disruptive, you REALLY need to school yourself on cannabis. It is harmless to the body; it is harmless to the mind. Stupid scientists from time to time come out with a “Study” showing what cannabis can to a person, how about they do a study on drink? And smoking cigarettes is the biggest killer, you smoke? Yeah we have a world of hypocrites over this issue.

Debate away, all I know, and my Dr agrees with me, Cannabis helps my pain, I LONG for the day it is legal as it is in Europe

More love, less hate,


27 responses to “Chronic pain and questions of medication that surround it

  1. I have heard and read about the benefits of cannabis and if it helps: go for it – in front of your girls if it need be. After all their adult world is surely to have the stuff listen as a product that is medicinal. But I understand your reluctance to do it in front of them now – our world is truly screwed up …

    • I can’t and won’t show my princess’s Daddy smoking that. 1 it would be unfair on them and 2 it is still slightly illegal here. They go to Nursery and talk about it. These are the STUPID thinks I need to take into account over a substance that helps me greatly. I am glad I am not American in the sense, if I really wanted to, at any time during any day I could smoke a joint in bed and see the pain out. Right now 9am been up all night in pain and never had any cannabis. Choice I guess. I am always aware they could wake up….

      And yeah the world is backwards with Alcohol and a class C Drug that is just above Coffee in the scaled drugs issue


      • Yeah, it is good parenting, but leaves me in a LOT of pain…But parenting comes first. Although the police and court system don’t care a JOT people smoke or have a small bit of cannabis, it is still frowned upon by a society of people “Like me” who are doped up to their eye balls in prescribed drugs and pissed nightly on Alcohol..

        Can you feel the Irony?

        Thank you x

      • Oh I do, I couldn’t care less what people think 🙂
        It just annoys me that it SHOULD be legal, and it won’t be for a while. Holland has had it legal for decades now. A few other European countries are following the Dutch route, so it won’t be long, it’s the stigma from uneducated people that does my head in..
        As I say, example, the Mother in law takes Gavapentin for a pain she has, it WRECKS her brain. Just because it came from a Dr, all is well. I smoke 1 joint and I am scum… 🙂

        You are right, stuff the idiots who REFUSE to educate themselves on pain and what helps. I can go 3/4/5 hours SCREAMING and crying in pain. But I would be judged for smoking a joint from some…

        At least we have Kylie tho eh… lol

      • Oh I truly believe cannabis should be legalised everywhere – I have seen a lot of people swear by its medicinal and anti-pain values. I hope Australia will legalise it in the near future, there’s a lobby for it certainly. Cheers

  2. Hi there Shaun. Given your attitude on parenting, I think smoking cannabis is perfectly fine. It is way less dangerous than alcohol for example, unless you suffer from schizophrenia and psychoses, then it can have devastating effects like most not-medicine-drugs.
    I spoke with a friend who is an expert in Manual Lymph Drainage and she says it also provides (non-invasive, natural) pain relief in cases of CPS and Fibromyalgia. Just for some info here is her new blog!/read/blog/id/42399039/
    Hugs, Heila

    • Thank you Heila..I will bookmark the blog and give it a read. I already knew the effects of cannabis to help with pain, it pains me to know IT COULD be legal and help millions of people.

      Thank you xx
      Very kind

      • There is none available here YET…I am told it is not far away.
        They have a pill, but it is rubbish..

        Just legalise it!
        People will smoke it either way.
        One of my friends died of Motor Neuron disease, he smoked a LOT because it numbed his brain..
        He died, but he died stoned…So he was happy ..


      • What else is there when you are in agony all day lol..

        He liked a smoke, died stoned. I was in the room when he died, he died with a smile on his face..Sad still..But he left the world the way he wanted to…

        Funny story, but not, if you get me?


      • Yeah, melodramatic perhaps 🙂
        He was a good lad, but it was sad.
        It was his time, and he went the way the decided..


    • 2 good sides, Bayern are brilliant.
      Tell your son from a trained football coach, he has good taste 🙂

      Thanks for letting me know…
      Does your son play football at a high level?
      How old is he? Sorry if you said before, I have no memory. lol


      • He is nearly 24 and doesn’t play football anymore. But we watch all the big games together on TV. Luckily there are hardly any matches between an Israeli and a German team (I was born in Germany and my son is an Israeli and a German patriot…complicated) we’d have a dilemma there.. 🙂

      • lol, I know that dilemma!!
        I support Glasgow Celtic..
        Dawn and the 2 boys support Edinburgh team, Heart of Midlothian.
        When they were younger (the boys) I didn’t let them go to the BIG games, as there was trouble.
        The arguments after games 🙂 my god! And Celtic won 9 times out of 10..
        But when Hearts won the odd match it was TORTURE!! lol

        All good fun x

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