Update on my Dog Lisha for a friend




My good friend and a person I love  dearly as a friend, Jen over at (PLEASE GET FOLLOWING!) http://ramblingsfromamum.wordpress.com/  Is asking me all the time, and so are a few others “How is the dog coming along” So there is Lisha above. She is a full breed Staffordshire Terrier we got 4 months ago now from the Rescue home.

She is now one of the family, doing BRILLIANT. When I toy play with the girls she comes over and growls at me, and I say “Good Girl” then she kind puts both paws on my shoulders and licks my face off 🙂 She is VERY protective with Dawn and the girls, so I love this. I never taught her to be like that. As you can see, she has a harness on, but she is about to go a walk with Ryan my oldest son (He just doesn’t know it it yet, insert evil laugh)

She is, we think approaching 2 years old, maybe 20 months old or so. She is very playful, still has the odd accident went excited. When Dawn takes the kids to bed, just before I took these pictures, she whines and hates it, but we allow her to sleep in the girls room when the girls are asleep, we put her bed in the middle of the girls bed, and you can almost see a smile on Lishas face. lol Crazy. When the girls are both in our bed, as they do, Lisha will lay at the bottom of our bed on her Dog blanket.

life is good for Lisha, I walk her when I can, mainly I just open the door and let her run around the woods (I live near/in the woods) and I sit and have a cup of tea as she chases everything in sight, she doesn’t bother with people or other dogs. When she is done she bounds back and about jumps on me, killing me, lol

I wouldn’t have life any other way just now.

The story of lisha, here are more pictures





I would rather be with the Kids Dad….



ok.. I will stay, Ahhhhhhhhhhh






Up a bit Dad, ahh that’s the spot


60 of the world’s happiest facts


1. A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance.

2. If you fake laugh long enough you’ll start to really laugh, really, really hard.

3. The book cover to the prize winning short story collection, Spellbound, was chosen because author, Joel Willans, bought his wife’s engagement ring with poker winnings.

4. The Beatles used the word “love” 613 times throughout their career.

5. These websites exist.

6. Every year, millions of trees grow thanks to squirrels forgetting where they buried their nuts.

7. On the day of his assassination, Martin Luther King Jr. had a pillow-fight in his motel room.

8. The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We’re all made of star dust.

9. Cancer death rates are down 20% in past 20 years.

10. The miles travelled by the Apollo 11 crew to the moon were greater than every single exploration mission to the New World combined.

11. Penguins only have one mate their entire life and “propose” by giving their mate a pebble.

12. There’s an animal called a Dik Dik. And it’s the cutest antelope you’ll ever see.

13. Despite high infant mortality rates and lower life expectancies, not one of your direct ancestors died childless.

14. Cuddling releases Oxytocin which helps speed healing and recovery from physical wounds.

15. Otters hold hands when sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other.

16. Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the Moon, wrote his daughter initials there. They’ll last at least 50,000 years.

17. There’s a type of jellyfish that lives forever.

18. Wayne Allwine (the voice of Mickey Mouse) and Russi Taylor (the voice of Minnie Mouse) were married in real life.

19. We now have less crime, a lower death rate and longer life expectancy than at any other time in human history.

20. The clitoris has 8000 nerve fibres, double that of the penis, and is the only organ in the body, which has evolved purely for pleasure.

21. Butterflies can taste with their feet.

22. For someone, somewhere in the world, today is the most amazing day of their life.

23. When you die, your body decomposes, and the atoms that contained “you” are recycled into Earth to be used again.

24. Every year the Netherlands sends 20,000 tulip bulbs to Canada to thank them for their aid in the Second World War.

25. Rats giggle when you tickle them. Their voices are so high-pitched you need special equipment to hear them, but when you do, their laughs are immediately evident.

26. Sea horses mate for life, are completely faithful and travel together by holding on to each others tails.

27. The guy at the end of this video was born.

28. If you say “my cocaine” you sound like Michael Caine saying his own name.

29. Male puppies, when playing with female puppies, will intentionally let the female win.

30. The next Star Wars will not be directed by George Lucas.

31. It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown.

32.The kingdom of Bhutan use ‘gross national happiness’ as a key national indicator.

33. The majority of European children born in 2013 will live to see the year 2100.

34. Cows have best friends.

35. Neurologically speaking, seeing somebody else smile actually makes you happier.

36. Every human being spent about half an hour as a single cell.

37. There are people, ombrophiles, who have a passionate love for rain.

38. Once your brain realizes that you’re dying, it releases DMT, one of the most powerful known psychedelics. This dilates your perception of time and allowing you to live inside your own mind for hours or even days.

