Police in the USA, WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS?


I am all for the police doing their job, if someone is wrong, they go to prison, they get tasered, whatever, what you are about to watch is police brutality, there is NO NEED for this level of force. Let me tell you, if the police acted like this in the Streets of Scotland, a mob would stop them, 100%, seen it happen. This is fucking disgusting. You can hear the man’s bones break, people recording it and around the area plead with the police to stop. They went to far, the big lad with the truncheon should be nailed and fucking jailed, way to far. Just my opinion on this ONE video, there are people standing crying in the background. Police State USA? They can do as they please? Is this what it has came to? I see stuff like this all the time, they are a mob into themselves (SOME OF THEM) Idiots

Song for the day 05/09/2013 – Love the way you lie



Love this song for so many reasons, when I was a kid I watched my parents live this life (Boring I know, but let me finish) I know friends now who love this life, a life of hating each other, fighting, having loving moments, but always coming back to the pain. As I will make you bored again my saying Dawn and I never argue, we just don’t. Many find it hard to believe, but I wouldn’t live THAT LIFE after seeing it as a kid. So this song is for people in love, but who have hard times. Learn to count to 10, nothing is ever THAT BAD, Just love, be friends

More love, less hate


My Daughter Chloe’s first day at Nursery today x

My good self with my Princess's outside the nursery before Chloe went in

My good self with my Princess’s outside the nursery before Chloe went in

First days are always the best, the memory of watching my youngest daughter start nursery was brilliant, Chloe (left) Myself and Courtney (Right) in the picture above, I wasn’t missing this for the world. As Courtney has been there a year already, she looked after her little sister as she enjoyed her first day with what will probably be her friends for life. As we don’t plan to move again any time soon. She loved it and had to be CARRIED out screaming, she wanted to say stay, lol

Loved the moment, it has passed, none of my daughters will ever start nursery again, but we have so many moments to come and to enjoy and claim as our own. Enjoy Chloe’s day with us please.


Courtney (Left) had just finished and Chloe, this was her first day


Woooo a slide!


Courtney (Left) “Sis chill the doors will open”


“Getting bored here peeps”


My song for today (Oh and I bought that PC)


Well I bought it, but in Blue, gave Dawn my old (But still Good PC) The one I got was better, and in Blue. New technology also. Hard to explain. Now been awake 40 hours I think, not even tired.

Also my song for today is Mmmmm, Mmmmmmm, Mmmmmmm as I love my new new PC

Love you’s all tons

I will pay £10,000 for a sleeping pattern that works



Obviously I don’t have £10,000 so that is silly, but I can’t sleep right, I just slept for a day and a half, woke up 4AM Monday morning, it is now 06:20 Tuesday, my Daughter Chloe starts nursery today, I am going to look like a proper Charlie arriving with the family to take pictures lol

Pain I am kind of getting used to, the sleeping pattern, I used to punch myself in the lips because of it, now I just sigh and get on with it, I am shattered but can’t sleep, tried everything, even sleeping like the man in the picture, NOTHING. Medication and 2 sleeping tablets, nothing

I even poked a badger with a spoon, nothing, and the badger wasn’t happy, stole my spoon, now I am trying to eat coco pops with a knife, great fun, but I am covered in milk and coco pops, 2 years ago this would have caused deep depression and dark matter, these days, just annoying. I was shattered at like 11PM last night, nearly 8 hours ago now, and couldn’t sleep, bedroom was warm, so I put the fan on, cooled the room, nothing, Dawn moaned it was too cold, so here I am, in the main room blogging about how I can’t sleep

It is so hard to get why I suffer from Insomnia and chronic fatigue syndrome at the same time, it is like having sex but on your own, I am sorry for that it was the only comparison I could come up with (Excuse the pun) at short notice

I may go and buy this right now to cheer me up, the PC below

Had my eye on it for weeks, it’s decent, but I might build my own, I don’t know. Anyway I am away to look for that badger, I need my spoon, we are poor, we have only one between 6


OCHW Home, Office


Multimedia, Desktop, HOME, PC, Computer

4.3GHz AMD FX-4350 QUAD CORE Piledriver CPU

2GB ATI RADEON HD 6670 Graphics Card HDMI DVI, VGA

1TB HDD Hard Drive


USB 3.0

Only £400!

A Poetrics for today: Bonfire Heart.

Patty, your heart is bigger than the whole of Holland. kind, fun, real, caring, honest, loyal, just real and more. This is so kind, so nice, and a song I love. How can I top this? I cant. Love you like family and more….hugs to a very special soul..xx


My pirate pal Shauny told me about this song and I loved it right away. So, I thought I should make a Poetrics of it!

Shaun is a great friend who I love like family.

