Syria: Iran Warns US Not To Cross ‘Red Line’

Talking strategy – Image

Tensions remain high as Iran as expected warned the USA to not step a foot or a missile into Syria, Interested to hear what Russia truly thing here

Iran has warned the US not to cross the “red line” on Syria, saying it would have “severe consequences”, according to the Fars news agency.

The warning comes after Prime Minister David Cameron and President Barack Obama said they are “gravely concerned” about signs that an alleged chemical weapons attack took place in Syria.

The two leaders spoke with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper by telephone last night as calls increased for UN investigators – who are already in the country – to be allowed access to the site of the alleged attack.

The war of words has intensified in recent days, as Iran shows its support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad.

Syrian activists inspect the bodies of people they say were killed by nerve gas in the Ghouta region, in the Duma neighbourhood of Damascus

Medecins Sans Frontieres has said 355 people died in the attack Image:

“America knows the limitation of the red line of the Syrian front and any crossing of Syria’s red line will have severe consequences for the White House,” said Masoud Jazayeri, the deputy chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces.

Mr Jazayeri was reacting to statements made by Western officials regarding the possibility of military intervention in Syria, according to Fars.

Earlier, Iranian Press TV reported that Damascus had told Tehran it would allow inspectors to visit the site of the alleged chemical attack.

A Downing Street spokesperson stressed that any significant use of chemical weapons would merit a “serious response”.


The attacks took place in the Damascus suburbs of Zamalka and Ein Tarma Image:

The spokesperson added: “The fact that President Assad has failed to cooperate with the UN suggests that the regime has something to hide.

“They reiterated that significant use of chemical weapons would merit a serious response from the international community and both have tasked officials to examine all the options.

“They agreed that it is vital that the world upholds the prohibition on the use of chemical weapons and deters further outrages.”

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said the American military is ready to exercise “options” on Syria should force be called for, but he declined to say what that action might be.

He is under mounting pressure to act over the alleged use of chemical weapons, which humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders said had killed 355 people due to “neurotoxic” symptoms.

A child victim of the alleged Syria gas attack

A boy recovers after the alleged toxic gas attack on Wednesday – Image:

The group says it has treated more than 3,500 people showing symptoms of exposure to a “neurotoxic” agent.

Christopher Stokes from the charity told Sky News: ““The situation (on the ground in Syria) is quite confusing.

“We’ve spent the last three to four days in contact with Syrian doctors that we’ve been working with for six months in and around Damascus to try and piece together what happened last Wednesday.

“Basically what they’ve reported to us are consistent signs of the same symptoms across a large number of patients that would indicate a large scale exposure to a neurotoxic agent.”

The group said victims flooded three Syrian hospitals after a “chemical massacre” on Wednesday.

Rebel groups have claimed the attack was carried out by Assad’s forces and that more than 1,000 people had died. The Syrian regime has denied the allegations.


Assad needs pulled from power NOW


Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks at a public gathering in the northeastern city of Bojnurd, Iran, in October. (photo credit: AP/Office of the Supreme Leader)

TTEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s Supreme Leader is blaming the US and Israel for the bloody, 19-month civil war in Syria.




10 responses to “Syria: Iran Warns US Not To Cross ‘Red Line’

    • Agreed. The UN should have been in there months ago. Many months ago.
      As I said, I know a famous UK News lad, War correspondent, he been to Syria a few times, his exact words to me when asked why nobody is going into help was “World War 3” China, Russia, Iran and others would side with Syria and it would cause more loss of life.
      War is never the answer, but it looks like more will die to make this stop. Could get real bad

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