The American Healthcare System, my thoughts on a disgrace



It pains me to speak to friends and watch a nation called the “Beacon for freedom” and the “World’s Super Power” and discover 150+ people die each day because they don’t have insurance. The USA was once looked upon as the place to go; the American Dream was once the big thing, now you truly have to be asleep to see it

I speak to many, I research well, and this is the damning truth of a country now more interested in War and sending $Billions$ of dollars to mainly Muslim countries than helping its own people, anyone who can’t see it that way isn’t paying attention to what is happening over there. I am from a tiny island 5,000 miles and I can see it, so can many, but just how bad is it? Just how bad has it become? Just how wrong has the USA become at Governmental level? These are questions we could ask all day, but finding answers is the difficult bit, the gray area so to speak

A country I love, a people I love, in bits, falling to its knee’s faster than the Roman empire did, it is sad that people die because they have less money than the person standing next to them. Obama Care, give me a laugh, it changed nothing, and it is an illusion of care, where none exists

I was speaking to Doc over at and she is an ex medical person, she sent me a link to a Senator from the USA, I posted it already, in-case you missed it, check what he has to say, he is from Florida, his name is Alan Grayson, like Ron Paul a politician who seems to want to help the people and not go to war

He brings many good points to the table, and the headline in the media says it all “What your Government doesn’t want you to see” This says it all for me, The USA has turned into a species of people (Due to Government) where Money will keep you alive, this is wrong, so very,very wrong

This is an outrage, and the longer you guys stand back and allow this to happen, the more the War Machine and the greed will be more important THAN YOU. This is sad. Over here in the UK, we pay less tax, we see the Dr the same day we need to, if we need to, we get our medication, we can take a trip to the hospital at ANY time, and this is all free

Don’t allow a national tragedy to keep happening, act now

This was a study done by Harvard it is a HARD read, but it must be read.

Are you for War or are you for the living? For me the choice is an easy one. Why allow your Government to spend BILLIONS on foreign aid and Wars and risk YOU dying

Take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask the HARD questions, life over liberty?

Don’t make me laugh, people say “People still flock to the USA” This may be true, but why? There is nothing to gain. People flock to the UK for free homes and free healthcare and money

My love to the American people



32 responses to “The American Healthcare System, my thoughts on a disgrace

  1. Australia is much the same as UK, Canada – a completely different public health care system to the one in USA. In Australia and most likely in UK & Canada individuals can also have private health insurance if say they don’t want to be placed onto waiting lists for public health procedures etc – an added luxury if they want. For many years now I have been told that life in US is great but God (and money) help you if you get very ill etc etc. It seems as a society that is very individualised – every “man” for himself, more or less especially when it comes to health care and you’re unemployed etc Michael Moore’s documentary “Sicko” was I thought particularly good on this sad and distressing state of health care in USA

    • Sicko made me sick, You Tube this issue and you story after story, so sad.
      Yeah in the UK we have BUPA, You may a monthy fee and you see private Dr’s and jump over others to get seen. I have it, my Dad pays for the Family to have this. But if we use it for EVERYTHING the premium goes up. But is handy and was handy when my son had a Seizure..

      Good post x

      • Yep – it’s all about choice and the fact that if worst comes to worst there’s always the public health system to use which is also good except you just need to wait longer to be taken care of if it’s not an emergency etc.

      • If my son had went in normal he would have been seen right away anyway, as his heart had stopped, I took no chances, my Dad was delighted I did it..

        It isn’t fair though, some can get seen right away, treated faster. I do tend not to use it for that reason. But if it’s one of my kids, I do. Unfair, yeah. But it’s there, Dad pays for..


  2. I grew up in South Africa, which has a similar healthcare system to the USA, although with very slow, often limited quality healthcare for those without insurance. I have been in the UK for almost 10 years now and I continue to be amazed by how incredible the NHS is. There may be occasional wait times (although in all my experience short) for care but the quality of the care and the fact that it is completely free is one of the greatest things about this country and something I will gladly pay tax towards. I am baffled that a country supposedly as great and developed as the USA would fail to provide free medical treatment to all its citizens.