39. No matter how long you live there will always be an amazing new food for you try.

40. A group of porcupines is called a prickle.

41. Aside from a sample in a lab, Smallpox is completely extinct. No one else will ever die from it again.

42. A pig’s orgasms last thirty minutes.

43. We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born.

44. Sloths only leave their tree once a week, to pee and poo.

45. Spinner dolphins sleep in pairs, one with the left hemisphere asleep, the other with the right. They each keep watch with one eye and half a brain. They are known to sleep-mate for life.

46. At the time of your birth, you were, for a few seconds, the youngest person on the planet.

47. Cows produce the most milk when listening to the song Everybody Hurts by REM.

48. Somewhere, someone is losing their virginity right now.

49. If you spell out numbers in order, the first time you get to the letter “a” is at one-thousand.

50. We’ve all been here forever. Every bit of matter we see has been here since the beginning of time and it always will be.

51. A monkey was once tried and convicted for smoking a cigarette in South Bend, Indiana.

52. Happiness is a skill. You can learn it and it’s not hard.

53. Except when breeding, the Common Swift spend their entire lives in the air, living on the insects they catch in flight. They drink, feed, and often mate and sleep on the wing

54. Baby rabbits are called kittens.

55. Baby puffins are called pufflings.

56. Costa Rica is statistically the happiest nation on Earth.

57. Worms communicate by snuggling.

58. 2013 is the first year since 1987 that consists for four different digits.

59. With our horseless carriages, flying robots, space travel, long-distance communication at the speed of light, cloning, lasers, connection to people all over the world, we are living in the future people dreamed of.

60. If you blend a sea sponge, it will re-form back into a sea sponge.

Great Bloggers/Friends #6 – Victoria @ The Blurred Line

Victoria 2

I have been speaking to Victoria now for a few months, we now share Face Book also, I am doing this as I truly want to introduce people I live, love and care for on here to other people. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/category/blogger-friends/  Please have a look at Victoria’s blog http://furrynuff.wordpress.com/

Victoria falls into that bracket, she is fun, she is honest, she really has me howling in laughter, she has a caring loving side to her, and I love her to bits as a friend. She is an Amazing friend, her sense of humour is so close to mine it is untrue, I will share a few blogs she has done, and you will see what I mean. Victoria lives in South Africa and is married with kids, and really is a brilliant person. We have had an Audio chat on Skype and it was a good laugh, and over time our friendship has grown I look to Victoria as a true friend I can go to if I feel down, and she knows she can do likewise.

Just to sample a blog, I read this yesterday and about had 3 strokes and a heart attack with laughter, Victoria can pain paint a picture with a blog, her story telling is outrageously funny, you will see what I mean, here is the blog that almost killed me lol x Look out for “Judas Asparagus”

