Back to the Future Trilogy Movies


To my disgust (Not really) I realised the last few days not everyone is aware of what is MOST DEFINITELY the best movie series ever made

Back to the Future with Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd

A teenager is accidentally sent 30 years into the past in a time-traveling DeLorean invented by his friend, Dr. Emmett Brown, and must make sure his high-school-age parents unite in order to save his own existence. Marty McFly (Michael J Fox) and Christopher Lloyd (Doc Brown) take us on a 3 movie journey in a time machine made from a DeLorean. I grew up with these movies, I was 13 when the 1st one came to the Cinema. I am HUGE on Time Travel as an adult, and these movies made me a curious adults around time travel, even today. Amazing movies, 1,2 and 3, the story line is amazing, the action is fun. If you have not seen these, go please see them. I have the special metal box Blue-ray disk set. Below are the trailers for all 3 movies, and some pictures, I even have the game for my new PC. You are MISSING badly if you have not seen these, just saying

Back to the future 1

Back to the future 2

Back to the future 3












36 responses to “Back to the Future Trilogy Movies

  1. Pingback: Back to the Future Trilogy Movies | Science | S...

  2. So sorry I disgusted you. LOL. Ok, I will never forget now, Doc Brown, Back to the Future. I am writing all over my mirror closet door so I shall never forget again. There are just too many doctors in this world.

      • Sure, I know you are not out to hate or be mean. I don’t know you all that well, but I think through all the people I have known on the Internet, plus Internet dating, I am a pretty good judge of character from how people write. You are a good guy, and I am sure you have a really big heart. It’s all good.

      • Awww thank you, I really mean that.
        I came here as I am, I send only love and fun. I tell everyone I am married so there are misunderstandings lol…And I just like to have fun and write and also write here where I am published . But it is fun, lots of fun…And it takes my mind from the pain. I am just saying, I am a decent lad I think. I don’t do arguments and as you see “More Love, Less Hate” is at the bottom of most blogs. And I mean that…

        So as you say..

        We good.. 🙂
        Thank you for being ULTRA Cool, says a LOT about you and your honest..


      • Wow! I don’t think I have been called Ultra cool. I was called ‘the Bomb’ once, and I had to ask others younger than me if that was a good thing. Funny as hell, it was. I know you are married, which makes conversations with you all the more fun, I know there is no flirting and crap going on, it is honest talk between two people. I am of the belief men and women can be friends, without sexual issues. So, you are a way cool ‘lad’, and I am smiles all over from being called ULTRA Cool. I think I will write that all over the closet today: Rene is ULTRA Cool, ’cause Shaun says so. LOL

      • ha ha ha @ Asking other people what it means 🙂

        And AMEN on the friendship thing. I have a friend from Holland (I have 4 actually, I met through here) I helped as much as I could with an issues, and Patty wrote this about me yesterday That is what friendship is all about with the opposite sex. People assume if a man and woman say “Love you” they MUST sex. I love Patty like a sister, tell her all the time. And Dawn is UTTERLY SUPER DOOPER COOL with it. “Trust” is the key… x

        And you are Ultra cool. Seriously, not crap, no lies, you are. You speak the truth and you are good fun to speak to..

        Long may that continue. And what a link that is. I was crying reading it Rene (I cry a lot, lol)
        Even through my past, I cry.

        Well said.. Very well said.
        Even it is is silly Shaun who said it 🙂

        Keep on keeping on..

      • If I cry, I blame it on my meds now. Works with getting angry as well too. I don’t think the animals know if it is my meds or not, they just know something ain’t right with Mom. Either stay out of the way, or cuddle her. Or, as to the cats, let’s see how far we can go before she blows a gasket. The dog is smarter, despite what Mom says, she just curls up on the bed and figures if he is not making himself be seen, he will not get any fallout. And people think the French are silly (he is a Bichon Frise)! LOL

      • My Dog, when I am in a BAD Day and in bed, she is curled up beside me all time..Strange how they know…If I am not in pain she doesn’t the screaming today, she knew, lucky one of kids at Nursery..other one other side of the house…

      • for the past few days i’ve been nursing some crazy virus, and sitting in front of the tv searching for something to entertain myself (lol)…low and behold guess what movies were on??? yep! good old “marty & doc”!!! i giggled to myself as you came to mind!!
        just thought i’d mention it to you to let you know you’re thought of by many! and i shot up a little prayer for you at that moment! hope all is well 😉

      • Marty and Doc, my heroes.. lol
        Same here, I did the blog, was scanning the TV to watch something earlier, and on came back to the future 2.. lol

        Your words mean a lot.. x

      • isn’t that tooo funny!! who’da thunk we’d be tuned in close to the same time?? great minds think alike??? aaaaaaaaaaaaa, no don’t think so… mind is not great for sure!!! lmbo!! glad you got to tune in too!
        thanks shaun…you’re a good guy…enjoy your day/evening/whatever time zone you’re in 😉

      • My mind is just lumps of “Stuff” I am like a money, I batter away at the keyboard till a blog appears.. 🙂

        And Dtito, your a good girl…
        And I am GMT+0- Where time was invented… lol
        Google it, you see… x

      • hey! marty & doc III were on last night!!! lololol…
        ok, i’ll google GMT + 0 …don’t know if i’ll understand it but i’ll give it a shot! lol…:)

      • it’s nice to be able to see the sky…lol…i live in a rural area now and see more of the sky, love that! i used to live 5 minutes from NYC and it was difficult to see a dark sky with all the lights…but now i appreciate the beauty of the stars…
        that’s cool that you guys still have beautiful landscapes! enjoy them!

      • I got a decent telescope as there is no light pollution where I am. Love it, can see galaxies clearer. Always been that way, and this is a BIG CITY and the capitol of Scotland. We just don’t build high building. I think there is some kind of law about it. But I can’t be bothered checking 😉


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