The Top 10 creatures from Australia that will kill you to death

As fascinating as Australia might be, the Land Down Under is not without dangers, especially when it comes to the rich fauna. When choosing to travel to Australia, be sure to consider all the continent has in store, especially poisonous or lethal animals. I worry if I see a spider on the wall, CAN YOU IMAGINE! lol 🙂

1. The Box Jellyfish
One of the most extremely lethal animals in the world, and implicitly Australian,  often found on the continent. Found on the coast alongside the Great Barrier Reef, the box jellyfish possesses an extremely powerful venom. The stings are terribly painful and often fatal.
Be sure to include a bottle of vinegar in your first aid kit if you’ll be traveling in areas abound with these jellyfish. Vinegar applied for 30 seconds to the sting, then removing the tentacles with a towel, will reduce the damage. But you will need to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

2. The Taipan
The taipan is a large, fast and highly venomous snake often found throughout Australia. The taipan has the most toxic venom out of all the species worldwide, has a dark brown color and is often found in sugar fields where it hunts for rats. The snake is usually found in the far north of Australia, in Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia, where the winter is mild. Taipan’s usually stay away from people but once cornered or threatened, they strike several times.

3. Saltwater Crocodile
The largest living member of the crocodilians and reptiles, the saltwater crocodile can grow up to 18 feet (5.45 meters) in length and is often found in Thailand, Vietnam and Northern Australia. They have been known to take on animals such an adult water buffalo and have often attacked people. It is usually well camouflaged both underwater or on dry land and strikes at an amazing speed. Its most powerful attack – the death roll – consists of grabbing its prey and rolling powerfully until it dies.

4. Blue Ring Octopus
Another serious threat for those that wish to explore the waters of Australia is the blue-ringed octopus – one of the most toxic sea creatures in the world found off the coast of Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Even though the octopus is only the size of a golf ball, there is no known antidote for its powerful venom. It causes motor paralysis, eventually leading to cardiac arrest. First aid treatment consists of pressure on the wound and mouth-to-mouth breathing that can last for several hours.

5. Stone Fish
Known as the most venomous fish in the world, the stone fish lives on the bottom of the reefs, camouflaged as a rock. It lives above the Tropic of Capricorn but can be found in the Queensland Great Barrier Reef as well. It’s venom comes from the dorsal area, that is lined with 13 spines, causing shock, paralysis and tissue death depending on the severity of the sting. First aid consists of immobilizing the venom by bandaging the affected area then applying a hot compress. The pain is said to be so excruciating that it lead to amputating the affected limb.

6. Red Back Spider
This species found all over the continent is Australia’s most famous deadly spider. The red striped spider has a neurotic venom that induces severe pain, however, deaths are rare. Thousands of people are bitten but only approximately 20% of the victims require treatment. Generally, the children and the elderly are the most exposed to the spider’s threat. This is one of the few spider species that displays sexual cannibalism while mating.

7. Brown Snake
There are several types of brown snakes but the Pseudonaja is the genus commonly found in Australia. Known as one of Australia’s most deadly creatures, the brown snake has a venom which quickly kills if it goes untreated. Even young snakes are capable of delivering a fatal bite to humans.

8. Tiger Snake
The tiger snake is another of the many venomous snakes found Australia, particularly in the southern regions. The striped snakes are not generally aggressive and retreat whenever they have the chance. The tiger snake is known as one of the deadliest snakes in the world. Although anti-venom is readily available, mortality rates are around 45% if the bite is left untreated. In most states, the species is protected and any harming or injuring lead to a fine of up to $4,000.

9. Great White Shark
This exceptionally large shark known as the white death is known as world’s largest known predatory fish. They can be found in great numbers on the southern coasts of Australia and, even though they have often been depicted as fatal to humans, they do not target them as a prey. Many of the attacks we’re not fatal, the shark only performing test-biting, out of curiosity. Humans are not a good meal, considering the shark’s slow digestion compared to the human’s muscle to fat ratio.

