Russia releases key findings on chemical attack near Aleppo

People injured in what the government said was a chemical weapons attack, breathe through oxygen masks as they are treated at a hospital in the Syrian city of Aleppo March 19, 2013 (Reuters / George Ourfalian)


People injured in what the government said was a chemical weapons attack, breathe through oxygen masks as they are treated at a hospital in the Syrian city of Aleppo March 19, 2013 (Reuters / George Ourfalian) :

Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition, and that the shell carrying the substance was similar to those made by a rebel fighter group, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.


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A statement released by the ministry on Wednesday particularly drew attention to the “massive stove-piping of various information aimed at placing the responsibility for the alleged chemical weapons use in Syria on Damascus, even though the results of the UN investigation have not yet been revealed.”

By such means “the way is being paved for military action” against Damascus, the ministry pointed out.

But the samples taken at the site of the March 19 attack and analyzed by Russian experts indicate that a projectile carrying the deadly nerve agent sarin was most likely fired at Khan al-Assal by the rebels, the ministry statement suggests, outlining the 100-page report handed over to the UN by Russia.

The key points of the report have been given as follows:

  • the shell used in the incident “does not belong to the standard ammunition of the Syrian army and was crudely according to type and parameters of the rocket-propelled unguided missiles manufactured in the north of Syria by the so-called Bashair al-Nasr brigade”;
  • RDX, which is also known as hexogen or cyclonite, was used as the bursting charge for the shell, and it is “not used in standard chemical munitions”;
  • soil and shell samples contain “the non-industrially synthesized nerve agent sarin and diisopropylfluorophosphate,” which was “used by Western states for producing chemical weapons during World War II.”The findings of the report are “extremely specific,” as they mostly consist of scientific and technical data from probes’ analysis, the ministry stressed, adding that this data can “substantially aid” the UN investigation of the incident.

While focusing on the Khan al-Assal attack on March 19, in which at least 26 civilians and Syrian army soldiers were killed, and 86 more were injured, the Russian Foreign Ministry also criticized the “flawed selective approach” of certain states in reporting the recent incidents of alleged chemical weapons use in August.

The hype around the alleged attack on the eastern Damascus suburb of Ghouta showed “apparent attempts to cast a veil over the incidents of gas poisoning of Syrian army soldiers on August 22, 24 and 25,” the ministry said, adding that all the respective evidence was handed to the UN by Syria.

The condition of the soldiers who, according to Damascus, suffered poisoning after discovering tanks with traces of sarin, has been examined and documented by the UN inspectors, the ministry pointed out, adding that “any objective investigation of the August 21 incident in eastern Ghouta is impossible without the consideration of all these facts.”

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday said the UN investigators are set to return to Syria to investigate several other cases of alleged chemical weapons use, including the March 19 incident in Khan al-Assal.

I am starting to see this is either a false flag op, or the Russians are telling the truth, of course the Russians could be siding with Syria. I think it all hinges with the UN now. We MUST all now wait. Could it be he Russians are telling lies? Or is it the USA? One of them is, and I ask, who do you trust more. Go look on ANY decent site, the VAST percentage of people from the USA believe the USA are lying in order to go to War. This is getting more flippant by the day 

Syria: US ‘Using Lies To Justify Strikes’

An adviser to Bashar al Assad accuses the US of making up evidence, as President Barack Obama seeks support for military action.

I blogged this a while back, are we being lied to? Are the USA making things up? Lets be honest here!

One of Syrian President Bashar al Assad’s advisers has said the United States is using “lies” and “fabrications” to justify the use of the military force.

Dr Bouthaina Shaaban told Sky News the Syrian government was not behind the August 21 attack in which the US estimates 1,400 people were killed, and accused the West of standing in the way of democracy.

“They claim to want to be targeting weapons in exactly the same way they claimed to be targeting weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,” she said.

“They are using the same lies, the same fabrications, the same claims, in order to target our country and our people.”

US President Barack Obama and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt
Syria was the main topic as Mr Obama met Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfeldt

It came after President Barack Obama, who is trying to secure support at home and abroad for the use of force in Syria, said failure to respond to the use of chemical weapons would risk further attacks.

