Syria crisis: Emboldened France seeks action

Francois Hollande (29 August 2013)

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault

Syrian President Bashar al Assad was behind a “massive and coordinated” chemical attack, the French government has claimed.

A seven-page intelligence report sets out five points which, MPs will be told, suggest Mr Assad was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people in Damascus last month.

The evidence includes satellite imagery, allegedly showing the attacks were launched from government-controlled areas, a French government source told the Reuters news agency.

Mr Assad told French newspaper Le Figaro the allegations were “illogical” and warned of “negative” repercussions for French interests if the country engaged in military action.

However, the government source said: “Unlike previous attacks that used small amounts of chemicals and were aimed at terrorising people, this attack was tactical and aimed at regaining territory.”

Earlier, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said MPs would be given every piece of evidence the government has, including information that has been classified until now.

Lawmakers are expected to debate the evidence on Wednesday.

French President Francois Hollande can order military action without parliamentary approval, although some lawmakers have urged him to put the issue to a vote, following the lead of US President Barack Obama, who decided to seek authorisation from Congress before agreeing to missile strikes.

France is the United States’ main ally in the Syrian crisis, after Britain voted against military action.

Meanwhile, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov dismissed evidence of alleged chemical weapons use by the Assad regime as “absolutely unconvincing”.

He said the intelligence contained “nothing specific … no geographic coordinates, no names, no proof that the tests were carried out by the professionals”.

A planned peace conference to end the conflict in Syria could be put off “forever” if the US goes ahead with military action against the regime, he added.

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad speaks during an interview with Russian newspaper Izvestia

The game, lies and propaganda are really getting higher here, I pray the UK stay out, with Russia REALLY giving threats and sending ships to the region, it truly is time to pray these assholes in suits get it together. Chemical attacks are not cool, but how many more will die if action is taken, what happened to talking? Where is the African League of Nations? They are closest, Where is the UN? Sickening stuff

26 responses to “Syria crisis: Emboldened France seeks action

    • You think we (UK) should go in?
      I am all for wiping this prick out Mark, but the come back would be terrible. We would be attacked at will. I know what you are saying buddy, but I just think after Iraq, we were told quick in and out. This could kill thousands of UK soldiers. They say no boots on the ground, they can’t promise this.

      I respect your opinion however.

      Cheers Mark

  1. Shaun,
    How are you. What is your view on the level of significance natural gas has in this whole Syria situation. Recently Iran, Iraq and Syria agreed on a $10 billion deal to run a pipeline from Iran thru Iraq and Syria to Mediterranean for shipping and sale to European markets. Israel has discovered natural gas in the so-called “Leviathan” field off their coast and has begun developing/extracting. Could this whole situation be a natural gas competition gone insane and violent?
    Thank you,
    Jerry / Michigan / USA

    • ok..
      Many people know I am a bit of a Conspiracist I call it “Seeking the truth” I don’t do UFO’s, Aliens or Ghost, JUST THE TRUTH, I believe and I blogged this in another blog I think here (Article on there) That I felt Assad many never did this, and there were other reasons. I am a great believer Al qaeda are and have always been with the USA. I never really took this on board as I don’t/can’t see how the USA or anyone else would be able to get to these Gas deposits due to the fact that Russia have a claim to some of it. It did cross my mind. I believe this is a lie, propaganda and that Assad did not do this.
      The Romans started “Problem, Reaction, Solving”
      Create a problem
      React to it
      Then solve it

      I believe this is what we are seeing here. It has been used throughout history by many Governments to justify the ends to a means.

      Thoughts Jerry?
      And thanks for the comment

      • Given the reason for wars and killing through history have all been about natural resources, commerce and industry rivalry, there is no reason not to believe this is the case here. My view is natural gas is the issue, the parties must come to a business agreement that is fair and equitable to the countries where the gas fields exist, the business entities who want to buy/sell the gas, and the people of the respective countries. If such an agreement is not reached soon war and killing will escalate.
        Thank you,

      • I believe you may have a point.
        Iraq started selling Oil in Euro’s, then War.
        So you are totally right Jerry, Wars get fought over interests other than what we are told.
        I stand firm Assad never did this.

        And great points mate, really.
        Thanks, I love it when people come into a blog and add something, so thanks a lot buddy

    • According to UN mandate section 4 or something, yeah dialogue MUST be tried and War or conflict is a last resort. But who listened to the UN when we all went to Iraq, US/UK Tony Blair is HATED still for that. We demonstrated all over for weeks leading up to the Iraq war, there was NO MANDATE to be had, it was illegal, Bush and Blair should be in the Hague standing against War crimes. No argument in my mind. Iraq is now siding with Iran here.
      Sometimes I think it is all one big game Doc, played out with the result already known..
      Just a gut feeling..

  2. I faxed a letter to the United Nations’ spokesman for Ban Ki-Moon suggesting that a multi-million dollar reward be offered for information which identifies who carried out the chemical attack. If it turns out to be Assad, so be it. If it turns out to be rebels, so be it. This situation marks a turning point for humanity. My sense is the debates in the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States are going to be paradigm changing.
    Thank you,

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