Life On Earth Started On Mars, Say Scientists

The Red Planet is where iit all began apparently

The Red Planet is where it all began apparently


Could it be? There is huge suggestion there was once life on Mars, how advanced, we don’t know, anyone with Google or who wants to look through the pictures of Mars via NASA will see what looks like pyramids, this is a very thought provoking idea here. And one with huge religious aspects to it also. Can science prove this 100%, lets see I guess, if they do, then what? How would life change here on Earth, would it have an impact of the religious world? Debate away, for me this would blow a lot of what the bible says out the window, and bring in a new chapter of knowledge to the World. I have been keeping my eye on this study for a while now, they seem fairly sure. Some just won’t have it though, even if the proof was 100% but I respect that, I have to, respecting educated opinions is a must

Life on Earth may have started millions of miles away on Mars, according to scientists.

An element believed to be crucial to the origin of life would only have been available on the surface of the Red Planet.

These “seeds” of life probably arrived on Earth in meteorites blasted off Mars by impacts or volcanic eruptions, Geochemist Professor Steven Benner claims.

Prof Benner, from The Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology in the US, said: “The evidence seems to be building that we are actually all Martians; that life started on Mars and came to Earth on a rock.”

Speaking at the Goldschmidt 2013 conference in Florence, Italy, he said: “It’s lucky that we ended up here nevertheless, as certainly Earth has been the better of the two planets for sustaining life.

NASA's Curiosity rover celebrates one year on Mars
Images from NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars

“If our hypothetical Martian ancestors had remained on Mars, there might not have been a story to tell.”

Prof Benner said the element molybdenum was thought to be a catalyst that helped organic molecules develop into the first living things.

“This form of molybdenum couldn’t have been available on Earth at the time life first began, because three billion years ago the surface of the Earth had very little oxygen, but Mars did.

“It’s yet another piece of evidence which makes it more likely life came to Earth on a Martian meteorite, rather than starting on this planet.”

He added: “Analysis of a Martian meteorite recently showed that there was boron on Mars; we now believe that the oxidised form of molybdenum was there too.”

Another reason why life would have struggled to start on early Earth was that it was likely to have been covered by water, said Prof Benner.



21 responses to “Life On Earth Started On Mars, Say Scientists

    • Yeah it will have some upset, I posted it on Facebook and upset someone, no debate, no nothing. Even if it was 100% true, and it isn’t.
      As you say, Interesting..


  1. Long before this Martian-connection theory was developed, I realized that the existence of aliens (intelligent life) would rock the religious world; especially if they were to visit us. Neither the Bible nor the Koran mention “life” anywhere else in the Universe. Would aliens have “souls” as well? What would “their” religion(s) have to say about “us”?

    • Good questions..And like me I know you would never mean to disrespect anyone. I put this blog on Facebook and got some abuse in chat as if “How dare you” But Religion like Science, neither can prove everything. Science CAN prove humans came from Mars, religion can’t, and I mean that with no disrespect, just logical thinking. Science doesn’t know it all, that is why it’s still there, called Science, learning new things and saving lives through Medical Science. So Science for me (A lad who believes in God but see’s religion as an issue in out World) has the first call. Because it can prove it. I had debate on here with someone, I 100% respected the persons opinion in saying Dinosaurs were not real and were never real or were there. Science proved they were. I can take opinions, but ignorant opinions I even accept, as this is the thinking of a person….

      Cheers buddy

  2. God works in mysterious ways the human mind cannot fathom the mind of God or the reasons behind the things He does. My faith is not shaken. I welcome this news as a man of science and of faith and say thank you God

    • Yeah, there is no other way to deal with “News” like this, all it is, it hasn’t been proven. Would it change anything? I don’t think so. My last blog, give it a read please Eddie. I got slightly rattled lol, at a few comments thrown my way mate..Hope you are keeping good

  3. Pingback: Hatred within Religion | Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

  4. Piltdown Man proved that the average person cannot place blind faith in Science—or more specifically scientists. Even with Science, unless the layman “accepts” what “the Scientific Community” says is Truth, one should remain skeptical of “Science”, as well; especially after learning that many scientists simply build upon what has already been accepted as “fact”, and often discredit and vilify those scientists that don’t agree with “the community.” It many ways, Science itself has become like a religion to many people (particularly atheists). I personally have no conflicts between my spiritualty and my knowledge of science—or new scientific “discoveries”; but many people put blind faith in either Science or their religion. “Seeing is believing”, but “Believing is SEEING”, as well. Some people’s minds refuse to let them “see” something right under their nose, if its existence conflicts too much with their firmly-held beliefs—that they’ve accepted as facts.

    • I did a blog on 3 events that TOLD ME God was real. It was there, I couldn’t have another reason.
      Science thought the Earth was flat 100 years ago, so I totally get your point. But Science = Technology and to be fair it is improving as we grow as a species. All I am saying is Science can prove more.. And yeah, I have had some UNREAL debates with people over things that leave me just shaking my head with my jaw dropped. This lad I knew said “The devil put dinosaur bones in the Earth to confuse Man” I was like….ohhh ffs… 🙂

      • I reckon it’s possible for sure. I just look up at the stars and I think we cannot possibly be alone in this massive, vast universe. Why not Mars!

      • Yeah….A whole of wasted space. I think the same.
        Some scientist did a thesis in the 1990’s I have been looking for it saying Adam and Eve could well be a true event, some say it is “Metaphorical” but maybe the truth is people, not just two were brought here. And this would fit into the Created version the old religious people like..And we know NOTHING as a species, we are so young, it could be

        Good shout!

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