  3. Sometimes things get worse to draw our attention to all we have been suppressing/ignoring/avoiding. The light is shining brightly and steadily on these things that need to be changed. And rather than having it quietly isolated, it is coming to light worldwide for all of us to band together and do it differently.

    • I get that yeah. I would say an awakening of the truth.
      My worry is it has come to late. The wheels are in motion for a big War. I hope I am wrong..

  4. I am in the US and have what is called a high deductible health savings account. I have a debit card that I put money on twice a month, pre-tax, and I pay a monthly premium. I pay out of pocket for everything (supposedly discounted) until I meet my deductible for the year which is $4,000. Great if you have to have major surgery, but crappy for small things and pre-existing conditions. Since my employer switched to this type of insurance I have accumulated medical debt.

    • See that is just wrong…I know it has to be done.
      But I just can’;t get my head around the fact the USA is a life and death lottery depending on money.

      Am I wrong?
      If I am, please say….


      • Healthcare is a business in the US. If you have the money you get the best. If you don’t have the money you juggle and decide what is medically important and what isn’t. Also, our mental healthcare is atrocious and not covered in some/most cases.

      • I hear stories where people refuse to go and see mental issues as they get put on some list? Am I close? So many don’t deal with mental issues? Help me here, I blogged something about this ages ago, x

  5. A division of my company sells high deductible HSA, and my company decided to “eat what it cooks”. A trip to the emergency room = a trip to the poorhouse. Our priorities are way messed up. I was going to post about this, but I couldn’t have said it better than you. Thanks, Shaun.

    • I felt awkward blogging it, I am not from the USA, But I did my Homework, researched the best I could. And it seems, (Sadly) I am not far away from the Truth.

      Thanks for the comments, really means a lot.


    • I look from 5,000 miles away and I see a disgrace of epic proportions where life is measured through wealth.
      If this was to happen in the UK there would be Civil war. They tried it with Bupa, but it never took off as intended.

      Cheers Doc

      • There IS a disgrace here!! You have no clue how many people are lacking this basic right!! Big corporations and interests are getting in the way of providing this basic right!!!

      • I find it cruel, yeah cruel, that a persons life is judges by the amount of money they have in their pocket and how the person who decided yes/no can live with themselves for allowing a person to die for the sake of a few dollars in the grand scheme of things..

        Cruel, yeah, that is the word..

        Well said Doc

  6. Very well said, Shaun. Being healthy shouldn’t be a luxury and being sick shouldn’t be a punishment. I worry about my son when he comes off my insurance one day : would he be denied if not for the ACA? if he doesn’t have coverage, would he still get help?

    For everyone against ACA/Obamacare and the small part of problem this will help, the ones I know personally who are against it just happen to have insurance. Lose your job, face extended coverage premiums, and then maybe we can talk again.

    Disclaimer: I am a definite liberal with my own insurance through work, and I don’t think ACA/Obamacare went far enough.

    • I agree, I think a country of your size and stature should have an NHS like healthcare, free care for ALL. Even the rich, Millionairs here get free Dr’s appointments and pay like £6 for their medication $10? I think they might have stopped that actually. All free. Little old Scotland…

      And I can see your worry over your son, my oldest son suffers seizures and it’s always a worry, but when he has them, the ambulance is here within minutes, hospital, taken right into care, given medication, kept in, or send home, all free.

      I feel guilty for saying that knowing what you guys have to go through. You are right, health shouldn’t be a financial choice.
      Well said!

  7. As much as I often grump about ineffective NHS employees, I never stop praising the system itself. Without the free healthcare, I would never have been able to be made mobile again. I recieved more than two years of physio, life long cover for orthotics, rheumatology, occupational therapy and pain clinic support.
    If I hadn’t had this treatment, I would not have made it through the pain and depression and out of the other side. I am absolutely not exaggerating when I say that the NHS saved me.
    They have fixed my sight so I can see with glasses, and they saved my boyfriend from serious complications when he got a hernia at the same time as gastroenteritis.
    They did all this for free. I have never paid a penny in tax so far in my life. (I’m an unemployed student… Not Starbucks!)

    • Yeah, people who moan in the UK about the NHS need to get real. I share similar stories, I think we all can.
      My Brother would be dead had it not been for the NHS on two occasions, once after a bike crash as a teenager, another with Cancer when he was 30.

      Well said

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