If you had just one wish? Please, what would it be?




The age old question “What would you wish for if you had 1 wish”

Some will say money, some will ask their kids be safe, many will ask for a big car or a better house, or to even win the lottery, none of the above for me, what will be will be, I can control only a portion of any of the above

My wish would be World Peace. A World where we spoke to each other

A Word where we talked before acting

A Word where the value of money is less than a person’s life

A World where I know my kids will grow up safe

A World that offers that “Christmas Spirit” every day

A World where people are nice all the time, not just on special days

A World where the people WE vote to lead us, do lead us, not control us

A World where there is even no money, we all get the same (Sadly we will always have greed)

A World where we spend more on saving lives than destroying them

A World where Space exploration is above War and owning Oil and Gas

I may be a dreamer, all the above may be a no chance utopian World I dream about, but dream I will, blog about it I will, and I hope by blogging about it, at least one person can then blog about it also. Because if we all asked for and wanted this World, I believe it is within us to take from the Greedy people who OWN US, They do not lead, they preserver their own interests, and our World is one where War = Money making for the elitists, go research, sadly this is true


More love, less pain


I will play this video till every man, woman and child has seen it and blog or feel as I do, we can do this, we can turn this dream into reality x

42 responses to “If you had just one wish? Please, what would it be?

  1. Shaun … I still have chills!! As I heard these words and saw the powerful pictures< I knew right away what my wish would be: world peace …… because by having this, all other things that are beneficial for the world will follow …..
    Touching, powerful, truthful ….. and immensely correct and to the point!!
    Reblog: http://hrexach.wordpress.com/

    • Yeah, that is my thinking, World Peace (So stupid a thought it is) Would have a domino effect on other things in our World..
      Well said Doc..

      And thank you

  2. Military and political unrest to stop in both Africa and the Middle East immediately. More like a dream than wish isn’t it? But why just one wish? Lol.

    I also really like your first wish – World Peace. A World where we spoke to each other. Yes. Because no one does, we all get caught up in emotion, being right and forget the others around us are our brothers and sisters. Instead we hold grudges forever, get nasty, poison the future and the earth b/c of it. 😦

    Interesting post…

    • Your 2 wishes are really one… 🙂 x

      AND WELL SAID!! This is what I was meaning also, petty stuff between people, just people in our lives…Petty grudges as you said.
      Doesn’t help and causes shit between family(s)

      Well said x

      • Then I hope for that one big wish to come TRUE. Lol.

        Yes, if we could all just talk to one another the world would. Right?

        Thanks. Nice post. xo

      • Yeah, talking would be a start.
        What gets me, we see Individual acts of kindness all the time. People giving a helping hand or a word of advice, whatever.
        Where does that spirit go on a larger scale?

        Thank you x

  3. Well! I reckon that world peace affects mainly humans, but there are endless needy animals too. I’d wish (specifically) instead for the entire parrot trade – breeding, capturing, and selling alike – to be stopped, and avian sanctuaries created and supported for all existing captive birds. Of course, world peace sounds good, too!

    • Nice one, after watching Rio with my Daughters (Joking aside) I thought about this very subject..

      Would it mean you would have no Parrot?

      Good wish there..
      Was looking for people to put wishes in, most liked 🙂


      • I haven’t seen Rio yet (somehow!) but really want to. Heard it’s cute. And I have to say, having seen what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t have pet parrots.

        My stance in this current world is that we have to take care of the existing animals (hence why I encourage adoption and speak out against breeding), but if it were possible to somehow, magically stop people owning them – even the most dedicated of owners, and myself – I would. Too many birds end up in homes that are poorly equipped to cope with their complexities. That will never stop. Owners need to essentially surrender their lives to these long-lived, ultra-needy, emotional ‘pets.’ And even a small budgie or cockatiel is highly intelligent and emotional.

        Eesh, I’ll stop now before I go on a full tirade, haha. Hope your pain eases some. :/

      • Rio is just what you are saying, capturing parrots and exporting them all over the world.
        And don’t stop, if you are passionate about the topic, speak out, blog it, that is what we do in our blogs mate…

        Well said, really


  4. You said it: a world where there is no money! My top wish. In that world I see everyone working, doing something to benefit self and share with others. Of course, as human nature would have, there’ll always be those who are satiable and those who are insatiable in that world I imagine, so, I wish for a world that would regulate how much of anything one can store away for self or hoard. I wish for a world where people wouldn’t look for excuses that justify their bad deeds but simply recognise their bad deeds and change into good… am I daydreaming, or is this world quite possible?

    • I think anything is possible.
      You will know this one.. Communism at it’s FINEST form = Equality and the same for all. This is what Communism is. But it became radical, and people wanted more and greed set in. Communism in its BEST form would actually be a decent world… x

      • Exactly true – only the rich in mind, spirit and resources can make it happen, which means that without some miracle it ain’t happening – not in my lifetime anyway, but if we bang on about it particles might stick and build up into a mass that will make it happen

      • Yeah, well said, I liked the way you worded that “Build up enough mass that will make it happen”
        Like it. Sadly, I think people are too damn lazy, stubborn and set in their ways to give a shit. I have A SHOTLOAD going on here in my own life. But I drop it to be the kind of person who wants a better World. Seeing the bigger picture since about the year 1999 I have while the World looked away and watched the X-Factor…

        People need to wake the fuck up, this isn’t a joke no more…

        Well said x

  5. Loving perspective, where we could put ourselves in others’ bodies and feel their emotions and know their heart just for an instant…just to understand and to really connect and feel the oneness.

  6. What an exceptional video…I am listening to it loudly…I have no other words – except yes world peace, remember we are all human…our goals for each no matter creed or colour is to breathe – to live – to be happy in the world that is created. To share and to love and yes to have less hate…

    Thank you BH x

    • No argument there Jen. It is a very simple thing we ALL need to do. Sadly some are ignorant to a World on it’s knees because the X-Factor is on, or their live is shit. I have a real shit time. But I put my shit to one side for the greater good. I could have wished for “No pain for Shaun” But I couldn’t lie to myself. This is all I would be doing, lying. Not something I do too well..


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