Absolute bloodshed in Egypt **BREAKING**/**EDIT** 15:31 GMT


Riot police fire tear gas at members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi in Cairo

15:46:GMT **UPDATE**

Sky News Cameraman Killed In Egypt

Mick Deane was shot covering the violence in Cairo – Head of Sky News John Ryley described him as the very best of cameramen.

3:42pm UK, Wednesday 14 August 2013
Mick Deane
Cameraman Mick Deane was killed in EgypSky News cameraman Mick Deane has been shot and killed in Egypt this morning.

Mick, 61, had worked for Sky for 15 years, based in Washington and then Jerusalem.

The married father of two was part of our team covering the violence in Cairo. The rest of the team are unhurt.


**13:36GMT UPDATE**

Young man in the morgue: “We are peaceful. Convey it to the world because I may die and they will call us terrorists after.”
  • 5 killed in Suez as protestors try to storm gov building.
  • Riot police stand guard after clearing the area of members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
HOW SAD IS THIS. These are mostly peaceful people trapped. 


**EDIT 13:30 GMT**

  • A man just died in front of us shot in the chest with a bullet. Paramedics tried to revive him by Rabaa sit-in
  • Speaking to @alastair_beach he says women and kids are trapped in the mosque, 10 bodies laid on on the carpet
  • “Qatar strongly denounces the means by which peaceful protesters in Rabaa al-Adawiya camp and Al-Nahda square have been dealt with and which led to the killing of several unarmed innocent people among them,”
    by roddymansfield 1:23 PM


**EDIT 13:!2 GMT**

This video (ABOVE) is described as showing the Church of St George burning in Sohag.

Armed security personnel move in on one of the Muslim Brotherhood camps.




I can only feel the pain of he people of Egypt right now, 200+ have died in the last few hours. Things are very bad and will get worse. I don’t know what news others are getting, the news I am getting from friends is that security forces loyal with new regime are killing kids, woman, all almost largely unarmed civilians. This is barbaric killing of innocent people. UN Where are you? Where is the help?

This is bad, very bad. I will add/edit more to this blog when I get more emails.

Latest live pictures  from friends

Egypt clashes

I have friends in the camp at Rabba al-Adawia

14 responses to “Absolute bloodshed in Egypt **BREAKING**/**EDIT** 15:31 GMT

  1. **UPDATE**

    Egyptian security officials say an Israeli drone fired a missile in the northern Sinai peninsula, killing five suspected Islamic militants and destroying a rocket launcher.

    Residents heard a large explosion Friday in the region near the border with Israel. The officials say the attack was in cooperation with Egyptian authorities.

    The two officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press. An Israel Defense Forces spokesperson stated that the army was not responding to the reports.

  2. Horrible stuff, don’t know what could stop this bloodshed. Joking aside, I think someone should fill a dozen of “Elvis firefighter helicopters” with liquid Valium or some such sedative and pour it down the streets – send then to sleep for a while … the inhumanity that rises there is just awful

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