US Congress will decide next week whether to authorise military action, after a draft resolution, limiting initial attacks to 60 days and ruling out “boots on the ground”, cleared its first congressional hurdle.

It won the support of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, while some of the President’s top security aides appeared before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee to make their case for military intervention.

Speaking ahead of a G20 summit in Russia at which the Syria crisis is likely to feature strongly, Mr Obama said the international community could not “be silent” in the face of “barbarism”.

Vladimir Putin gives an interview at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow
Mr Putin has warned the US against taking military action

He also said he had “hit a wall” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has warned the use of force without UN approval would be an “aggression” and a violation of international law.

The two leaders had been due to meet ahead of the St Petersburg summit but Mr Obama cancelled the engagement, travelling instead to Sweden.

In other developments, Syria’s deputy foreign minister said the regime would not give in to threats of a US-led military strike against the country.

“The Syrian government will not change position even if there is World War III,” Faisal Muqdad said. “No Syrian can sacrifice the independence of his country.”

France's Prime Minister Ayrault delivers his speech during a debate on Syria
French PM Mr Ayrault addresses MPs during a debate on the crisis

Meanwhile, French politicians have been debating whether to join any possible military intervention, although they will not vote on the subject.

The country’s President Francois Hollande has the power to order short military action without parliamentary approval.

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told an emergency meeting of MPs: “To not act would be to put in danger peace and security in the entire region.

“What message would this send to other regimes? The message would be clear – you can continue.”

Hans Blix, a former UN weapons inspector
Hans Blix was part of the team which searched for weapons in Iraq in 2002

Meanwhile, Hans Blix, a former UN arms inspector, told Sky News Mr Obama risks undermining the UN by taking military action alone.

“I understand him when he says that if the global community does not intervene against the violation of the ban on the use of chemical weapons, we’re on a slippery slope,” he said.

“However, he hasn’t addressed the question of undermining the charter of the UN, which requires that states do not use force unless it’s in self defence or has been authorised by the Security Council.”

In Britain, Foreign Secretary William Hague is expected to meet with Ahmed Asi Al Jarba, the President of the Syrian National Coalition.

A spokesman for the Foreign Office said the meeting comes at a “critical time”, with discussions likely to include how the UK may offer “practical support”.

At the first Prime Minister’s Questions of the autumn, David Cameron attacked Labour for its stance on military action in Syria, as an Ipsos Mori poll revealed 64% of Britons were dissatisfied with his handling of the crisis.

May God have mercy on all our souls


As rumours start to appear online of missiles being fired in the Mediterranean Sea

We now hold our breaths and ask what now, what next, can there be no talking? Is this it? Russia have warned the USA to wait till UN sanctions any action saying “If proven we will join you” I am praying right now that the USA wait for such action to be allowed by the World community

Should the USA and France go it alone, the UK have said they will in any aid effort only, thankfully, then the wrath of many countries will come down on both the USA and France. The UN’s findings have proven it was a chemical attack, what isn’t clear is where they were fired from, and by whom

The USA must allow that to be known, Russia say they are looking into evidence also

Russia had this to say

Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition and that the shell carrying the substance was similar to those made by a rebel fighter group, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.

I said in a blog last week, are we being lied to as to where these chemical weapons where launched from and I am starting to see the Russian side of things a bit more. America (The Government) have lied to go to War before, the UK who joined them last time opted out

Take a big deep breath everyone, we are closer than ever to a very bad time in Human history, worse than any of us know, China, Iran, Russia and tons of small countries will act against any unofficial attack, the USA are not the World’s police, they should act WITH the International community, as should France

I hate this World sometimes; WWIII is as close as it has ever been, we allowed it to happen, we sat back and done nothing. Some nations people have the ability to stand against their Government, we do in the UK but nobody did a damn thing, only a small few loan voices tried to tell the World “You are being lied to” People will want to listen VERY soon


Syria crisis: Emboldened France seeks action

Francois Hollande (29 August 2013)

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault

Syrian President Bashar al Assad was behind a “massive and coordinated” chemical attack, the French government has claimed.

A seven-page intelligence report sets out five points which, MPs will be told, suggest Mr Assad was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people in Damascus last month.

