Are we being LIED to about Syria and Chemical Weapons Use


A different spin on the Syrian issue just now, I will ask the Question, is Syrian being filled with Western supporters in terms of people with Guns, terrorists, with Western views? I think it is possible. In Libya I believe Western thinking people came in from the East and destabilized the entire country, Gaddafi went from being held head high through his country in support to being killed live on TV. I know friends from Libya and they said after Gaddafi died that is was the belief of many that Western controlled al Qaeda fighters, who were armed to the teeth by the West were to blame, the Libyan people, in the main loved Giddafi, so could it be possible foreign fighters came into that country to destabilise it?

Could the same be true in Syria? And could the end game be Iran? I think people with political knowledge will understand the question I am asking here, is Syria being destroyed, are we being lied to make Al Assad look like the bad guy? With the Media we have it would be difficult to be 100% with any answer.

Bashar Al Assad spoke to RT News, with a Russian reporter a few months back, here is a different standpoint from a different viewpoint

26 responses to “Are we being LIED to about Syria and Chemical Weapons Use

  1. the chemical weapons pass the “logical” test. It was often said that Saddam Hussain sent many of his chemical weapons of mass destruction to Syria.

    From that perspective it is possible they are being used.

    • Yeah totally agree.
      I think with this blog and this one I did asking could this lead to a bigger war, I guess the questions must be asked. The truth is always hard to swallow even if you know its damn lies

  2. I have no clear idea what is meant to be going on in Syria. The news that is coming out of there is dreadful. But who is doing what to whom with what and why, has me beat. What I do suspect maybe at the bottom of all this is there have been massive and I mean massive gas fields found in the Eastern and African coastal parts of the Mediterranean Sea. Israel has one of the largest and leased out exploration licences for half already. Cyprus is going to be one rich little island too, funny how the powers that be shafted their economy just before they need money to develop their gas fields. Greece could be another hot spot. Russia was depending on having a stranglehold on the EU, since the EU is committed to a future energy policy based on less polluting gas and the Russians were to supply this, but that is up in the air now with these finds. I am sorry Shaun I am having difficulty in debating this, because there is so much that I have read and watched since the initial problems in Egypt and Libya that I would need to write a book along with footnotes etc to make a good attempt at this, too many sides and vested interests. One thing I would bet my bottom dollar on is that the problems in the middle-east are not about Iran getting nukes or threatening Israel. There is enough surveillance equipment pointed at Iran that the proverbial quiet mouse could be heard farting all the way back to Washington. One of their medium sized cities will be left a charred heap. Back to Syria, I refuse to believe that if chemical warfare was used that these are Saddam Hussein’s missing WMD’s to fucking convenient that one. That would make them thirty maybe forty years old by now, which would make them more dangerous to the user than the victim. Imagine all these rusty old shells lying around and then it is put into an artillery piece and fired. In short we are being lied to big time. Try to find the news pieces that were actually actors that pretended they were under attack from government forces, not gas attack BTW. false videoed executions etc.
    In short, yes we are being lied to, but by both sides ( or however many sides are involved). We are supposed to live in the information age, I have my doubts about that. Although I was only a small boy at the time, this reminds me very much of the intentional confusion about the reasons for the escalation of the Vietnam war.

    • Speaking to my Dad he said exactly same “Vietnam War” feel to it. He also fears another cold war type stand off…
      I think you are right, we are being lied to all over. When the time is right the money men will step in and who will suffer?

      People like you and I.
      Well said buddy

      • Not only “cold” Shaun but I think “icy” – given the current economic trends when most countries are doing it tough the “cold war” games are likely to turn into “biting icy” … Ah, Vietnam war – so many days and nights and police beatings I did get at rallies against it during sixties and seventies

      • You took part in anti-war rallies, like the REAL on you x
        And it it guesswork as to where this will all go, I believe in being lies to to justify an ends to a means..
        ie: Do anything to get public support. Nothing screams public support like Chemical Weapons..


      • Yeah in Sydney Australia – was a Uni student from 1968 and rallies were strong, spirited. As far as chemical weapons are concerned yes the world needs to take note and seriously stop it but the question remains can it be stopped at its source? If not do we simply fight it by protecting ourselves from it without intervening in Syria for example

      • Wise and true words…
        I done another article, sorry I am working on another one for the paper (Online) I write for, where I try and show the 2 faces of all nations. Question, where did Syria get these chemicals? Iran, ok, where Did Iran get then? It all leads back to the USA.. When the article is live I will pass it on

        Shaun x

      • Thanks I look forward to your article. Yes, re where did Syria get the chemical weapons I also read somewhere that years ago when the West did not find any WMD hiding in any Iraqi facility etc some said that Saddam had shifted then to Syria – don’t know what to think any more or who to believe when it comes to that but I do know it’s serious and we need to ensure we and our children are safe from the nuts that walk the streets of the world using such evil terrible means of slaughter…

      • Well said, we need to stay safe. The World from when we were kids has gone. Being a parent you worry more I am told..

        And all roads lead back to the USA..
        I have researched this a LONG time.
        They start wars to make money.
        Halliburton, the War machine, you should see who is on it’s board and the ties it has to the Bin Laden Corp…
        Your mouth would drop…Sadly


      • Oh yeah, realise this and we are half way there…
        Corruption comes close, but doesn’t do it justice.
        Abuse of power isn’t even close..

    • Yeah, I know, sad really…
      But the more people who can use a brain and see it for what it is, not what the media want you/us to see it as, the better…


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  4. Pingback: Syria: US ‘Using Lies To Justify Strikes’ | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

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