Think positive life is good? Think Negative life is bad?



Quick yes or no with a comment, if you wish, type blog here

I was brought up always to believe that if you thought good things would come your way, they would

Turn the coin around

Think bad things will happen and they do or might

I am going to be honest, this way of thinking has never let me down, pain aside, and I am talking family, life, comfortable in life, not needing or wanting for anything, more important my kids are healthy. So is there an argument that in life, if a person, you perhaps, are all doom and gloom, you will have a shit life full of problems and littered with issues and washing machines breaking and more, depression and just a HARD and unhappy existence, or happy and always getting lucky, one of my son’s, ALWAYS happy, always positive, always winning, whatever he does, at anything, sport, betting (The odd £1 accumulator bet here and there) and winning £200 etc

Always smile, BELIEVE things won’t break, and they won’t, KNOW your kids will be safe and they will, believe you will be financially secure, you will be, you follow?

Today was a VERY stressful day, not a big deal but it was stressful and both Dawn and I felt it. The SKY TV Box has broken, a key on my new Laptop broke from the machine and we have issues with a few other things, first thing I thought was “Frame of mind” My car key also is giving me annoying times and the dog shat on a rug

Is it possible we can THINK ourselves to a good or bad life? almost a Matrix type existence? At Christmas you can FEEL the warmth from people, opening doors for each other, everyone in a good, the “Spirit of Christmas” We all feel it, Valentines day we may feel it also, 9/11 we all felt sad and cried, is there something to individual and global thinking?

More love, less hate



32 responses to “Think positive life is good? Think Negative life is bad?

  1. The metaphysical Law of Attraction states that you draw to you whatever you spend the most thought-energy on. The problem is that we are not often AWARE of what we are “projecting” from our subconscious or unconscious mind. Numerous books have been written on the subject of applying the Law of Attraction, and Creative Visualization (Think and Grow Rich, The Power of Positive Thinking, and The Secret (the movie), just to name a few).

    But, those have been on a personal level. There are now organizations that are working-on synchronizing large groups of people—all over the world—to simultaneously meditate on world peace (for example) on certain days. Some interesting work on the subject of the effects of consciousness and thought-energy on the environment (external reality) has been done by Rupert Sheldrake. If nothing else, his theory of morphogenesis is thought-provoking reading.

    • Yeah I find the whole subject thought provoking buddy.
      I think on a mass scale it is easy to get a group to want or feel the same.
      The example I was speaking about was, just say I “REALLY” wanted the latest TV that is out. If I really believed I will get it, I will get it. That kinda thinking..

      But you on the same page…

  2. Although you had a stressful day (we have days like those when everything seems to break down) – you know those things can be fixed so really no need to get upset. You have to keep perspective. When I look at the desperate state of a street person in Kingston, with NO one to care for him, that brings some perspective I think for me! I think mental attitude counts for a lot though. Our nephew in the UK has always been breezy, happy and laid-back ever since we’ve known him. Everything always goes well for him; now his lovely wife is expecting a baby!

    • Oh no upset, just made me blog about it in general ..
      And yeah both sides of the coin there, someone low on life another with a life the person in Kingston would die for..
      Good example!

  3. I look at it this way. Suppose an optimist and a pessimist both want more money. They each find a nickel on the ground. The optimist will feel good, because even nickels add up over time; The pessimist will feel bad, thinking that he/she was expecting more than a nickel!
    Well, that’s the way I’ve always seen it, anyway! 🙂

  4. I will take the nickel mentioned earlier if nobody else wants it…just sayin’

    And I tend to be more on the gloom and doom side. I have spent my life trying to stop and it’s harder than it sounds! But, on the lighter side, I usually figure things out quickly and get to happy again very fast. I guess I just have to have a nervous breakdown in order to figure things out. *shrug* strange system, but it seems to be working for 55 years I hope all of your problems get solved soon!

    • I don’t really have problems, this blog was to get others thinking…
      I live for this second, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a guess..

      And good way of living, I say whatever works for a person is good, we all got different ways of dealing..

      Thank you x

  5. Love this! I think about this A LOT! I completely agree with you, and you can see what happens when one bad thing happens, then more and more follow, and you get more and more upset. It’s true, but it’s so hard for people to understand, because it seems so easy! Actually, controlling our feelings and staying positive in the face of all the fear and negativity we are bombarded with every day is hard! The first step is to be aware of this, and to start to focus on what we are happy about- the good!

    • Well said…
      Yeah could not agree more.
      When negative things happen, I don’t get all worked up, I say “It will pass” and it does.
      I do think we can think ourselves into a bad place…

      Thank you Jane

  6. I think if you think positive then you are better equipped to deal with bad things when they happen and then they seem less of a big deal. Whereas if you think negatively, everything seems more stressful and harder to cope with.

    • Yeah, that is pretty much what I do. Not always the way, we live and learn.
      But think positive, even when its hard, good things happen.
      Seem to for me anyway..

      Thank you Abbi

    • I think life is a state of mind. I force myself to be positive. I think it came from years of negative stuff. Seems to work. But the odd day will come and test that theory, lol

      I think due to my pain I am am optimist, I could easily go the other way. Sometimes I do think life is all in our minds..Sometimes…

      Thank you

  7. I am like your happy and lucky son. I am always very optimistic and happy. I do not know what makes me laugh all the time. But one thing is for sure luck comes my way all the time, just like your son. I think it is ones positive attitude that makes life happy and lucky. Small or big mishaps do happen but I never let them make me sad for long. Life is too short to waste in useless worries.

  8. I’ve endured hard times, but I always believe the glass is 1/2 full and I prefer to be positive even when negativity was standing in front of me. I’d just sidestep it if I could or use it to my advantage, even if that took years (which it has) but it’s been a gift to life with gratitude, positivity and finding happiness even when it’s hiding. Talk to Diana sent me over ~

    • Good comment. Being positive and focusing just on ourselves is something more should do. This is just my opinion for seeing people get involved not just in my life but others lives also.

      And well said, finding it even when it hiding.

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