The evidence includes satellite imagery, allegedly showing the attacks were launched from government-controlled areas, a French government source told the Reuters news agency.

Mr Assad told French newspaper Le Figaro the allegations were “illogical” and warned of “negative” repercussions for French interests if the country engaged in military action.

However, the government source said: “Unlike previous attacks that used small amounts of chemicals and were aimed at terrorising people, this attack was tactical and aimed at regaining territory.”

Earlier, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said MPs would be given every piece of evidence the government has, including information that has been classified until now.

Lawmakers are expected to debate the evidence on Wednesday.

French President Francois Hollande can order military action without parliamentary approval, although some lawmakers have urged him to put the issue to a vote, following the lead of US President Barack Obama, who decided to seek authorisation from Congress before agreeing to missile strikes.

France is the United States’ main ally in the Syrian crisis, after Britain voted against military action.

Meanwhile, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov dismissed evidence of alleged chemical weapons use by the Assad regime as “absolutely unconvincing”.

He said the intelligence contained “nothing specific … no geographic coordinates, no names, no proof that the tests were carried out by the professionals”.

A planned peace conference to end the conflict in Syria could be put off “forever” if the US goes ahead with military action against the regime, he added.

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad speaks during an interview with Russian newspaper Izvestia

The game, lies and propaganda are really getting higher here, I pray the UK stay out, with Russia REALLY giving threats and sending ships to the region, it truly is time to pray these assholes in suits get it together. Chemical attacks are not cool, but how many more will die if action is taken, what happened to talking? Where is the African League of Nations? They are closest, Where is the UN? Sickening stuff

Syria: Napalm-Like Burns After School Attack

People suffering from Napalm-like burns have been speaking of an attack in which a plane apparently dropped an incendiary bomb on students in Syria.

Video said to be from the town of Urum al Kubra, close to Aleppo, shows a man reported to be a school teacher, who says the students were attacked as they tried to escape from an attack nearby.

“The plane hit a residential area in Urum al Kubra,” he explains.

“We tried to get out quickly so we don’t get hurt, but it seems someone’s fate caught up with them today.

“A gathering of students formed, which is normal as the students needed to leave under these circumstances, and the plane hit us.”

'Teacher' after atatck
The injuries were like those caused by Napalm, according to doctors

The video, posted on the internet, is said to have come from an account associated with a rebel group in Aleppo.

In another video filmed in the aftermath of the attack, a doctor reports seven deaths and 50 injuries – and says the burns resembled Napalm injuries.

However, the use of the substance has not been confirmed.

A BBC television crew who witnessed the bombing reported no shrapnel injuries and said the victims resembled “the walking dead”.

Napalm is not classified as an outlawed chemical weapon although it can cause devastating burn injuries.

U.N. chemical weapons experts wearing gas masks carry samples collected from one of the sites of an alleged chemical weapons attack while escorted by Free Syrian Army fighters in the Ain Tarma neighbourhood of Damascus
UN chemical weapons inspectors will end their Syria mission by the weekend

Infamously used in the Vietnam War – as well as the Second World War – the jelly-like substance sticks to skin and burns at very high temperatures.

A United Nations convention prohibits using incendiary weapons against civilians, or against military targets located near civilian populations.

The pictures of the school attack emerged after MPs voted against military action over alleged chemical weapons gas attacks by the Syrian regime.

Some have described the outcome as a “humiliation” for the government and means the US may have to go ahead alone with any military strikes.

Speaking to Sky News, former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown said the vote had left him “ashamed” and said it was vital to act to stop attacks on innocent civilians.

The UK is “shrugging its shoulders” at the attack, says Paddy Ashdown

“In more than 50 years of trying to serve my country in one form or another, I don’t think I have ever felt more depressed this morning or more ashamed.

“I now am condemned to watch those children burn in that schoolhouse yesterday and be a country that shrugs its shoulders and says ‘nothing to do with me’.”

I personally think now it time for action, I don’t want War, but throwing that into a School, I am sorry, more will have to die to stop this, this is Nazism here, nothing more, nothing less, as a WORLD we must stop this. Russia, Iran, China and the rest, do the fucking right thing, for the love of God!