10. Funnel Web Spider
The darkly colored spiders resembling tarantulas have fangs and chelicerae with ample venom glands, that can even penetrate fingernails or shoes. They can be found in the eastern coast of Australia, New South Wales, Victoria or Queensland. First aid consists of applying a bandage and wrapping the bitten limb. As with other spiders, the main treatment is the anti-venom.

No  wonder the UK sent it’s criminals to Australia, I really couldn’t sleep. the FUCKING STONE FISH!! “Hey Dad  look, a stone I just fou…….” DEAD!

Not for me thank you!

Pictures where NOT one fuck is given – PMSL

Zero Fucks Given 2

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Zero Fucks Given 21

No Fucks Given 1

No Fucks Given 1

Zero Fucks Given

Zero Fucks Given 3

Zero Fucks Given 4

Zero Fucks Given 6

Zero Fucks Given 8

Zero Fucks Given 9

Zero Fucks Given 11

Zero Fucks Given 12

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Zero Fucks Given 23

via QueefToast

via nomdeweb

15 of the funniest Pics/Gifs of Animals EVER – PMSL!!

All Brilliant but the Dog slipping on the wood floor about broke  4 of my ribs! 🙂




TBrD0Gx GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera




15 Dammit grandpa, not again

K9XK5So GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



14 Oh, just flippin’ the bird

F4Prexu GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



13 We provide educational tools here on Guyism

SevOUCe GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



12 Oh, BOOM

7abJ7To GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



11 You first dad

64kbdmt GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



10 GIFterpiece Theatre

Ria8pvC GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



9 Yes, yes you should

KdXvbF9 GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



8 Oh yeah

Kijdt9y GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



7 Give him the cheese dammit!

h3iHC7C GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



6 Wait, hold on, gimme a sec…

yLnM0Jv GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



5 He’s so polite

 GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



4 Been there

ilZfWTL GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



3 A little love tap

1b7l7Hm GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



2 Pure rage

jjYRDSy GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera



1 Probably my favorite GIF ever

jK6sA6h GIFterpiece Theatre: An almost naked Naya Rivera 

Update on my Dog Lisha for a friend




My good friend and a person I love  dearly as a friend, Jen over at (PLEASE GET FOLLOWING!)  Is asking me all the time, and so are a few others “How is the dog coming along” So there is Lisha above. She is a full breed Staffordshire Terrier we got 4 months ago now from the Rescue home.

She is now one of the family, doing BRILLIANT. When I toy play with the girls she comes over and growls at me, and I say “Good Girl” then she kind puts both paws on my shoulders and licks my face off 🙂 She is VERY protective with Dawn and the girls, so I love this. I never taught her to be like that. As you can see, she has a harness on, but she is about to go a walk with Ryan my oldest son (He just doesn’t know it it yet, insert evil laugh)

She is, we think approaching 2 years old, maybe 20 months old or so. She is very playful, still has the odd accident went excited. When Dawn takes the kids to bed, just before I took these pictures, she whines and hates it, but we allow her to sleep in the girls room when the girls are asleep, we put her bed in the middle of the girls bed, and you can almost see a smile on Lishas face. lol Crazy. When the girls are both in our bed, as they do, Lisha will lay at the bottom of our bed on her Dog blanket.

life is good for Lisha, I walk her when I can, mainly I just open the door and let her run around the woods (I live near/in the woods) and I sit and have a cup of tea as she chases everything in sight, she doesn’t bother with people or other dogs. When she is done she bounds back and about jumps on me, killing me, lol

I wouldn’t have life any other way just now.

The story of lisha, here are more pictures





I would rather be with the Kids Dad….



ok.. I will stay, Ahhhhhhhhhhh






Up a bit Dad, ahh that’s the spot


Morphine worked, for a while, lesbians, zombies and being alone


So I am still in bed, I woke up, time is 21:12 as I type, I have no idea what time I took the Morphine, the pain in my ankle was so bad and I was so tired being up 35 hours. I slept 1/2/3/4 hours? I have no idea. My body feels like it’s had a good night’s sleep. One of the benefits of living with Fibromyalgia/Chronic Pain, an added bonus we will call it. Last thing I remember was writing that blog below about a hedge for some reason 🙂 The Morphine kicked in mid-blog