Parents and Elephants. They never forgetPosted on June 30, 2013 by 
 Parenting 1
Parents are special.
They love us.
We love them.
Parenting 3
This is prudent, because parents know more about us than we do.
All those years we don’t remember?
They do.
And being clever, they keep this blackmail material closely hoarded and bring it out to share at the worst possible moments.
My parents’ favourite fallbacks are:
Victoria and Judas Asparagus.
Victoria and the Camel.
Victoria and the Time She Ran Away.
Let’s tackle them one by one shall we?
Victoria and Judas Asparagus.
As a small child and even now, I have a deep and intense loathing for asparagus.
Asparagus represents all that is bad and evil in the world.
Also, as is the wont of many small children, when I did not understand a word I just used the closest one I did in its place.
For some nefarious reason, no member of my family thought to correct this.
As a result, in Religious Education class when asked who betrayed Jesus, I put my hand up. This was a BIG deal. I did not speak in class. Ever. Of course, flabbergasted by my eagerness, the teacher picked me to answer.
Who betrayed Jesus?
Judas Asparagus.
Victoria and the Camel.
My parents took me on the most amazing trip through the Far East at about the age of 9.
The trip was memorable for not only the incredible places and people we met, but also by my innate ability to find trouble wherever we went.
fold up bed
It started in Taiwan. I was to share a room with my parents and the hotel kindly provided a fold out bed.
I sat on the bed.
I lay down on the bed.
The bed swallowed me whole.
Like a carnivorous child eating bed.
My parents laughed so hard it was a while before I was rescued.
The hotel sent another one. It ate me too.
My father was now exasperated and he tried out the third one. It ate him. He was not amused.
jawsBy the time we got to Thailand my parents were in need of some adult time.
I was left alone in the hotel room with two specific instructions.
The first, do not order room service.
The second, do not watch Jaws on the TV.
I had never heard of room service. A few hours and pretty much the entire menu later I was a room service expert.
Fletch Lives was also finished and Jaws was starting.
smoke rings
Thirty minutes into Jaws, I fled the hotel room in my PJs and headed for the cabaret where my parents were.
We don’t call them cabarets anymore.
These days we call them Ping Pong Shows.
I was not scarred for life, just deeply curious how anyone could blow smoke rings out that part of their anatomy, a conundrum that bothers me to this day.
Finally after extricating me from in-depth negotiations in an Indian bizarre involving the going price for a fully grown python, my parents were nearing breaking point.
And so we come to the camel.
We were somewhere in India. By somewhere I mean a small roadhouse next to a very long straight road populated by trees on either side, desolation beyond, vultures perched on every branch and trains of camels slowly plodding along with no visible human interaction.
dancing bearsIt was there in this sandalwood scented oasis that a travelling circus, no doubt smelling the sweet scent of tourists came to rest.
They had a dancing bear. I was entranced. (Yes, now I know it is horrible and cruel.) The bear and I lay and cuddled in the hot sun.
I was wrapped up in a python from head to toe and having the time of my life.
Until my parents emerged into the shimmering heat.
My father has an intense fear of snakes. I was unwrapped.
In a parental display meant to avoid and unhappiness on my behalf I was offloaded onto the back of a recalcitrant camel.
The camel did not smell good.
The camel had festoons of saliva instead of reins.
The camel swayed from side to side in a manner nothing like a horse or a bear.
I asked nicely. “Please may I get off?”.
“Just a few more pictures!” shouted my mother encouragingly.
camel 2After about 20 minutes of sweaty, camel swaying hell I was in tears.
Not quiet, fragile tears, but all out hysterical weeping frenzy.
My mother put a new roll of film into her camera.
Periodically she takes these shots out to show people.
My father still takes enormous pleasure in showing me camels, pictures of them, statues of them, movies of them…
It is safe to say I hate camels as much as he hates pythons.
Victoria and the Time She Ran Away.
beginners-guide-the-running-away-from-homeI DID NOT RUN AWAY! The car broke down. The phones were down. What was I supposed to do? Walk home?
Oh, I don’t know why I bother.
It has provided entertainment at my 21st birthday party, my wedding and one day no doubt my funeral.
I’ve written about it before. You can read it here if you like.
It was nothing like the time I really did try to run away.
ice cream
I packed my little brown suitcase and set off.
Only I wasn’t allowed to cross the road. So, I just walked around and around the block until my dad pulled up in his car and offered to take me out for an ice-cream.
So after gaining my breath back and wiping the tears away I read another, and another, and Victoria has another side to her also, a caring side and she comes across as very clever in terms of being a Woman who can think for herself and make her own decisions, I know that came across strange, but she is just wonderful person who knows where is going in life. She has travelled the world, basically all over, Victoria also cares, and this blog here shows how much she cares, it is haunting and beautiful at the same time. This is a reblog, 

A picture speaks a thousand words………..

Posted on May 16, 2013 by Reblogged from The Fat DiariesClick to visit the original postfollow this link for the article below:http://lightbox.time.com/2013/05/08/a-final-embrace-the-most-haunting-photograph-from-bangladesh/#1 A Final Embrace: The Most Haunting Photograph from Bangladesh Taslima Akhter,  April 25, 2013. Two victims amid the rubble of a garment factory building collapse in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh. “Many powerful photographs have been made in the aftermath of the devastating collapse of a garment factory on the outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Read more… 485 more words Please have a look at this incredible photograph. It brought home ot me the extent and the humanity of the disaster in Bangladesh.
So right away you can see Victoria has a heart, and this something I love in a friend. And to finish, a blog she did I loved, again, showing a caring side, I must say, her best quality is to make others laugh, but this blog here, was WOW, really was something and again shows the REAL side of a very funny girl who will take a second to care and love