But he really should be more careful with what he says to me…*smiles devilishly*

When I told him that I was going to make a Poetrics of this song, he told me to add his photo to the post.

O yes, you should always be careful what you wish for pal…. >;)

I have the nasty habit to remember everything! 😉

Thought it would be nice to use the picture I edited for ya! 🙂

So here we go:

Captain Shauny

Love this picture! 🙂 🙂 🙂 And I love you pal.

Anyway, just pay a visit to Shaun’s blog about this song over HERE to listen to the song and watch the clip. And read some of…

View original post 285 more words

70,000 views, 20,000+ comments,1,000 blogs, thank you!

3tdp copy

What can I say, seems like 2 weeks ago I blogged I had 60,000 hits, before I know it 71,723 as I type this. I just want to say thank you again

I still can’t (I know, I know) figure out what  brings people to my blog, but I guess as time goes by I have to say thanks and I must be doing something right in the 8 months since I really started blogging

When it all started, I had no clue back then

5 likes mid December

Back last year I was doing 3/4/5 blogs a month,  have done 6 today alone 🙂

So again, I know I will bore you all to tears, thank you, truly means a lot to know people are visiting my blog. I did say I would try and visit others peoples blogs, and I have been, but I need to do more! No argument

This week I also got past 20,000 comments on my blog, so thanks again, I really feel at home here on Word Press, part of the furniture I guess, a home from home where I speak to people I like, trust, love as friends and feel like I am doing something positive with my life. You all know my story, suicidal thoughts, depression due to pain, losing as much as I did through being in agony, to know I am doing something worthwhile, also now writing for a few other sites, I am just so happy I had the support here from many people to keep me going, to keep me confident and to keep me writing. It is not in my nature to give in. When people say you can’t, I do, this the determination I had in football.

Also today, I got past 1,000 blogs, lol


I am just happy I can look myself in the mirror and see more than just a disabled lad in pain who feels useless

More love, less hate



I kilt myself laughing… Part 3…

PLEASE go look at parts 1 and 2, Translating sayings to Scottish, Laughing VERY hard here. 10/10 blogging here!! LOL 🙂

Pouring My Art Out

Famous movie quotes… translated to Scottish… because I can…


Here’s looking at you, kid – Here’s keekin at ye, bairn

Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn – Frankly, mah dear, ah dinnae gie a damn

What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate – Whit we’ve git ‘ere is a failure tae gab

May the force be with you – Kin th’ force be wi’ ye

I see dead people – Ah see deid fowk

Go ahead, make my day – Gang ahead, mak’ mah day

I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse – A’m aff tae mak’ him an offer he cannae refuse

Say hello to my little friend – Say awright tae mah wee mukker

Take your stinking paws off me, you damn, dirty ape – Tak’ yer howfin paws aff me, ye damn, clatty ape

Soylent green is people –…

View original post 69 more words

Syria crisis: Emboldened France seeks action

Francois Hollande (29 August 2013)

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault

Syrian President Bashar al Assad was behind a “massive and coordinated” chemical attack, the French government has claimed.

A seven-page intelligence report sets out five points which, MPs will be told, suggest Mr Assad was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people in Damascus last month.

The evidence includes satellite imagery, allegedly showing the attacks were launched from government-controlled areas, a French government source told the Reuters news agency.

Mr Assad told French newspaper Le Figaro the allegations were “illogical” and warned of “negative” repercussions for French interests if the country engaged in military action.

However, the government source said: “Unlike previous attacks that used small amounts of chemicals and were aimed at terrorising people, this attack was tactical and aimed at regaining territory.”

Earlier, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said MPs would be given every piece of evidence the government has, including information that has been classified until now.

Lawmakers are expected to debate the evidence on Wednesday.

French President Francois Hollande can order military action without parliamentary approval, although some lawmakers have urged him to put the issue to a vote, following the lead of US President Barack Obama, who decided to seek authorisation from Congress before agreeing to missile strikes.

France is the United States’ main ally in the Syrian crisis, after Britain voted against military action.

Meanwhile, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov dismissed evidence of alleged chemical weapons use by the Assad regime as “absolutely unconvincing”.

He said the intelligence contained “nothing specific … no geographic coordinates, no names, no proof that the tests were carried out by the professionals”.

A planned peace conference to end the conflict in Syria could be put off “forever” if the US goes ahead with military action against the regime, he added.

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad speaks during an interview with Russian newspaper Izvestia

The game, lies and propaganda are really getting higher here, I pray the UK stay out, with Russia REALLY giving threats and sending ships to the region, it truly is time to pray these assholes in suits get it together. Chemical attacks are not cool, but how many more will die if action is taken, what happened to talking? Where is the African League of Nations? They are closest, Where is the UN? Sickening stuff