Syria Crisis: US May Act Without Allied Support

American Submarine enters the med

American Submarine enters the med

President Barack Obama may proceed with military action against Syria even without allied support, US officials have said.

But they stressed no final decision has been made on America’s response to the Syrian government’s alleged chemical weapons attack, which is said to have killed 1,300 people.

Veto-holding members of the United Nations are at odds over a draft Security Council resolution that would authorise “all necessary force” in response to the alleged gas attack.

The UK’s traditional role as America’s most reliable military ally was called into question when David Cameron became the first British prime minister in history to be blocked by MPs over the prospect of military action.

A chastened-looking PM, struggling to make himself heard over calls of “resign” from the opposition benches, told them “I get it” as he abandoned hopes of joining any US strike on Syria.

US President Barack Obama
Mr Obama is under pressure to provide a legal rationale for military action

Speaking after the historic defeat, the White House said Mr Obama would decide on a response to chemical weapons use in Syria based on US interests, but that Washington would continue to consult with Britain.

British chancellor George Osborne acknowledged that the inability to commit British forces to any American-led operation against Assad would damage the special relationship between Westminster and Washington.

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I think there will be a national soul-searching about our role in the world and whether Britain wants to play a big part in upholding the international system, be that big, open and trading nation that I like us to be, or whether we turn our back on that.”

Sky’s Foreign Affairs Editor Tim Marshall said the relationship between Britain and the US was “bruised but not broken”. “I don’t think there’s a divorce on the cards, a bit of bickering perhaps,” he added.

David Cameron tells the House he "gets" the significance of the defeat
David Cameron was blocked by MPs over the prospect of military action

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, speaking on a trip to the Philippines, said: “It is the goal of President Obama and our government … whatever decision is taken, that it be an international collaboration and effort.”

America is mulling whether to strike Syria without UN backing despite some of the more hawkish figures in the US cautioning against military action.

Former president, George W Bush, told Fox News Mr Obama had a “tough choice to make” but would not be drawn on what he should do.

He added: “I was not a fan of Mr Assad. He’s an ally of Iran and has made mischief.”

Former Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who helped spearhead US invasions in Iraq and Afghanistan, said: “There really hasn’t been any indication from the administration as to what our national interest is with respect to this particular situation.”

A U.N. chemical weapons expert is pictured during his visit to one of the sites of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Damascus' suburb of Zamalka
A UN weapons expert at the site of an alleged chemical attack in Syria

He said, if anything, the US should be more concerned with Iran.

Earlier, top US officials spoke to key Democrat and Republican politicians for more than 90 minutes in a conference call to explain why they believe the Syrian regime was responsible for the suspected chemical attack.

They have been pressing Mr Obama to provide a legal rationale for military action, and to lay out a firm case linking President Bashar al Assad’s forces to the attack.

Tennessee Senator Bob Corker, a senior Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said after the briefing that “strong evidence of the Assad regime’s continued use of chemical warfare” merited a military response.

It remained to be seen whether any sceptics were swayed by the call, given the expectation that officials would hold back classified information to protect intelligence sources.

“The main thing was that they have no doubt that Assad’s forces used chemical weapons,” New York Rep Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said after the briefing.

But he said officials did not provide much new evidence of that.

“They said they have (intercepted) some discussions and some indications from a high-level official,” he said, and that they possess intelligence showing material being moved in advance of the attack.

France announced that its armed forces “have been put in position to respond” if President Francois Hollande decides on military action.

He does not need French parliamentary approval to launch military action that lasts less than four months.

Moscow and Beijing have both vetoed previous Western efforts to impose UN penalties on Syria.

China has also been keen to show it is not taking sides and has urged the Syrian government to talk to the opposition and meet demands for political change.

Mr Assad, who has denied using chemical weapons, vowed his country “will defend itself against any aggression”.

Mr Obama has ruled out putting American forces on the ground in Syria or setting up a no-fly zone over the country.

He said any US response would be limited in scope and aimed solely at punishing Mr Assad for deploying deadly gases, not at regime change.

The most likely military option would be Tomahawk cruise missile strikes from four Navy destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.