So here I am, in bed, dog is at my feet on her doggy blanket (On the bed) Laptop to my left on the Laptop stand, wide awake, hungry, unaware of who is in the house or if anyone is in the house, only think I know is the Dog is here. And all you, how did you all get in? I can’t hear any noise past my bedroom door, but my house is as long as a Football field, there COULD be a party with Lesbians and all sorts in the Livingroom…

Hmmmm And here I am blogging. Might go check, limp through to find an empty dark room. The time suggests the kids are asleep and Dawn has fallen asleep with the girls in the big bed, not the cot, that  would be silly. Maybe she is in the livingroom, with the lesbians. See all men’s fantasy are Lesbian sex, it is and don’t DARE deny it!! But knowing girls as I do, this below is the harsh reality of Lesbianism guys, Sorry


Trust me I live with a pretty girl, ex model, THIS is the reality of Lesbians, sorry to break it to you lads. And before I get punched, I am only having fun with it and perhaps I am still high from the PRESCRIBED Morphine? I don’t know, really, I feel asleep, it was light outside, sounded busy, awoke and it is like the start of the movie 28 days! very quiet! I am scared to leave my room now in-case I meet a zombie in the hallway, and it’s my son or something and I have to smash the brains. See this is the ONLY way to kill a  Zombie, smash the brain. I seen it on Shaun of the Dead with Simon Peg, Mock up of Dawn of the Dead, really funny movie. So yeah, brains, go for the brains. Not the lesbians, the zombies, just so we are clear on that.

Anyway I need to pee REAL bad, I may pee out the window, FEAR DOES THESE THINGS TO PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Lesbians or Zombies. what will it be?

Wish me luck Word Press, if you never hear from me again, 1 of 2 things happened.

1. I was killed by a Zombie and have became one

2. It was Lesbians and I died of being over excited (Although I have seen some stuff in my time) Still, it may kill me all the same.

Also, anyone heard of “Abandonment Issues” No? ok, you are in a REAL busy shopping center/mall and you lose who you are with and panic? You have “Abandonment Issues” it is meant to be shit. So maybe I have been abandoned?

So, Zombies, Abandoned or Lesbians. 1 in 3 chance of heaven, 2 in 3 chance of death and or worry

We will see…..

Over and out

Before I leave my room, if I see this is my main room, I will faint and be eaten, just giving you all a heads up. Thanks

Hmm or maybe I have been abandoned! And I see this (Well kind of this)

But with luck, I see this..

Two real nice girls there.

I should go now and face my fate like a man!

Morphine wins the day, Good night troops


Well I have been awake 35 hours or so, I think (feels like it) I have broken or fractures my right ankle for the 8th time, it’s swollen and went blue. I don’t even go to the hospital no more. I just stick on one of these  for a few weeks.


I have just taken 5mg of Morphine, the pain is UNREAL, so this is “Goodnight” from me. Been a hoot of a day here, kids playing the drums with 15 saucepans was brilliant for the old ear drums, But this is sore. And unfair, and I guess it pisses me off sometimes. I say I just get on with it, and I do, but this second, right now, as I type, just before the Morphine bangs me on the back of the head, I thought I would say goodnight. Pain is just not right, I find it shit that I can’t get a run of time with no pain. I got 2 weeks last month, and I was thankful for it, really was. But I went over on my ankle talking the dog to the back garden, on a stone! oh lucky me 🙂 So before the Morphine kicks in, just to say, you are all amazing people. If I could hug you all, I would hug about 843 of you, just saying, but I am only joking

Well the Morphine is kicking in here, so I am going before this turns into a novel.

Cya’s on the B side

More love, Less hate

Don’t hate each other, love each other, be nice, never gossip, people who gossip are hiding their shortcomings or issues, I learnt that from a pamphlet I found in a hedge may I add, so don’t believe it, it just made sense. Not the hedge, the pamphlet about gossips I mean, I think 

ok, the Morphine has kicked in, I am going to bed to stare at the wall



Having a camera on you at JUST the right second, wow