Most Likes in One Day



No idea what this is, followers or liking my blog.

Again, I am left scratching my head at why people would like or follow my blog. Some people have been here years and I have more and that’s not fair. I have never been one to take a compliment as MANY will know, especially the people I have on Skype and Facebook from here.

240 likes of my blog? Or 240 likes of a blog or some blogs? I am unsure.

Over 1,000 followers, I did these 10 days ago when I reached 60,000 hits on my blog it is now 64,068 as I type this. I was sitting having a cup of Tea with Dawn trying to not cry (Yeah big baby 🙂 ) over how sore I am, walk earlier catching up, when this popped up (Picture above) And I said to Dawn, why are people following, reading and liking my Blog? I don’t get it. I read some blog, PROPER poets and writers and they blow my mind away.

So I will ask, please, what is it about my blog people like? You know I am not all big headed or boasting “Anyone who knows me longer than a few Month will know this” I take myself less serious here than I do anywhere else. I have fun here. I try and help people in pain by giving them some words as I live in agony myself, I post pictures, I just post random stuff. When I say I don’t get it, PLEASE I truly mean that. I get 1, 300 emails a day, I made a bookmark folder and I try HARD to visit blogs who interact with mine. I do try …

Thank you

More love, Less Hate

Shaun (Your Scottish buddy in a skirt)

The Greed Machine that keeps us all in pain


Right here goes….

Many who follow my blog will know I care, I give a shit, I am always nice, I try to help and I hope “hope” people can see I am just a lad with a keyboard in pain telling my story.

But time to say something that has been on my mind for years.

Greed! From the people who WE vote into power, when we vote, it is simple, we pick the person we feel that can and will make things better, sadly it is the same old story, history repeats itself over and over, no matter who we pick, we get thieves and lies and we lose more money

The illusion we have a say is JUST an illusion. When ANY politician wants to be the main man in his country, to be there for the people, to work for the people and make decisions to help the people, who funds them? Yeah banks, oil giants, and people with a vested interest in making more money.

So when the person they backed and gave millions to, to become president becomes president, really, ask yourself a SIMPLE question, who does that president or prime minister look after more? You? Me? no he looks after the people who gave him millions of pounds to help them into power.

Corporate greed at its very best, we are all being fooled into thinking the Prime Ministers and Presidents we vote into power give a shit about us, they don’t, and lets all stop pretending right now they do, they bail out the banks, they take the hit, they print money from fresh air and bend rules for their friends who gave them the money to put them into the position of power.

Yeah we vote, but that is as far as our say goes, once they are in power they don’t care. On a lead up to any election, be it American, Australian, Canada, Britain, Germany wherever, they are all over the TV willing to help, at your door and at times like this they do help, I got a my Bathroom fitted with things to help me with my disability on the lead up to the last election because I promised a vote, the local member or parliament sent a letter, and LIKE MAGIC the job got done. After the election that they won, they don’t answer the phone or reply to your letter, this is the stage these bastard liars stop giving a shit about us.


So please, if your eyes are not already open, open them now, if you don’t believe me, go research yourself. You are being used, yes you. Some say “Ahh what difference will my voice make” and this FUCKING ANNOYS me, why? Because welfare, housing, healthcare, education, and more gets put to one side as these people in suits cut more money to sectors that need it more, and the money gets put into this War machine. I have blogged before about this, but not with this passion, we MUST WAKE UP, WE MUST DO SOMETHING, Humanity begs us

Does this affect you directly? No, then don’t care, be ignorance, deny your ignorance also, but when the day comes, and it will you all of a sudden need care or help, you will find what I am writing now is true. So act now or pay later. Our world is filled with war, I ask again, name me countries not in War, at War or in civil War, this is a hard list. Did you  vote for War? Did you say “Yeah let’s go destroy all these countries so Halliburton can make millions more” I didn’t. Who said we could go and do this for oil, did you? I never

We are the 99% they are the 1%, we have the power, we have the voice, we own OUR PLANET sadly we fail to act, only a minority of us try, only a few do, like in the pictures in this blog.


The illusion has been created  that your government gives a shit about you, I have some bad news for you, it doesn’t give a shit if you are living in the street, live in pain, are dying or dead, you are just a number, and not until we, the people who vote and trust these fat bastards in suits who say “No child left behind” While cutting education speak up, they get richer, their power gets stronger and before we know it we have 1984 and Charles Orwell is a visionary

We still have time, but as long as people sit in ignorance, we will only go one way. Healthcare and treatments for health are going to keep getting cut and all your child will need to get into college is a pencil and smile, we also kill of animals left right and centre, many species are almost gone, who’s decision was this? Who said this was cool? I never, did you? Time to stand up, time to do something, time to stop being ignorant to a world that is being KILLED in front of our very eyes, we must act, because if we don’t, we are done, so don’t come and complain when you realise you have been lied to and your world is not what is seems. The illusions these bastards put in-front of us happened today, yesterday and will keep happening.


What do you do?  Forget politics and think humanity would be a real start. This is our world, we own it, we sell it to lairs who promise and never deliver

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I will play this video till everyone on earth has seen it, let the love flow and lets rid ourselves of hate an greed