Madiba – You will always be in our hearts

Posted on June 28, 2013 by Mandela_2_0 Nelson Mandela is dying. As a nation we have to accept this.Mandela 1We may grieve. We may celebrate his life, his achievements and his legacy, but above all we have to let him go. For his family this time is intensely personal and to share this intimacy with an entire country must take an enormous toll. Mandela 2Amidst all this it is profoundly shocking that the ANC he founded should use his final days as a political grandstand claiming ownership of this great man’s life and death. Even more shocking to me is the rumour that President Obama might turn this great man’s deathbed into a public relations photo-op. To intrude on a family’s grief in this way beggars belief. Mandela 3Nelson Mandela is a statesman, a past President, he is our leader and the father of a democratic South Africa. First and foremost though, he is a husband, a father, a grandfather and a great-grandfather. It is time we honoured this. Nelson Mandela is not a saint. He is a man. He has done both good and evil in the name of his cause. People died. People lived.Nelson_Mandela_by_scatterdthoughtsWhat sets him apart from all of us, was his ability to not only ask forgiveness, but to give it to the government who kept him jailed for 27 years. I doubt many of us could have walked out those gates and called for peace the way he did. The day he passes I fear the conscience not only of this country, but this continent will pass with him. My greatest fear is that all he fought for and stood for will come to naught, as the greed and avarice so endemic in the leadership of the ANC runs riot.Mandela 10I fear that 20 years from now the world will look on South Africa and wonder what went wrong as we morph into yet another African dictatorship operating under a very thin veneer of democracy. Now is not the time for that.Nelson+MandelaNow is the time to give thanks for all the lives Madiba has touched. To give thanks for his enormous strength, his love for this country and the children he adored. It is time to say our goodbyes and celebrate this giant of a man whose integrity, wisdom, humility and leadership have enriched our lives.Mandela 5It is time to put politics and spin doctors aside. It is time to wish him well on another great adventure. Our loss can only be heaven’s gain.nelson-mandela-dayThis year on Mandela Day (18 July) let us all follow his example all over the world and in some small way contribute to his legacy by giving 67 minutes of our time to better the communities in which we live. Find out more onhttp://www.mandeladay.com

So this is for your Victoria, here is to friendship, fun, the truth, a better world, our kids and Blogging. Luv Ya x And again, please, everyone, go check http://furrynuff.wordpress.com/


To Sleep or not to Sleep, that is not the question


Tonight as I sat with one eye opened trying to write my 2nd guest blog of the day as I am very famous and in such demand, it dawned on me as I sat there.

I am an idiot. It was one of those profound moments when you “Just know” it comes to you like a headache in the shower with soap in your eyes. I fell asleep for an hour at my Kitchen table half way through replying to someone on Facebook. I woke up when I heard Dawn say “Are you awake”

Yeah the same kind of question you ask to a lion “Are you Hungry” as you sit next to it. I have a strange existence me. I am SHATTERED right now but this throbbing pulse from my left knee is like getting ice cream thrown down the back of your t-shirt, it just is annoying

Strange it is, tonight I feel I could just go to bed and crash “sleep” very easily but I can’t as the Ice Cream feeling is hitting me. There is no ice cream; I am using the ice cream as a metaphor for something that keeps me awake.

I could have used the “A cat taking a shit on my face” but I didn’t want to lower the tone you see, I mean I am a nice person, and the last thing I want to be speaking about is cats taking a shit on my face. It smacks of desperation for seeking attention, and this man-child here is not the kind of lad to say things to get attention, it is just not my style. I have never had a cat have a jobby on my face, although I have had a cat pee in my football boots once, I went to football and I was mortified, as people were looking at me as if I had just taken a shit myself in their Mothers handbags due to the cat pee smell. Anyone who knows me well knows I am not the kind of guy to even make funny jokes like this; they lack taste and a certain respect towards my friends Mothers and their hand bags. And I am a GOOD friend.

The worst think I have even done to a friend was spit in a condom and leave it in his jacket pocket a week before he got married, he got beaten slightly, but once I owned up I then got beaten slightly also, and told never to visit again, and I wish I could, I left my watch at their house 😦

See life is all about respect, like respect for Dolphins, as a species, I do not feel us humans show enough respect to the Dolphin. I knew a brilliant Dolphin once called Gary, he was BRILLIANT at Golf, he had a handicap I think it was 9, not bad for a Dolphin.

Anyway, we need to respect things more in this world. Even Spiders and bee’s, I am not saying we should respect wasps as they are just nasty bastards. Bees give us honey and Spiders help keep fly movement down in the home.

Life is all about respect people. We should think about this more often, my friend Keith below is respectful of all things and likes to find things out for himself. I respect him for it, he challenges life to the MAX you know, when things need done, KEITH IS THERE! No messing around, no fake stuff, no farting about, he just gets the job done


Funny You Tube Videos

funny youtueb







People Falling


Sports Funnies


Funny Hotel Fight


funny fight on the road after a Car crash


Girllll fiiiiigghht


Extreme fight on the beach


Funny Football Moments


A few amazing pictures


I was never big on pictures till I came on here. I found a folder full of amazing pictures, so will share some. Just for a change.  Most are from National Geographic and elsewhere. I remember downloading them for desktop pictures for Computers for people I know or was working for or whatever reason. As I say, I was never big on photos, but some of these are stunning. Had to share. I have thousands in a hard drive here. May share more from time to time.. Shaun






3600_1600x1200-wallpaper-Grizzly Bear Cubs




